Important Note:

This is a text and image only webpage that can be used to easily translate important updates for those whose first language is not English.

Weekly Newsletter - 28th June 2024

Breakfast and After School Clubs – Please make sure you hand your request forms to the office by the end of Monday July 1st.  Any late requests will be added to a waiting list and a place may not be available in September. Ask at the office if you want a form.

Play Scheme – We are running a play scheme for three weeks in the summer, the second, third and fourth weeks. Forms will be available from the office on Monday 1st and must be returned by the end of Wednesday 3rd. Apologies for the late information but we needed to ensure we had enough staff to run the scheme this year.

Important Information Session - Please contact the office if you want to attend our parent workshop on Tuesday 9th July at 3.30pm where we will share information about the website, ParentPay and School Gateway App, which will become the system we use for sending messages it is vital that you download the App for this. If you would like to bring your mobile phones to the workshop we can help you set up both the School GatewayApp and ParentPay.

Milk - We will be providing children in Years 1-6 with the opportunity to have milk in school for the Autumn term. Nursery and Reception children already receive it free of charge. For children entitled to benefit related free school meals this will be free but you must still complete a form for the Autumn term requesting this for your child, for all others it must be ordered and paid for in advance for the term. The cost for the Autumn term will be £20.25. Forms can be collected from the office from Monday 1st July. 

All forms must be completed and returned with any payment by Monday 15th July 2024 
We cannot accept late payments, as we need to order the milk in advance. Once this has been paid, we cannot provide refunds.

Worship – Our current theme is truthfulness and this week we have been looking at situations when you have to decide whether to be truthful or not and what the best decision would be. This also links closely to the British value of Liberty and having the freedom to make choices about what you say and do.  

What we are doing to make things better - We are now looking at the feedback form the parent surveys and what we can do to make things better. 

Health and Safety – We have had many questions from parents and children about a fire that happened last Sunday.  Unfortunately, there was a fire outside school in the bin area, this was a deliberate attack and we are working with the police to try to catch who set it. It is one of several incidents in the local area where youths are setting fires.

Sports Day – Unfortunately, due to health and safety reasons we have made the decision not to use the field this year for any activities. Sadly, this means we cannot reintroduce sports days where we can invite you all to watch, there is not enough space to do this in the playgrounds. The children will be joining in sports activities within their classes and year groups and we will take pictures and share them on our website/social media. Thank you for your understanding about this.

Something Mrs Wainwright has enjoyed this week was spending the day with some of Year 6 at Flamingo Land, it was a great day!

Headteachers Awards – Well done to the children who have had a great week in school.  

The teachers in school have decided these children have worked particularly hard this week and should receive a special mention and certificate, presented on a Friday afternoon in our assembly. Well done!

  • Class 1 Ruqayyah    
  • Class 2 Haadi        
  • Class 3 Aadam        
  • Class 4 Aiza          
  • Class 5 Great 
  • Class 6 Amaan           
  • Class 7 Ibby        
  • Class 8 Lucy               
  • Class 9 Emilia         
  • Class 10 Raheim 
  • Class 11 Zak          
  • Class 12 Ola        
  • Class 13 Avah        
  • Class 14 Ibrahim    
  • Class 15 Nathaniel 
  • Class 16 Fiza           
  • Class 17 Nina 

Best Classes in School - These classes worked well this week and together earned the most points for their work and behaviour.        

  • KS1 – Class 4             
  • KS2 – Class 14

Attendance Winners for last week:  

  • KS1 Class 4 – 89.3%            
  • KS2 – Class 13 – 92.9%

Whole School Attendance for last week:    

  • Nursery: 81.1%         
  • Reception to Year 6: 87.3% 

Weekly Round Up 

Reception – This week in Reception, we have enjoyed talking about how things have changed over time. We have looked at lots of photos and videos of old clothes and toys and photo's of what Armley looked like a long time ago. Miss Poole's Grandma and Grandad came to talk to us about things that have changed since they were children and shared with us photos of when they were children and brought in some old dolls and stories. They even sang us some songs from the past. In Math’s we have been sharing into equal groups using a range of different objects including, counters and loose parts. We are looking forward to moving up to our new classes next week during our transition morning on Thursday. 

Year 1 & 2 – We would like to say a huge well done to all children in Key Stage 1 for trying so hard during their end of term assessments. The children were so very keen to do well and should be very proud of the effort they displayed. These assessments, along with the work children have produced in class will form the end of year attainment judgements made by your child's teacher. These will be reported in the end of year reports to parents and carers. 

Children in classes 3 and 4 really enjoyed the visit from the Little City on Thursday, where they were able to role-play different types of jobs they might find in a city. Children were able to pretend to be a doctor, post office worker, mechanic, hairdresser and many more occupations you may find in a city. 

Year 3 & 4 – This week, we have continued reading 'Secret Agent Mummy' and have been writing character descriptions using some impressive vocabulary. In Geography, we have continued to look at America, and we have been looking at tourism there and where people fly from.  In DT, we have made our clay canopic jars. In RE, we have been looking at the inside of a Gurdwara, following our visit last week. We have also started to work on some transition tasks, as we move into our new classes soon. 

Year 5 & 6 – Highlights this week have been: In Geography, we have completed fieldwork based on watching a video on Malham. In DT, we gave been trying Greek food and evaluating taste and texture.  

Lineham Farm - Some children in Year 5 are very excited about our first residential to Lineham Farm (Class 14 and some of Class 15) 28th June until 30th June (they might be at the Lineham Farm depending on when you read this).  The second residential (Class 14 and some children from Class 15) are visiting on 5th July until 7th July.   

Year 6 Trips to Flamingo Land  - Year 6 had an amazing time at Flamingo Land – both days had great weather and the theme park was not too busy, which meant children were getting off some rides and going straight back on them!  It was also nice to visit the zoo!  The behaviour of the children was excellent. Thank-you to all families who made a voluntary contribution – it is very much appreciated.   

School Dates 2023 - 2024:

  • Friday 19th July 2024                School Closes Summer Break at 3.30pm 

School Dates 2024-2025:

  • Monday 2nd September 2024            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 25th October 2024            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 4th November 2024            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 22nd November 2024            Training Day – No Children in School
  • Friday 20th December 2024            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 6th January 2025            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 14th February 2025            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 24th February 2025            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 21st March 2025                Training Day - No Children in School
  • Friday 4th April 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 22nd April 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 2nd May 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 6th May 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 23rd May 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 2nd June 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 13th June 2025                Training Day – No Children in School
  • Friday 18th July 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm

FAO Families - School Gateway App

We are beginning to use the School Gateway app as our main form of communication.

Please can all families with a smartphone download and install the free app. It is available through the Google Play and Apple App stores - see the QR codes below:

FAO Families - ParentPay

Below is a link to some useful guides that will help you when using Parentpay:

Parentpay Help Guides