Important Note:

This is a text and image only webpage that can be used to easily translate important updates for those whose first language is not English.

Weekly Newsletter - 19th July 2024

Something Mrs Wainwright has enjoyed this week was watching the Year 6 leavers take part in their end of year activities. Their production was fantastic, the church service was very moving and their dancing was entertaining!

It is always a time of mixed emotions for Year 6, their teachers and parents. Time to say good-bye to primary school where they have flourished and time to embrace their new adventures at high school. I wish them all well and hope they become the fantastic students and young adults I know they can.

Goodbye and good luck to all the Year 6 children and their parents.

Next, a big thank you to the amazing staff I am lucky enough to work with at St Bart’s. I have been head 5 years now and if it were not for them (and the children), it would not have been the absolute pleasure it has been. It is however a challenging job and by now we are all tired and ready for a holiday and I hope all the staff enjoy some time with their families and relax.  

School times – Please remember that from September we have made slight changes to pick-up times at the end of the day.  This is due to all schools having to provide 32.5 hours in school a week from morning register to the end of the day.  


  • Reception to Year 6 – 8.30-8.50am
  • Registers will be taken at 8.50am
  • If your child is late after 8.50am, you MUST bring them to the office
  • After 9.20am, they will receive a late absent code, which will reflect on their attendance
  • Reception to Year 4 will come out at 3.20pm
  • Years 5 & 6 will come out at 3.25pm


  • Nursery children must be here at 8.30am and the doors will close at 8.40am
  • Morning session finishes at 11.30am and the afternoon one starts at 12.30pm and finishes at 3.30pm

Being in school is vital if the staff are going to help your child reach their full potential. It also has an impact on them settling in school and supports their wellbeing.

We know children can get ill and sometimes they are too ill to attend but we do expect children to only be off if they are really too unwell for school. If you think they could be in school please bring them and we can monitor them and let you know if there are any problems. Colds, aches and pains, toothache are not reasons to be off school. If you are unsure, please call and check.

We have very high expectations regarding attendance and offer lots of support. If you need help regarding attendance and your child coming to school please ask - do not just keep them at home THEY ARE MISSING OUT.
This is the data for this year – we are aiming higher next year

September 2023 to July 18th 2024

  • Nursery - 90.9%        
  • School Age - 95.1%
  • Whole School - 94.7%

Punctuality – Being late also has a significant impact on your child. They miss the start of the day, the welcome and check-in at registration, reading time and the start of lessons.  


DENTIST – If you do not have a dentist for your child the Clarendon Dental Spa are currently taking children on as NHS patients. These places will get booked up quickly but please contact them if your child does not have a dentist.

PARKING – Please be aware that from September the 9th Strawberry Lane will be a School Street, this is a programme that aims to reduce parking issues and potentially dangerous incidents outside school where parking causes significant issues. You will not be allowed to drive and park on Strawberry Lane between 8.15-9am and 3-3.45pm and could be liable for a fine. Please see our website and social media for information and the email we sent.

More information will be shared in the first week back.  

What we are doing to make things better - CELEBRATION ASSEMBLIES – From September, we will start holding live celebration assemblies on a Friday when we will invite the parents of those chosen for the headteacher’s award to attend and watch their children receive their certificate. More details to follow in September.

Parent Survey Results – Again thank you to those who returned the survey, you will receive an email with the results, our feedback and proposed actions. We try very hard to take on board your feedback and make sure we do the best we can, we continually try to improve and appreciate your views.

Scooters and Bikes – It is great that children come to school on these as it provides a great form of exercise and we have allocated scooter racks and a place for bikes outside the front office. Please remember we do not take responsibility for anything left and would suggest you lock them up. Please also remember that children should wear helmets when riding around, it could save their life! Please also dismount your bike, scooter and E-scooter before entering the school grounds.

School Gateway App - We are use the School Gateway app as our main form of communication. Please can all families with a smartphone download and install the free app. It is available through the Google Play and Apple App stores - see the QR codes.

Contacting School During the Holidays - If you need to contact the school over the holidays, you can call and leave a message at school or using mobile numbers below and someone will get back to you or you can email:

  • For general enquiries:
  • Mrs Wainwright (Headteacher): 07926128159 -
  • Miss Lawson (Family Support/DSL): 07716437588




School Dates 2023 - 2024:

  • Friday 19th July 2024                School Closes Summer Break at 3.30pm 

School Dates 2024-2025:

  • Monday 2nd September 2024            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 25th October 2024            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 4th November 2024            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 22nd November 2024            Training Day – No Children in School
  • Friday 20th December 2024            School Closes at 3.30pm

Weekly Newsletter - 12th July 2024




Well Done Year 6 – The test results this year reflect the children’s hard work. They will be shared with parents individually but I wanted to say how proud I am of the children and the staff who work tirelessly to support our children achieve their potential and flourish.  

Worship – Our current theme is truthfulness and this week we have been looking at the bible story Micaiah Tells the Truth.  We reflected on how telling the truth is not always easy but there are consequences of not telling the truth. 

Health and Safety – Please dismount your bike, scooter or E-scooter before entering the school grounds and walk with your bike and scooter.

Governors Update – Mrs Meyrick our Health and Safety governor visited Mr Aaron to look round school and make sure, everything was ok. She talked about how amazing the building was and well looked after especially as it is so big. Well done to everyone for doing their best to look after it. They did discuss somethings that need improving including a few leaks in the roof and some decorating, Mr Arron told her that we were going to sort these things out in the holiday.

After School Clubs – No clubs next week all clubs finish this week Friday 12th July.

School Gateway App - We are beginning to use the School Gateway app as our main form of communication. Please can all families with a smartphone download and install the free app. It is available through the Google Play and Apple App stores - see the QR codes.

Milk – Deadline for Milk is Monday 15th July 

We will be providing children in Years 1-6 with the opportunity to have milk in school for the Autumn term. Nursery and Reception children already receive it free of charge. For children entitled to benefit related free school meals this will be free but you must still complete a form for the Autumn term requesting this for your child, for all others it must be ordered and paid for in advance for the term. The cost for the Autumn term will be £20.25. Forms can be collected from the office. 

All forms must be completed and returned with any payment by Monday 15th July 2024.

We cannot accept late payments, as we need to order the milk in advance. Once this has been paid, we cannot provide refunds. If you would like to pay by ParentPay please call the office to add it to your account. 

Uniform – We will be having a donated uniform giveaway before school on Tuesday 16th July outside the main entrance. 

Something Mrs Wainwright has enjoyed this week was seeing the children from early years with fantastic attendance enjoy their teddy bears’ picnic. Even the weather could not put us off!

Attendance Winners for last week:  

  • KS1 Class 1 - 97%             
  • KS2 – Class 13 – 98.4%

Whole School Attendance for last week:    

  • Nursery: 91.6%         
  • Reception to Year 6: 95.1%

Weekly Round Up

Nursery -This week we have talked about superheroes. The children made their own masks and told us which superhero they would like to be and what superpowers they would have. As part of transition activities, we went to visit the library. We read our favourite stories and sang favourite songs we have learnt this year. We explored number 3 and learnt in how many ways we can represent number 3. Next week we are going to continue talking about next year and summer. We are going to discuss with children how to stay safe over the summer holidays.

Reception – This week in Reception, we have been looking back at our learning from our amazing year. We have done some amazing writing about all the fun we have had and the fantastic things we have learnt. We have enjoyed auditioning for St Barts got talent. We have been really impressed by all the amazing dancing singing and gymnastics skills! 

Year 1 & 2 –This week has been very exciting. All children really enjoyed the sporting afternoons this week where they took part in a variety of events including an obstacle course, egg and spoons race, dribble football race and a range of throwing and ball activities. Children in Year 1 have really enjoyed their computing lessons over the half term. They have been using the I Pads to become digital artists and recreate a range of famous abstract art. They used a combination of colour and shapes to match those used by famous artists. Children in Year 2 had a great day on Thursday for their seaside day. Throughout the day, they made a range of different snacks they could take on a picnic to the seaside such as healthy wraps and fruit sculptures. They really enjoyed the water play and had a visit in the afternoon form a traditional Punch and Judy show!

Year 3 & 4 –This week, Years 3 and 4 have been writing a mystery story set in Ancient Egypt. We also enjoying some competitive races during our sporting activities in classes. We have continued to look at transition work in PSHE, ahead of our new classes in September. We have also completed a survey, which helps our PSHE leaders know what is going well for us within school. In our French lesson, we have been looking at this year’s Olympics, which are taking place in Paris. 

Year 5 & 6 – Thank-you to everyone for a very enjoyable year! We wish Year 6 all the best moving to secondary school and look forward to seeing Year 5 in September!  

Homework - There will be no homework set next week.

Swimming - There will be no swimming next week.  Thank-you to all the children for their efforts throughout the academic year.

Lineham Farm - Year 5 children who visited Lineham Farm had an amazing time. We had so much fun and tried many new things. The behaviour of the children was exceptional.  

School Dates 2023 - 2024:

  • Friday 19th July 2024                School Closes Summer Break at 3.30pm 

School Dates 2024-2025:

  • Monday 2nd September 2024            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 25th October 2024            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 4th November 2024            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 22nd November 2024            Training Day – No Children in School
  • Friday 20th December 2024            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 6th January 2025            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 14th February 2025            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 24th February 2025            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 21st March 2025                Training Day - No Children in School
  • Friday 4th April 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 22nd April 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 2nd May 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 6th May 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 23rd May 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 2nd June 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 13th June 2025                Training Day – No Children in School
  • Friday 18th July 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm

Weekly Newsletter - 5th July 2024

URGENT REMINDER – Please remember that if you use our childcare facilities before, after school and in the holidays we may withdraw the provision or not offer it if you take unauthorised holidays in school time. We work hard putting on school run provisions and do not expect parents who need and use them to break the rules and take their children out of school on holiday. Holidays impact your children’s education and school are accountable for all absences especially unauthorised holidays.  

Worship – Our current theme is truthfulness and this week we have been looking at how sometimes we tell something to one person and then something different to someone else. We have been reflecting on how important it is to tell the truth to someone even if it is difficult. This links to our Big Question this half term, ‘Can you think of a time when telling the truth was hard?’  
This also links closely to the British value of Rule of Law and having to tell the truth in school and out, especially when it comes to laws and how we behave.

What we are doing to make things better - We are preparing for stage 2 of the roof replacement, which will take place over the summer holiday, this is the second of five planned so in the end we will have a much needed new roof with no leaks!

Leavers Events Year 6:  

  • The Year 6 children will be leading a leaver’s service in church on the 17th July at 10am, parents of Year 6 children are welcome to join us. There will be a leaver’s production which they would love to share with you. 
  • There are two showings, one on Tuesday 16th July at 1.30pm and one on Wednesday 17th at 6pm.  More information will follow. The leaver’s disco is on Thursday 18th 5-7pm.  Get your dancing shoes on Year 6!
  • Finally, a ‘Guard of Honour’ will take place on Friday 19th July where they get to say a final good bye to their friends and staff.  Parents are welcome to join us, cameras and tissues recommended!


If you have any good quality swim kit, swim shorts or swim costumes that your children no longer use we would like them for school.  Every week we have children who forget their kit and need a spare. Please bring them to the office.  
Thank you

Punctuality this is going to be one of our focus areas to improve in September.

It is really important for your children they arrive on time to school. When they arrive late they can miss their reading and the start of the first lesson. This means it is difficult to catch up and can be very distressing for them, walking into a class of children when they are already sat down in their lesson. It is also difficult for the staff and other children who have to stop the lesson. It is especially difficult in Nursery as a member of staff has to leave the rest of the children to collect anyone who is late.  

Remember any child who arrives after 8.50am will be marked as late in the register and if they arrive after 9.20am it will be counted as an absence for their attendance.


School Gateway App - We are beginning to use the School Gateway app as our main form of communication. Please can all families with a smartphone download and install the free app. It is available through the Google Play and Apple App stores - see the QR codes.

Payments From January 2025 we are aiming to go cashless, we will still accept card payments but our preferred form of payment is ParentPay, everyone got a letter before the May half term with your log in details. If you have misplaced them please call at the office and we can give you them, or you can come to our parent workshop on Tuesday 9th July at 3.30pm.

Milk - We will be providing children in Years 1-6 with the opportunity to have milk in school for the Autumn term. Nursery and Reception children already receive it free of charge. For children entitled to benefit related free school meals this will be free but you must still complete a form for the Autumn term requesting this for your child, for all others it must be ordered and paid for in advance for the term. The cost for the Autumn term will be £20.25. Forms can be collected from the office from Monday 1st July. 

All forms must be completed and returned with any payment by Monday 15th July 2024 

We cannot accept late payments, as we need to order the milk in advance. Once this has been paid, we cannot provide refunds.

Something Mrs Wainwright has enjoyed this week was seeing how excited the children were to be visiting their new class and teacher. It is always a time with varied emotions for the children and staff, preparing to move on and start a new journey at school, or a new school in the case of Year 6.

Headteachers Awards – Well done to the children who have had a great week in school.  
The teachers in school have decided these children have worked particularly hard this week and should receive a special mention and certificate, presented on a Friday afternoon in our assembly. Well done!

  • Class 1 Jenna         
  • Class 2 Louis        
  • Class 3 Amna          
  • Class 4 Evania           
  • Class 5 Abobaker 
  • Class 6 Chimamanda    
  • Class 7 Ronnie-Roy    
  • Class 8 Lucy                
  • Class 9 Kashish          
  • Class 10 Elliott  
  • Class 11 Angelica    
  • Class 12 Arhun         
  • Class 13 Vanessa     
  • Class 14 Dimetri        
  • Class 15 Alex 
  • Class 16 James          
  • Class 17 Shamas

Best Classes in School - These classes worked well this week and together earned the most points for their work and behaviour.        

  • KS1 – Class 2              
  • KS2 – Class 10 

Attendance Winners for last week:  

  • KS1 Class 5 - 99.6%            
  • KS2 – Class 14 – 98%

Whole School Attendance for last week:    

  • Nursery: 94.7%         
  • Reception to Year 6: 94.9%

Weekly Round Up

Nursery -This week we have read 'Supertato' stories and explored the vegetables. We have found few vegetables trapped in various places around the Nursery and the children had great fun guessing who was behind this: 'Spiderman', 'Gingerbread man', 'Goldilocks', 'Evil Pea'. The children did observational paintings of the vegetables and used them as printing tools. The children cut the vegetables and placed them in water so they could make their own 'vegetable soup'. In Maths, we have looked at number two and discussed in how many ways we can show it. During phonics this term, we introduced wordless books to our older children. The children really enjoy describing illustrations, most children are able to find a title and a blurb and can say what happened at the beginning and at the end of the story. 

Reception – This week in Reception, we have enjoyed talking about all the amazing things we have done this year in Reception. We have enjoyed looking at photographs of the exciting things we have done and have tried really hard to write sentences about what we can remember. In Maths, we have been applying our Maths skills independently. Finding different ways to make ten using the tens frame and counters and finding number doubles using mirrors. We are so proud of how well the children managed the transition morning on Thursday. We had lots of fun in our new classes. 

Year 1 & 2 – This week the children in Year 1 have been continuing exploring people who are 'History Makers'. The children have studied the lives and achievements of these different females:  Elizabeth 1st, Elizabeth 2nd, Amelia Earhart, Mae Jemison, Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg. Children have thought about who is the greatest history maker, giving reasons for their ideas. In Year 2 this week, the children have been exploring non-fiction texts in English. They have read the book 'Seaside Towns' and identified how the author has used headings, subheadings, captions, labels, diagrams and text boxes. Children have also looked at how they use question marks and have written their own questions to be answered from finding information in the book.

Year 3 & 4 – This week, Years 3 and 4 have enjoyed painting their canopic jars in DT, following on from us designing and making them in previous lessons. We have also been practising writing skills and planning our stories, ahead of writing our mystery stories next week. We also enjoyed having a French inspired breakfast and taking part in a virtual 'trip' to Vancouver, so see what life is like there. In Geography, we have been looking at weather conditions in Florida, and how they differ to conditions, we see often in the UK. We also enjoyed our transition morning, where we got to meet our new teachers for the morning. 

Year 5 & 6 – Swimming – children will be having their last swimming lessons of the academic year next week. There will be no swimming in the last week of term (week beginning 15th July). Thank-you to all the children for their efforts in the pool – children have been amazing and made great progress. 

Lineham Farm - Children in Year 5 (Class 14 and some from Class 15) had an amazing time last weekend at Lineham Farm (see the school website for a report on the weekend). We are very excited about our second residential (Class 13 and some children from Class 15) on 5th July until 7th July.   

Final two weeks for Year 6 - We are nearly at the end of an era for Year 6 and the majority of children have had visits to their secondary schools. There will be plenty of things happening for Year 6 in the last two weeks and a letter will be distributed next week with further details.

School Dates 2023 - 2024:

  • Friday 19th July 2024                School Closes Summer Break at 3.30pm 

School Dates 2024-2025:

  • Monday 2nd September 2024            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 25th October 2024            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 4th November 2024            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 22nd November 2024            Training Day – No Children in School
  • Friday 20th December 2024            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 6th January 2025            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 14th February 2025            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 24th February 2025            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 21st March 2025                Training Day - No Children in School
  • Friday 4th April 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 22nd April 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 2nd May 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 6th May 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 23rd May 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 2nd June 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 13th June 2025                Training Day – No Children in School
  • Friday 18th July 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm