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This is a text and image only webpage that can be used to easily translate important updates for those whose first language is not English.
Weekly Newsletter - 21st March 2025.
“Excellent attendance is vital for children to flourish and achieve”
Something Mrs Wainwright has enjoyed this week is seeing the children taking part in Bikeabilty. They have been very excited and keen to show their skills. Riding a bike safely is very important.
The school is very proud of its diverse community and how well everyone works together, something OFSTED recently was very positive about. We ask that you take a few minutes to use the link below to complete a quick survey.
Worship – Our current theme is forgiveness and this week we thought about the bible story of the Prodigal Son and how this relates to all our lives. We should always try to forgive those we love. We have also discussed our attribute, ‘Optimism’ and how we should try to focus on the good in all situations, something our children are very good at doing.
What we are doing to make things better - We have had new coat hooks fitted for year 5 & 6 in their spare classroom, these replace the old stands, which were difficult to use, and had started to fall apart. Look after them children!
- Easter Raffle - The raffle tickets go on sale next week, ask a member of the SLT at the door or send the money to class. The tickets are 10p each.
- Missing Clothes – Please label your children’s coats, jumpers and cardigans or ask us to. The weather has being its usual unpredictable self. The mornings are freezing but by lunchtime it is sunny and often very warm in school and children take off their outer clothes. We try our best to ask them not to just leave them around but children sometimes do. It is very difficult to return the clothes when they do not have names in. Thank you!
Good-bye for Now – We are saying good-bye to Mrs Hartnett who has left to have her baby. We wish her and her family all the best and look forward to meeting their new addition. She will be replaced by Miss Fitzmaurice who has worked in school before and met the class last week. We would like to welcome her and I know she will love working with our fantastic children.
EID – We ask that you let us know which day your children will be off school celebrating Eid, this means we will be able to authorise the day and will not be calling you to check where the children are. We would like to say well done to the children who are fasting as part of Ramadan in school. They have been very sensible and we have been pleased to be able to support them in this important part of their religion.
Holiday Scheme – School will be running a holiday scheme in the second week of the Easter Holidays 14th – 17th April. Only children who are entitled to free school meals are eligible for the holiday scheme. They must also be registered on the Leeds City Council website. If you are interested in your child attending, please speak to Miss Lawson.
Milk - We will be providing children in Years 1-6 with the opportunity to have milk in school for the summer term. Nursery and Reception children already receive it free of charge. For children entitled to benefit related free school meals this will be free but you must still complete a form for the summer term requesting this for your child, for all others it must be ordered and paid for in advance for the term.
The cost for the summer term will be £18.00. Forms can be collected from the office from Monday 17th March. All forms must be completed and returned to the office by Monday 31st March. Payments can be made on ParentPay or card at the office as we no longer accept cash in school. If you would like to pay on ParentPay, please call or message the office to let us know then we can add it to your account. We cannot accept late payments, as we need to order the milk in advance. Once this has been paid, we cannot provide refunds.
Spring Awakening Theme Menu - We will be serving a theme menu on Wednesday 2nd April, if your child normally has packed lunch and would like a dinner on this day, please order and pay on ParentPay or by card at the office if paying for other items as we no longer accept payments less than £5, payment must be made by Friday 28th March, and inform us of any allergies. The cost is £2.10 for Nursery & £2.20 for Year 3 – Year 6. You can see the Menu on our website and in the notice boards.
Attendance - Updates – Most children come to school when they are well enough and we thank you for that however we have a number of concerns that we need to address:
- Unacceptable Patterns - If we notice patterns in your children’s absences, for example Fridays or Mondays we will start asking for proof of illness before we authorise their absence. We do not take this decision lightly but we have children whose attendance on certain days is significantly lower than the rest of the week.
- Siblings – If there are families where all the siblings are always off on the same days we will also start asking for proof. We know that siblings’ can be ill together but it is very unusual for them to always be ill at the same time.
- Medical Conditions – If your child is regularly off for the same reason and you report they have medical issues or a medical condition we will ask for proof of this as we would expect involvement from medical professionals if they are that ill their attendance at school is regularly impacted.
Children can only learn and make progress if they are in school as much as possible and on time. Every time they are late or off they miss vital learning and this means catching up which is never easy. We truly want the best for our children, obviously we do not expect them in when really too unwell but we do need to ensure all absences are for the right reasons which most are but we do have to address the issues above.
Thank you for your continued support with this.
Last week’s attendance
- Nursery: 92.2%
- Reception: 92.6%
- Year 1 to Year 6: 95.5%
Well done to the best classes:
- KS1 – Class 4
- KS2 – Class 16
School Dates 2024-2025:
- Friday 4th April 2025 School Closes at 3.30pm
- Tuesday 22nd April 2025 School Opens at 8.30am
- Monday 5th May 2025 School Closed May Bank Holiday
- Friday 23rd May 2025 School Closes at 3.30pm
- Monday 2nd June 2025 School Opens at 8.30am
- Friday 13th June 2025 Training Day – No Children in School
- Friday 18th July 2025 School Closes at 3.30pm