Important Note:

This is a text and image only webpage that can be used to easily translate important updates for those whose first language is not English.

Weekly Newsletter - 14th February 2025.

“Excellent attendance is vital for children to flourish and achieve”

We hope you all have a lovely half term and we will see you all back on Monday 24th February.

Let us make the rest of the year the highest attendance we have ever had. If children are not here every day on time, they miss vital lessons and learning

Something Mrs Wainwright has enjoyed this week was watching how confident some of the children have become in class 13 at swimming; some children who were in the little pool are now swimming in the big pool, well done.

Worship – Our current theme is courage and this week we have been reflecting on words we can use to encourage people to overcome their fears and be brave. We also reflected on our Big Question, ‘Have you ever overcome your fears and felt proud?’ Lots of children and staff could talk about when they have overcome their fears.
We also talked about the British Values of respect and how helping people overcome their fears is a way of being kind and respectful.

What we are doing to make things better - Over half term we are having some repairs to the outside gym equipment, the parts have finally arrived!  This is great news for the spring as the weather hopefully improves.

Governors Update – The Resource Committee met to review the school budget to make sure we are doing our best with the funds we have. They also talked about the building and what needs to be done to keep us all as safe as possible and make the learning environment as good as it can be. It is a big old building and an endless job.


  • Coats, Jumpers and Cardigans – Please label these with your child’s name. If the weather does start to improve (fingers crossed), children sometimes take these off outside or around school. They can be easily lost and it is virtually impossible to find who they belong to without names. If you want us to do this just let us know.
  • Fasting – As we approach Ramadan, we know some of our older children make the decision to try to fast in school. If your child is going to do this, you must see Mrs Wainwright, Mr Needham or Mr Waters to discuss this and complete a form to make sure we keep your children safe. Thank you.
  • Parents Consultations – These will take place on Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th of March, again we will be offering face-to-face or phone options.  A letter will come out in the first week after half term.

Free School Meals – Eating a school meal is the most nutritious option for pupils while they are at school. Free school meals can save families up to £490 per year. If you think you are entitled to free school meals please use the following link to apply:

Living Streets - Living Streets, in conjunction with West Yorkshire Combined Authority, are running an audit of the streets around St Bartholomew's Primary, and would like to hear the views of people from the local community. Our aim is to collate local opinions, which will then feed into a report to the council. We would be grateful if you follow the link and share your views.

World Book Day Theme Menu - We will be serving a theme menu on Friday 7th March, if your child normally has packed lunch and would like a dinner on this day, please order and pay by ParentPay or by card at the office if paying for other items as we no longer accept payments less than £5, payment must be made by Friday 28th February, and inform us of any allergies. The cost is £2.10 for Nursery & £2.20 for Year 3 – Year 6. You can see the Menu on our website and in the notice boards.

Attendance - Make sure your child comes to school every day and on time. 8.30am for Nursery, 12.30pm in the afternoon and by 8.50am for the rest of school. Thank you
Last week’s attendance

  • Nursery: 87.5%            
  • Reception: 93.4%             
  • Year 1 to Year 6: 95%

Attendance Winners for last week:  

  • KS1 Class 5 – 94.7%         
  • KS2 – Class 99.3%

Well done to the best classes:

  • KS1 – Class 5    
  • KS2 – Class 12

Headteachers Awards – Well done to the children who have had a great week in school.  

  • Class 1 Zahra         
  • Class 1 Ayat         
  • Class 2 Musa         
  • Class 2 Lily 
  • Class 3 Jasper          
  • Class 3 Haleema     
  • Class 4 Adam         
  • Class 4 Aiza       
  • Class 5 Ryszard          
  • Class 5 Ella - Grace    
  • Class 6 Isaac         
  • Class 6 Emerald  

Celebration Assembly’s Next Half Term - If your child has been picked you will receive an text on the Monday inviting you to attend on the Friday. If they are in class 12 who swim on a Friday, please let us know if you are attending and would like them to stay at school to receive the Headteacher award in Celebration:

  • Friday 28th February – KS2
  • Friday 7th March – No Celebration
  • Friday 14th March – KS1
  • Friday 21st March – No Celebration
  • Friday 28th March – KS2
  • Friday 4th April –KS1

Weekly Round Up

Nursery – This week we continued to learn about day and night routines. In Maths, we focussed on 2D shapes and how to describe them. In phonics, we practised rhyme. The children loved thinking about their funny rhyming names. Our doctor's surgery is still very busy! We have looked at various x-rays this week and sang 'Miss Polly had a dolly' song. We have been very creative this week and we made lots of night sky pictures looking at famous 'Starry Night' painting by Van Gogh. 

Reception – After spending lots of time learning about London, this week we have been comparing our country to other countries around the world. We have listened to the story Coming to England and have talked about how it might have felt for Floella Benjamin arriving in London after travelling from Trinidad. We have looked at photos of different places around the world. We have really enjoyed drawing club this week. We have read the story 'The way back home' and have enjoyed drawing aliens, rockets and space ships. We have used a story map to learn part of the story and the children have been keen to create their own books.

Year 1 & 2 - In Art this week children have finished their clay sculptures of polar animals. They researched the sculptor Francois Pompon and looked at different techniques when working with clay. As part of their topic on polar regions they have created their own polar animal out of clay and have enjoyed adding paint to create effective artwork. In Art, the Year 2 children have studied the artist Jesse Treec and have focused on collage skills. They have thought about creating a background and a foreground by layering different materials on top of each other. The children have used their knowledge of The Great Fire of London to create effective collages of the fire and the buildings.

Year 3 & 4 - This week, years 3 and 4 enjoyed completing an online quiz about the Romans, which we have been studying this half term. We also enjoyed writing our own poems, where we included the skills we looked at last week: onomatopoeia, repetition, similes and metaphors. In science, we continued looking at light, and investigated how shadows are formed and what factors make them look different. 

Last week, Mr Waters also went on some times table training, specifically aimed at Year 4. We want to improve our scores over this year in the Year 4 test/check that happens in June. The suggestion was that children should be prompted to use Times Table Rockstars at home more. They suggest short but regular works best, so please try let your child go on the app for at least 5-10 minutes per day, this could be after breakfast, in the car on the way to school etc. We are also going to start giving out certificates for when children have 'Gone Green'. This means that they know all of their times tables and can answer them in less that 4 seconds.  

Class 11 Theatre Trip - Unfortunately, the theatre contacted us and the showing of Coraline is no longer going ahead. However, they have tickets to see Horrible Histories - The Tudors, which is even better as that is our History topic for the half term! The new showing will be through the school day on the 15th May. More details will be sent nearer the time. See Mr Waters if you have any questions. 

Year 5 & 6 – Lessons - In English, we have been writing poetry about journeys special to us. In Science, we have been completing experiments to see how voltage affects sound and light. In DT, we have been printing and fitting our morning workbook covers. In RE, we have been looking at promises.

Homework - Children are expected to read their reading book at home every night.  We also encourage children to use Reading Plus at home.  Each week, children will be set homework the following on Emile:  grammar, punctuation, spelling and Math’s. Homework is set on a Monday and needs to be completed by the following Monday. There is a homework club every Monday and Thursday lunchtimes for any children wishing to complete their homework in school.

Children also have the opportunity to complete a variety of tasks set for the Spring Term – children have received a paper copy.  The Spring Tasks can also be accessed using the link below:

Year 6 SATs briefing - Thank-you to all the families that attended the SATs information session.  The Quick Guide for SATs can be accessed using the link below:

Year 6 SATs Week - Year 6 SATs week will begin on Monday 12th May 2025.  It is vital that all children in Year 6 attend school that week.  The test timetable will be as follows:

  • Monday 12th May:        Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
  • Tuesday 13th May:          Reading 
  • Wednesday 14th May:        Arithmetic & Reasoning 
  • Thursday 15th May:        Reasoning

School Dates 2024-2025:

  • Friday 14th February 2025            School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 24th February 2025            School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 21st March 2025                Training Day - No Children in School
  • Friday 4th April 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 22nd April 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Monday 5th May 2025                School Closed May Bank Holiday 
  • Friday 23rd May 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm
  • Monday 2nd June 2025                School Opens at 8.30am
  • Friday 13th June 2025                Training Day – No Children in School
  • Friday 18th July 2025                School Closes at 3.30pm

Important Information - eVisa's

The Home Office and the UK border and immigration system is becoming digital in 2025.

People who do not have British or Irish nationality may need to apply for an eVisa and should check now.

For more information please visit the website below: