Our aims are:

  • To provide a safe, secure, happy and stimulating environment.

  • To ensure a high quality education for all our children.
  • To support the children’s personal and cultural development and prepare them for life.

To achieve these aims the head teacher, staff and governors have agreed the following:

  • To promote a sense of belonging to our school and the local community
  • To make the children feel accepted and valued; to meet the children’s individual needs and to promote confidence, initiative and self-esteem.
  • To help children towards a tolerant understanding of their own and other cultures.
  • To foster an enjoyment of books.
  • To plan, deliver and monitor the learning and teaching of the curriculum.
  • To help children to think logically and creatively, to develop lively enquiring minds through active learning situations.
  • To promote all aspects of health and safety.
  • To encourage the children to acquire a set of moral and spiritual values and develop self-discipline and acceptable behaviour.
  • To introduce the children to new technologies which will become an increasing part of their lives.

Elements of British values (such as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for one another) form an integral part of our school aims.

St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary School is a church school which bases its ethos and rules on Christian values.

There is now an explicit expectation from the government and Ofsted that schools; ‘actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’ (School Inspection Handbook September 2014).

At St Bartholomew’s, these elements form an integral part of our aims, ethos and values and are systematically developed in many ways through our school’s curriculum, organisation and routines.

Our Christian Vision

"We are learning today to be successful tomorrow."

Believe Achieve Respect Together Succeed

B - We believe we will flourish in God's family.

A - We know that everyone in St Bart's can achieve.

R - We respect everyone in our family.

T - Together we support and help each other.

S - As part of God's family we support everybody to succeed.

Vision Documents