‘Children must hold maths in their hands before they hold it in their head’.
At St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary, we follow the National Curriculum, in ensuring all pupils become:
- Fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
- Able to reason mathematically
- Able to solve problems by applying their mathematical knowledge
We offer to support and challenge children appropriately, so that they fulfil all curriculum requirements by the time that they have finished their primary education. We understand the value of early mathematics’ understanding and ensure our children are equipped with the basics in maths and a deep understanding of core facts to develop automatic recall of key mathematics components.
We want all children to be prepared for the next step in their academic journey, as well as instilling a love of mathematics within all pupils. We recognise that positive attitudes towards mathematics goes hand in hand with success in the subject.
We aim to equip children with all of the essential life skills by the time they leave us, including telling the time, paying for items with money, designing and measuring objects and many more. We ensure that the love of maths that we foster within children equips them for a range of jobs they may want to one day start, all of which would require some level of mathematics to be successful in. We understand the complexities of mathematics in secondary school and try to equip our pupils appropriately for this next stage in their education.
We ensure that our diverse mix of children are submerged into a vocabulary rich curriculum and that all mathematical terms and words are understood and applied.
Finally, we want children to love maths and to look forward to their lessons and see the wider world benefit of the subject.
Curriculum - Maths - Key Documents
Curriculum - Maths - Pupil & Staff Quotes
‘I enjoy singing number songs with the children. Such a fun way to learning all about numbers’ – EYFS Staff
‘My favourite thing about teaching Maths is seeing a child experience their own lightbulb moment’ – St Bart's Staff
‘I love using the White Rose Scheme. It provides a range of ideas, support and inspiration to apply in every lesson’ – St Bart's Staff
‘Using manipulatives makes our Maths lessons fun, engaging and accessible for all abilities’ – St Bart's Staff
‘My class love learning Maths. We particularly love singing counting songs, it’s a great way to learn our timetables’ – KS1 Staff
‘I love learning all about numbers’ – KS1 Pupil
‘Our Maths at St Barts is fun!’ – KS2 Pupil
‘I enjoy Maths because I like learning about useful things like time. I can then use that everyday’ – KS2 Pupil
‘I love Maths because I get to learn something new everyday!’ – KS2 Pupil
‘Knowing my timetables and some division facts allows me to work out other mathematical questions’ – KS2 Pupil
‘Once I have finished my Maths work, I love to get a Math Challenge and test my own thinking’ – KS2 Pupil
Curriculum - Maths - Useful Links
White Rose Maths - Maths with Michael
Curriculum - Maths - Division and Base 10
Class 9 have been working hard to represent division using base 10. We worked hard on exchanging to make sure our groups are equal. We then moved onto representing this as a picture by drawing onto post it notes.
Curriculum - Maths - Equal Groups
Today children in class 5 investigated making equal groups in maths. They were given counters and had to see how many different equal groups they could make. They understood that there needed to be the same amount of counters in each group to make it equal.
Curriculum - Maths - Addition & Number Sentences
Class 4 have been practising adding by counting on using first, then and now stories. We worked in partners to practise this using counters and then wrote number sentences to show what we had done.
Curriculum - Maths - Common Denominators
Children in class 14 enjoyed the challenge of finding common denominators in order to complete subtraction sums involving fractions. There was plenty of resilience shown!
Curriculum - Maths - Maths City Trip
This week, some of year 6 got the opportunity to visit Maths city in Leeds City Centre. The children thoroughly enjoyed solving lots of different STEM puzzles and activities.
Curriculum - Maths - Simplifying Fractions
Class 16 have spent time recapping over simplifying fractions and also working out equivalent fractions.
Curriculum - Maths - 3D Shapes
This week we have looked at 3D shapes, some children went on a shape hunt around the school to find different objects and identify the name of the 3D shapes.
Curriculum - Maths - Subtracting 2 Digit Numbers
Today we subtracted to 2 digit numbers. We used our practical resources to work out what to do when the top digit was smaller than the bottom digit. We practised exchanging tens and hundreds.
Curriculum - Maths - 2d Shapes
Class 6 have been working hard making and labelling the features of 2D shapes. Using straws for the sides and playdough for the vertices pupils were proud of their complicated shapes. We then discussed the shapes using our oracy skills, building on other pupils ideas and adding more descriptive features.
Curriculum - Maths - 10s to 100
Today we added 10s across 100. We had to make our number and add in the extra 10s. If there were more than 10 tens we had to exchange them for an extra hundred. We had to explain each step we had taken to the class.
Curriculum - Maths - Crossing the Tens Boundary
Today we did practical maths. We were looking at adding ones crossing the tens boundary. We made our original number and then counted out the ones to be added. If there were more than 10 ones, we exchanged them for another 10. We found this quite tricky today but we will keep practising.
Curriculum - Maths - Ordering Numbers
This week in Maths, class 3 have been ordering numbers.
Curriculum - Maths - Addition and Place Value
Class 11 have started looking at addition. We used the place value counters to help us work out addition questions using column method.
Curriculum - Maths - Number Formation
Children in class 5 have been practicing their number formation in maths. They represented the numbers using tens and ones and then worked hard to write the correct spellings of each number.
Curriculum - Maths - Place Value (2 Digit Numbers)
This week we are looking at place value. Today we used the base ten to create 2 digit numbers. We then discussed whole part models and how we can separate the tens and ones.
Curriculum - Maths - Place Value & Base 10
In class 8 we have been looking at place value. Today we worked together to make 3 digit numbers using different combinations of base 10.
Curriculum - Maths - Statistics
Class 7 learnt about statistics in maths. They practically created a block graph and a pictogram before creating their own in their books.
Curriculum - Maths - Shape (3D Shapes)
In class 9 we have been looking at shape. Today we made 3D shapes using nets. We also matched pictures of nets to the 3D shape.
Curriculum - Maths - Partitioning
In class 6, we are recapping our learning about partitioning in maths.
Curriculum - Maths - Telling the Time
In class 6, we have been learning to tell the time in Maths. We have started with o'clock and half past and will be moving onto quarter to and quarter past next.
Curriculum - Maths - Exploring Numbers Beyond 10
We used the numicon to explore numbers beyond 10. We found teen numbers using a ten an the correct amount of ones.
Curriculum - Maths - Fractions
In maths, we have been continuing our work about fractions in class 6. Some of us practiced finding half of an amount using concrete objects.
Curriculum - Maths - Teen Numbers
Here are class 1 making teen numbers!
Curriculum - Maths - Measure
We have been learning about measure in Maths this week. Today, we estimated and measured how many cubes different objects weigh.
Curriculum - Maths - Numbers up to 50
We have been learning our numbers up to 50 in class 3. Some of the boys completed this week’s tuff tray activity. We are all very impressed with them!
Curriculum - Maths - Exploring 3D Shapes
Reception exploring 3D Shapes.
Curriculum - Maths - Perimeter
This week in class 12 we have been looking at perimeter. Today we have been working together to find the perimeter of shapes.
Curriculum - Maths - Number Day
Class 7 had an amazing number day, they enjoyed all the activities, the visitors and learnt lots through games.
Curriculum - Maths - Tens & Ones
Class 4 have been learning about tens and ones. We have been finding out how many tens and ones are in numbers to 50.
Curriculum - Maths - Parent Session
We had a really successful maths session with parents on Friday 2nd February.
Many parents attended so we could explain how maths is taught in school and what parents could do at home to support children. We handed out guides for parents to take home. Some of our year 6 children also demonstrated the methods we use in school to teach maths.
Thank you to everyone who attended.
Curriculum - Maths - Division
In class 6, we have moved onto division in Maths. We have practically explored this concept by using concrete objects to help our understanding.
Curriculum - Maths - Various Activities
Class 6 have enjoyed completing a range of different maths activities!
Curriculum - Maths - Captain Morgan Workshop
Class 13 have loved the workshop with Captain Morgan this morning. They worked in teams cracking the multi-stage mathematical problems.
Curriculum - Maths - Bee Bots
Class 15 enjoyed using their maths skills to program the Bee Bots, whilst practising their knowledge of co-ordinates.
Curriculum - Oracy - Maths Investigation
Today we used our oracy skills to actively listen and respond to our partners, when solving a maths investigation about time.
Curriculum - Maths - Multiplication (Arrays)
This week we have looked at multiplication. Today we discussed arrays and created our own arrays for different number sentences.
Curriculum - Maths - Multiplication Calculations
In maths, class 6 have been using arrays to help them solve multiplication calculations.
Curriculum - Maths - Doubling Numbers
This week we have been using counters to help us to double numbers. We are getting very good at it!
Curriculum - Maths - Numbers 1 to 5
In maths we have been looking at numbers to 5; counting, comparing and making them. This week we have been focusing on their numerals and matching them to the correct amount. We have loved doing this with Numberblocks!
Curriculum - Maths - Subitising
The children in Reception have been practicing their subitising skills and recognising amounts without counting. We used Dot Cards to subitise the amounts and then use counters to copy the patterns.
Curriculum - Maths - Maths Rucksacks
The Maths Home Learning Rucksacks have been refreshed and updated, just in time for maths week and number day! A child from each class will get to take the rucksack home each weekend and enjoy a range of fun maths activities at home! Such as, stories, games and jigsaws. If you take the rucksack home, please send us some pictures by emailing mathsrucksacks@stbartsleeds.org.uk
Curriculum - Maths - 2 Digit Numbers & Decimals
In class 9 we have been dividing 2 digit numbers with remainders. We worked together and used match sticks and number lines to support to help us.
Curriculum - Maths - Numbers 1 to 20
We have been learning to add with numbers from 1-20. We used the counters to help us!
Curriculum - Maths - Multiplication & Division
In maths, class 6 have started to learn about multiplication and division. We have begun our topic by exploring equal groups.
Curriculum - Maths - Money
In maths, class 6 have been learning all about money. We have identified different coins and notes, ordered coins by value and added amounts together.
Curriculum - Maths - Apparatus & The Pictoral Method
Class 7 have been working really hard in maths learning how to add and subtract, first using concreate apparatus, then pictorial method. After working hard to perfect these, pupils then showed their working out in their books. Some pupils found the exchanging difficult to begin with but the more they practiced the better they got. Super work class 7!
Curriculum - Maths - 2D and 3D Shapes
We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes in maths. The children enjoyed making their own 3D shapes using playdough.