Here at St Bart's we are proud of science in our school - we hold a national award PSQM (Primary Science Quality Mark) at GILT level. This means that science is embedded in everything we do. 

Throughout school we ensure hands on learning through the five enquiry types where scientific skills are developed and built on from Nursery all the way to Year 6. We aim to take learning outdoors as much as possible.

Children learn about different science roles available in the world around them and how it fits in to their everyday lives. We love having visitors in to talk about their jobs in science and encourage all of the children to see themselves as mini scientists. 

In our science club the children are in charge of developing and maintaining our brand-new wildlife site. We can't wait to see what they do with it!

Curriculum - Science - Key Documents

Curriculum - Science - Useful Links


PSTT (Primary Science Teaching Trust)

Curriculum - Science - Reflections

In science this week, we investigated reflections. Children used mirrors to describe how objects reflect, and how we see our own reflections.


Curriculum - Science - Shadow Sizes

Today we carried out our investigations into shadow size. We found that shadows got bigger when the object was closer to light source because it is blocking more of the light. We recorded our results and made our conclusions. 


Curriculum - Science - Opaque, Translucent and Transparent Objects

We learned about opaque, translucent and transparent objects and then conducted an experiment to see which material would make the best curtains. We explained our findings. We also discussed things that could have made our investigation better. 


Curriculum - Science - Light & Data Loggers

Our topic this half term is light. This week we have been investigating which material would be best to use as a reflective strip on a book bag. We used data loggers to and torches to test which material is most reflective. We then used our data to help us to design a book bag. 


Curriculum - Science - Seasonal Changes

Class 4 enjoyed going outside to look for signs of the seasonal changes that take place in winter. We measured the temperature and rainfall and used our flags to think about how windy it is in winter. We also looked at the trees and talked about what had happened to the leaves on them. 


Curriculum - Science - Soil Samples

Today we investigated soil samples. We made observations about colour, sediment size and permeability. We used keys to identify which sample we thought was which. We also researched what soil is made from. 


Curriculum - Science - Sorting Materials

Class 4 have enjoyed learning about materials in our Science lesson. We thought about the properties of different materials and then sorted different objects according to these properties.


Curriculum - Science - Rocks

Today we investigated qualities of different rocks in order to find the best rock to make our new school statue out of. We tested for permeability, strength and which looked the most pleasing. In our groups we decided which rock we thought would be the best and we presented our ideas to the rest of the class with our reasons from our results. 


Curriculum - Science - Properties of Different Materials

In science we are looking at the properties of different materials. This children had to think about the words ‘stretch, bend, squash and twist’ and discuss if certain objects could complete those movements. 


Curriculum - Science - Classification of Living Things

Class 14 have started their new science topic of classification of living things. Today they used their Oracy skills to decide as a group how to classify animals into 2 groups then 2 subgroups. 


Curriculum - Science - Manipulating Materials

Class 6 have been manipulating materials. They completed an experiment to discover what could be stretched, squashed, bent and twisted. They discovered that some materials such as plastic could be bent in the case of a whiteboard, but not bent in the case of a pen. 


Curriculum - Science - The Five Senses

Class 4 have been learning about the five senses and the parts of our bodies we use for each one. Today we have tested our sense of taste and have tasted different foods, including marmite and honey. We talked about how each food tasted and then made a bar chart to show which one our class liked the best.


Curriculum - Science - The Digestive System Experiment

We had great fun taking part in an experiment that helped us understand how the digestive system works.


Curriculum - Science - Concept Maps

Year 3 had a great time creating concept maps for their science work on plants. We got to use our whiteboard pens on the tables to create a map of all of our knowledge. Luckily, it came off easily!


Curriculum - Science - Five Senses

Year 1 have been learning about the five senses in Science. We learnt about our sense of sight and then went on a colour hunt around the playground, finding colours that matched our colour swatches.


Curriculum - Science - The Digestive System

This week, we made our own models of the digestive system. We used a banana and cracker for the food, a tray for the body, a plastic bag for the stomach, orange juice for the stomach acid, water for saliva, tights for the small intestine and a cup for the large intestine. We mixed the food, water and orange juice together and fed it through the tights, into the cup and through the cups to demonstrate how the digestive system works.


Curriculum - Science - Seed Dispersal

Today we investigated seed dispersal. We looked at different seeds and read a story about how seeds move. We worked in groups to categorise the different seeds by their dispersal method. 


Curriculum - Science - Bouncy Balls

Class 6 created an experiment to discover how bouncy balls were. They worked together to drop the balls from a certain height, measuring its bounce against a metre stick. They then recorded their results and ranked the balls from bounciest to least bounciest. They also worked very well in their teams. 


Curriculum - Science - The Circulatory System

Class 12 have continued their work looking at the circulatory system.  They finished off their models and presented what they have learnt to the class. Here are the videos of their presentation.  They have all worked very hard and have a good understanding of how blood moves around our body.


Curriculum - Science - Light & Materials

Class 6 had to discover which material would let the least light through. They made a prediction that felt would let the least light through. They decided how to test their 5 materials then worked in groups to discover which let the most and least light through. They discovered that cardboard let the least light through and we’re all very surprised. 


Curriculum - Science - Body Parts

Year 1 have been learning about body parts this half term. We drew around each other and labelled the body parts that we know. Some of us then made pasta people in our provision areas and labelled them too.


Curriculum - Science - Pollination

Today we learnt about pollination. We became the bees and we visited the different flowers to collect the nectar. When we visited, the ‘pollen’ stuck to us and was transferred to the other flowers. We discussed how this led to fertilisation and seed production. We retold the pollination story in our books using pictures and prompts. 


Curriculum - Science at Home - Moon Observations

Harvey made detailed observations of the position, phase and visibility of the moon over a week. He then presented his findings to the class. Well done Harvey!


Curriculum - Science - The Circulatory System Models

In science this week class 14 have started to make their own models to represent the circulatory system. The straws represent the wind pipe and the bags the lungs. The red and blue card represent the oxygenated and deoxygenated parts of the heart. Next week the children will finish the model and present their ideas to the class. Class 16 used their oracy skills to present to the rest of the class. They explained in detail using technical language, how the circulatory system works, and then they gave feedback to each group.


Curriculum - Science - The Circulatory System Diagram

This week, class 16 have been making their own versions of the circulatory system. They had to follow instructions working in teams to make the diagram.


Curriculum - Science - Dissecting Hearts

In science this week, years 5 and 6 have been dissecting a sheep’s heart. We then looked at the difference arteries, ventricles and chambers.


Curriculum - Science - Minibeasts

Well done Akila on finding some minibeasts at home.


Curriculum - Science - Switches

Today we investigated switches. We looked at different switches and how they might be used in the real world. We then used our knowledge of conductors and insulators to construct our own working switches. 


Curriculum - Science - Food Tasting

Class 16 have been trying Greek food today, each table had a plate of; grapes, cucumber lemons, olives, pomegranate, tomatoes and olive oil. Some were more popular than others!


Curriculum - Science - Keeping Healthy

In class 6, we have been learning about how to keep healthy in science. This week we explored the importance of exercise and the affect it has on our body. We completed an exercise video, before creating our own exercise routines for the class to join in with.


Curriculum - Science - A Healthy Lifestyle

In science we have been looking at what makes a healthy lifestyle. Today we discussed the importance of exercise. We discussed how we must exercise everyday. In pairs the children designed a fitness video. We thought carefully about the physical strand from the oracy framework and made sure we had a loud and clear voice. We hope you enjoy it and it gets you moving for the day. 


Curriculum - Science - Circuits

Year 3 and year 4 worked out if a bulb would light up by building circuits to match pictures. They drew circuit diagrams of each one using scientific symbols and explained why the bulb would or would not light. 


Curriculum - Science - Butterfly Release

Well done class 17 for raising our wonderful butterflies. We watched them grow and cocoon into wonderful creatures and released them today into the big wide world.


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