Here at St Bart's we are proud of science in our school - we hold a national award PSQM (Primary Science Quality Mark) at GILT level. This means that science is embedded in everything we do. 

Throughout school we ensure hands on learning through the five enquiry types where scientific skills are developed and built on from Nursery all the way to Year 6. We aim to take learning outdoors as much as possible.

Children learn about different science roles available in the world around them and how it fits in to their everyday lives. We love having visitors in to talk about their jobs in science and encourage all of the children to see themselves as mini scientists. 

In our science club the children are in charge of developing and maintaining our brand-new wildlife site. We can't wait to see what they do with it!

Curriculum - Science - Key Documents

Curriculum - Science - Useful Links


PSTT (Primary Science Teaching Trust)

Curriculum - Science - Minibeasts

Well done Akila on finding some minibeasts at home.


Curriculum - Science - Switches

Today we investigated switches. We looked at different switches and how they might be used in the real world. We then used our knowledge of conductors and insulators to construct our own working switches. 


Curriculum - Science - Food Tasting

Class 16 have been trying Greek food today, each table had a plate of; grapes, cucumber lemons, olives, pomegranate, tomatoes and olive oil. Some were more popular than others!


Curriculum - Science - Keeping Healthy

In class 6, we have been learning about how to keep healthy in science. This week we explored the importance of exercise and the affect it has on our body. We completed an exercise video, before creating our own exercise routines for the class to join in with.


Curriculum - Science - A Healthy Lifestyle

In science we have been looking at what makes a healthy lifestyle. Today we discussed the importance of exercise. We discussed how we must exercise everyday. In pairs the children designed a fitness video. We thought carefully about the physical strand from the oracy framework and made sure we had a loud and clear voice. We hope you enjoy it and it gets you moving for the day. 


Curriculum - Science - Circuits

Year 3 and year 4 worked out if a bulb would light up by building circuits to match pictures. They drew circuit diagrams of each one using scientific symbols and explained why the bulb would or would not light. 


Curriculum - Science - Butterfly Release

Well done class 17 for raising our wonderful butterflies. We watched them grow and cocoon into wonderful creatures and released them today into the big wide world.


Curriculum - Science - Underwater Scenes

Class 7 created art work for environment day based on the theme clean our oceans. Pupils drew a underwater scene and used recycled materials to collage their art work. 


Curriculum - Science - Re-Using String

As part of World Environment Day class 13 have re-used string and magazines to make jewellery. Take a look!


Curriculum - Science - World Environment Day

All classes took part in various activities for World Environment Day. This involved completing a carbon footprint questionnaire. Some also assessed their carbon footprint and came up with a plan to reduce it! Others have created artwork to highlight the affects ocean pollution has on sea creatures.


Curriculum - Science - Harvesting

Today we checked on our garlic and onions and it was finally time to harvest. We couldn’t believe the crop we got! We also planted our seed potatoes. Checked on our lettuce, carrots and herb garden. We have even found wildlife living in our yet-to-be-developed pond! We’ve had a really exciting day. 


Curriculum - Science - Electricity

Today we started our new topic on electricity. We looked at what electricity is and how it makes a bulb light a circuit. We began looking at the scientific symbols we use when drawing circuit diagrams. We played a game to help us learn the symbols. 


Curriculum - Science - Harlow Carr Trip

Class 12 enjoyed their trip to Harlow Carr. The children enjoyed identifying trees and looking for bugs in the woods. 


Curriculum - Science - Endangered Species

Today we researched endangered species to find out where they live, how many are left and why there are endangered. We then presented what we had found to other groups in order to spread awareness about what can be done to save them. We developed our physical oracy presentation skills to make our presentations interesting. We practiced speaking loudly so that the audience could hear and using our expression and gestures to help make our point. 


Curriculum - Science - Crops & Wild Flowers

Today we checked on our onions and garlic. Then we prepared beds for sowing. We scattered wildflowers and poppy seeds onto our ‘bed of flowers’ in which we found a full ant colony busying away! Hopefully we didn’t disturb them too much. We also planted some carrots, lettuces and runner beans directly into the outside raised beds. Let’s hope the weather is on our side. 


Curriculum - Science - Plant Species

As part of our science topic this half term, living things, the children took the advantage of the longer grass, and other plants, on the field. The children placed a hola hoop on the ground and counted the different species of plants they could identify. They recorded their findings on a chart when they got back to class. 


Curriculum - Science - Plants & Temperature

In class 6 we are carrying out a science experiment to see what temperature plants grow the best in.


Curriculum - Science - Watering Plants

Children in years 1 and 2 have been busy at lunchtime watering the plants. The children have used the knowledge they have learnt in science to know that plants need water to survive. As the weather has been hot this week many children have said to Mrs McCaffrey that the plants need water. Well done year 1 and 2!


Curriculum - Science - Flower Hunt

Today in class 12 we went on a flower hunt. We were investigating what plants we could find in our local area. The children enjoyed finding a variety of plants. 


Curriculum - Science - Planting Beans

We planted beans in our garden. We talked about what beans need to grow and have been looking after them , making sure they have enough water and light. We can’t wait to see what happens in the next few weeks.


Curriculum - Science - Light, Seeds & Water

Class 6 had an oracy lesson in science this week. We used talk tokens to discuss whether a Moston United football club should have a roof built to stop the pitch getting muddy. We then carried out an experiment to discover whether seeds can grow without water or light.


Curriculum - Science - Exploring Shadows

Children from Starship and Launchpad enjoyed exploring shadows as part of their topic on Space. The children explored how the shadows changed with the position of the light and them  moving nearer and further away from the screen. Objects such as a bowl were then used to create a shadow of the moon so the children could recreate aliens and astronauts landing on the moon.


Curriculum - Science - The School Wildlife Garden

Today we visited our wildlife garden to see what animals we could find living in our local area. We used different methods to find and collect them and then we brought them inside to observe. We used keys to identify what we had caught and then drew labelled diagrams of them using scientific language. 


Curriculum - Science - Living Things at School

In science we having been looking at living things. This week we explored the school grounds to see what animals we could find.


Curriculum - Science - Grouping Animals

We have been learning about different animals and their groups. Today we compared the similarities and differences for different animals within the same group.


Curriculum - Science - Washing Powders

In science this week, class 16 tested different washing powders, to find which was the best. Asda's own, Persil and Vanish. We left the stains for 30 minutes. These were our results. Persil seemed to leave the best results. We realised that this meant it was better for the environment, as less washes would be needed, resulting in less of a carbon footprint.


Curriculum - Science - Studying Seeds

Our science lesson had an oracy focus this week! We worked in groups to study a variety of seeds before asking questions we would like answering throughout our new topic of Plants, such as "how much water does a seed need?", "how long does a seed take to grow?" and "can a seed grow without soil?"


Curriculum - Science - Washing Powder

This week in science, class 13 have investigated the stain power of different washing powders. They made sure all variables were controlled and only changed the type of washing powder. 


Curriculum - Science - Ice

After learning about cold places around the world and the animals that live there we spent science week exploring Ice. We had a fantastic week describing the ice , making predictions and carrying out experiments. We talked about what happens to the ice when it melts and what happens when it gets cold again. We used Vocab 'liquid' and 'solid'. We predicted which way the ice would melt the fastest , our hands, warm water, salt and sugar. We used our talk tokens and sentence stems to take turns to speak and use full sentences. We then carried out the experiment in the outdoor area. There was lots of discussion about how animals keep warm in the winter and how animals such as polar bears and penguins live in freezing conditions. We thought about how we keep warm in winter and sorted the clothes, dressing characters appropriately for the weather.


Curriculum - Science - Mixing Materials

Class 17 have studied mixed materials and how to separate them using a range of equipment. They had great fun trying to separate out the different materials they'd been given. The only rule we had was they couldn't use their hands.


Curriculum - Science - Food Chains (Class 9)

Today we learnt about food chains. We learnt that the arrows show the transfer of energy from the sun and that animals can be both predator and prey. We learnt about producers and consumers and created food chains on our desks using these words. 


Curriculum - Science - Electric Car Discussion

Class 13 have debated, ‘Are electric cars better for the environment?’ in groups using their oracy skills and scientific knowledge. Check out the debates.


Curriculum - Science - Sustainability Discussion

Class 13 have debated, ‘Are metals sustainable?’ in groups using their oracy skills and scientific knowledge. Check out their debates.


Curriculum - Science - Time

This years science week theme is time. In class 9 we have been looking at timelines of inventors linked to electricity. We have looked at Allessando Volta, Florence Parpart, Thomas Edison and Allan Thomson. We have created our own time lines and then worked together to create a fact file about Granville T Woods. 


Curriculum - Science - Food Chains (Class 12)

Today we learnt about food chains. We learnt about the transfer of energy from the producers to the consumers and created food chains including a variety of prey and predators. We used iPads to research predators and prey in order to see who could construct the longest food chain. We learnt that things can only be in the same food chain if they live in the same areas. 


Curriculum - Science - Tropical World Trip (Class 9)

Class 9 visited Tropical World to see what it is like in tropical climates and what animals live there. We all enjoyed seeing the butterflies emerging from their pupae as well as flying around or landing on our heads! We also enjoyed all of the fish, reptiles, monkeys and insects. We then found a spot in the woods to make maps of the school and build structures out of sticks. We had such a good day!


Curriculum - Science - Separating Mixtures

Class 15 have been separating mixtures using a variety of equipment.


Curriculum - Science - The Digestive System

Class 11 have been exploring the digestive system as part of their science topic, human’s and other animals. They were asked to use their oracy skills to work in groups to reproduce a copy of the digestive system and the flow  chart explaining what happens. Sending one chills at time PE grippy, they had to find the information on the sheet and pad it on to their tables to get everything in the right place and the right information. 


Curriculum - Science - Animals & Humans

Class 11 have started a new science topic of humans and other animals. The children worked in pairs to group and classify a variety of animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. 


Curriculum - Science - Separating Materials

In science this week, class 16 have been working together using different equipment to separate materials. They were not allowed to use their hands, so they had to think about which equipment they needed to use depending on the shape and size of the items. 


Curriculum - Science - Liquids and Teeth

Today we investigated the effects of the different liquids on the ‘teeth’. We looked closely with magnifying glasses and drew labelled diagrams of what we saw. We though about high teeth in our mouths are most susceptible to rot and decay. We also compared teeth of carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.


Curriculum - Science - Trees

In science this week we have been looking at the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. We went on a tree hunt around the school and looked at the different leaves to help us decide what kind of tree it was.


Curriculum - Science - Human Teeth and Drinks

In science we have been looking at human teeth and investigating what drinks cause the most damage to teeth. Last week we set up our investigation putting chalk into 6 different liquids. This week we recorded our observations. We got some surprising results. 


Curriculum - Science - Plants

In Science, we have been continuing our topic on plants. We planted 'magic' beans and we can't wait to watch them grow into beanstalks.


Curriculum - Science - Human Teeth

In science we have started a new topic looking at human teeth. Today class 9 set up an experiment to test which drinks are most destructive to teeth and made predictions. We also used mirrors to look at our partners teeth and tested ourselves to see if we could name the different teeth.


Curriculum - Science - Temperature & Water

In science this week, class 16 have been looking at how quickly coffee and sugar dissolve at different temperatures in water.


Curriculum - Science - Dan the Explorer

Class 4 were very excited to meet a real life explorer! We enjoyed taking part in the workshop and learned about what it takes to be an explorer. Dan (our explorer) showed us lots of photographs from his adventures and even brought in some artefacts for us to look at, touch and draw. We got to try on some of his special clothes, touch a seal skin and stroke the tail of an arctic fox. Dan talked to us about how heavy a polar bear was. He said that it weighed 10 time his weight. We all worked together to see if we could lift him up. He was very heavy. We don't think we could lift up a polar bear.


Curriculum - Science - Material Properties

Class 14 have been studying the properties of materials and designed an experiment to investigate what happens to ice when salt is added. Great work class 14. 


Curriculum - Science - Food Chains

In class 6, we have been exploring food chains in Science. We learnt new vocabulary - producer, consumer and predator, before working in groups to make food chains.  


Curriculum - Science - Gas and Weight

In science this week, we investigated whether gas weighs anything. We shared our ideas giving examples from previous investigations, life experiences and our own knowledge. Then we weighed a bottle of fizzy water. We discussed what happens when you shake fizzy drinks before opening.  We then did exactly that! We could hear the gas escaping and when we weighed it, the bottle of water weighed less. This proved that the gas must have weighed something when it was in the bottle. We discussed what we had observed and used reasons to back up our ideas.  


Curriculum - Science - Ice and Salt

Class 13 have set up their own tests in science to investigate the affect salt has on melting ice. They concluded that salt rapidly speeds up the melting process. The children loved being in charge of setting up their own experiments and only having one variable to keep it fair. 


Curriculum - Science - States of Matter

In science this half term we have been learning about states of matter. This week we used iPads to research boiling and melting points of different substances. 


Curriculum - Science - Boiling Points

We researched the melting and boiling points of different natural materials. We discussed why we had to research this as it was too dangerous to have such high temperatures in a classroom. We also discussed uses for things made out of metals with such high melting points such as for ovens and toasters. 


Curriculum - Science - Living Things

In class 6, we have continued learning about living things. Today we have learnt what a herbivore, carnivore and omnivore is and sorted animals according to what they eat.


Curriculum - Science - Ice Melting Experiment

In science this week we worked together to analyse the results from our ice melting experiment. We worked together to create a graph to show how quickly small pieces of ice melt compared to big pieces of ice. 


Curriculum - Science - Checking our Crops

Today we watered our lettuces that were planted last week. We couldn’t believe how much they had grown. We also checked on our onions and garlic that were planted last year. They’re not quite ready to harvest yet. We looked for places to put our bird boxes and we researched insect hotels so that we can build one in the garden. 


Curriculum - Science - Classifying Animals

In class 6 we have been classifying animals in Science. We looked at each group of animals, before working together to sort a variety of animals.


Curriculum - Science - Shape

Well done class 17 on our first lesson of properties of shape. We really enjoyed using the feely bags, and guessing what objects were within them. We grouped and classified different objects based on the properties of flexibility, transparency and hardness.


Curriculum - Science - Trip to The Deep

Year 5 and year 6 had an amazing day out at The Deep in Hull.  Children enjoyed exploring the different areas of The Deep:  Awakening Seas, Lagoon of Light, Endless Oceans , Amazon exhibits, Cool Seas, Kingdom of Ice, Deep Blue One and Living Rivers. Children sketched different marine life (penguins were a particular favourite) and gained a greater insight into the aquatic world. They also took part in a classroom activity:  Our World’s plastic problem. Children gained an insight into how plastic is causing problems for the world’s oceans and also how we can help reduce the world’s plastic problem. A great day was had by all!


Curriculum - Science - Exploring Objects

In class 6, our Science lesson was exploring whether objects are alive, once alive or never alive. We learnt what makes something alive then worked together to sort lots of different objects.


Curriculum - Science - Properties of Materials

Today in science we have been looking at different materials and their properties. We had a mystery bag and through touch only, we had to describe the texture and properties of each material. 


Curriculum - Science - Water Resistance Experiment

This week, class 16 tested water resistance, they made boats out of tin foil and raced against each other to test how streamlined and water resistant they were. 


Curriculum - Science - Tin Foil Boats

Well done to class 17 who made tin foil boats, designed to be streamlined, so we could investigate the effects of water resistance.


Curriculum - Science - Water Resistance

Class 14 have had great fun learning about water resistance by designing and then testing some tin foil boats. The great news was that only 3 sank! The winners of the races were the ones that had been made more streamlined so they cut through the water more efficiently. Well done class 14. 


Curriculum - Science - Mechanisms (Class 15)

Class 15 have been learning how different mechanisms can help with day to day life. We learnt that lever, pulley system and cog mechanisms can help us to complete day to day tasks much easier than by hand. 


Curriculum - Science - Balloon Experiments

This week we enjoyed carrying out our own science experiment with balloons. We filled them up with air and watched how they zoomed around the room as the air came out and also how they can make a squeaky noise. Some of the balloons we filled with water and flour to see how they feel and how they move.


Curriculum - Science - The Water Cycle (Class 12)

Today we studied the water cycle. We learnt a song to help us understand it and we made our very own 3D water cycle models. 


Curriculum - Science - Materials & Water

In science class 9 have been testing which materials water drains the best through. 


Curriculum - Science - Garden Wildlife Club

Today we continued to build our compost heap for next year and we got rid of all the new weeds growing in our school memorial garden. 


Curriculum - Science - The Water Cycle

To day we learnt about the water cycle. We explored the condensation and evaporation that took place in our own classroom. We drew the water cycle on the bag and watched the rain inside. 


Curriculum - Science - Mechanisms

Class 17 have been learning about mechanisms and how pulleys and levers can help make tricky jobs easier. Tino and Brian had fun demonstrating how the sack wheels work.


Curriculum - Science - Gears, Levers and Pulleys

In Science this week, class 16 learnt all about gears, levers and pulleys. They conducted their own experiments and tested different types of gears, levers and pulleys.


Curriculum - Science - Levers, Pulleys and Gears

This week in science class 13 have been investigating levers, pulleys and gears. They were given a group of everyday objects that they had to classify into the 3 groups. The children then completed a levers investigation where they moved the pivot and saw the effects of the force needed. They concluded that the pivot closer to the load needed less force. We also investigated the effects of gears on bikes. The children concluded that 1st gear needed less force- this was ideal for riding uphill. They also concluded that 6th gear needed more force- this was ideal for riding downhill. 


Curriculum - Science - Mass and Weight

Class 15 enjoyed measuring and comparing the mass and weight of different items in class for science.


Curriculum - Science - Newton Metres

In science this week class 13 have been using newton metres to measures different objects weight and mass. They have learned that weight is an objects gravitational pull and mass is how much matter they have in them. They discovered that mass is 100 times the weight of an object.


Curriculum - Science - Planets

Class 14 headed into the playground to measure out how far the planets were away from each other. We used the correct scale and saw that the first 4 rock planets were all within 2 meters of the sun. But the last of the gas giants, Neptune was at the other side of the playground over 50 meters away. Our solar system is amazing!


Curriculum - Science - Sound Posters

We have really enjoyed learning all about sound in our science lessons. Today we worked in pairs to create a sound poster to show what we know about sound. 


Curriculum - Science - Wildlife Club

This week we continued filling our outside beds with soil and adding soil improver to help our plants grow. We planted some onions, garlic and daffodils. 


Curriculum - Science - Vibration Strength

Class 11 have been looking at sound in science this half term. Today they decided what experiment they could conduct to answer the question “How does the strength of vibration effect the volume of sound?” They worked in groups to decide how the experiment should be conducted. As a class they wanted to play an instrument, softly then hard, and record the volume in decibels. They made sure they played the instrument from the same distance away from the data logger each time. Together we recorded the results. We found the hard the instrument was played the louder the volume. 


Curriculum - Science - Data Loggers & Musical Instruments

Class 10 have been using data loggers and musical instruments to investigate whether the strength of a vibration creates a louder sound. 


Curriculum - Science - Vibration & Sound

As part of our sound topic we have been investigating whether the strength of the vibration affects the volume of the sound. Children designed their own investigations using musical instruments and data loggers. We made choices about how to make the different sounds and then recorded them in our books. We discussed our results as a class and found that the stronger the vibration, the louder the sound. We also found some results didn’t match our pattern and we decided that it was because we were in such a noisy classroom!


Curriculum - Science - Materials & Objects

In science we have looked at different objects and the materials they are made from. We have started to investigate why objects are made from different materials. Today we looked at a variety of balls. We conducted an investigation to see which ball would bounce the highest. We then discussed the findings and talked about the different materials the balls are made from.


Curriculum - Science - Experiments

In class 6, we carried out an experiment to find out which material would make the best pair of curtains. We made our predictions, carried out a fair test then ordered the materials from the one that blocked out the most light to the least light. We found the card would be the best choice of material as it blocked out the most light.


Curriculum - Science - Hearing

Today we investigated how animals’ ear shapes and sizes affect their hearing. We discussed the different animals we knew with good hearing and then looked at pictures of animals that live in the wild. We shared our ideas about how and why their ears move. We then tested different ear sizes to see which ones helped us to hear the best. We discussed the difficulties people might face if their hearing was impaired and we learnt how to sign our own names. We discussed what might happen to animals born deaf in the wild. 


Curriculum - Science - The Wildlife Garden Club

Wildlife garden club has begun! We are so lucky to finally have some space to develop in order to grow our own flowers, fruits and vegetables. We have a lot of work to do before we can start growing. We have made a start by filling some of the beds made by our teachers over the Summer. We also weeded some of the flower beds in our quad ready for planting. 


Curriculum - Science - The Human Ear

This week in science we have been looking at the human ear and investigating whether the size and shape of ears effect what we can hear. We also looked at BSL and practiced signing our names and some useful phrases. Here we signed we love science at St Bart’s.


Curriculum - Science - Animal Ears

Class 10 have been testing out animal ears on the playground. Firstly, we made cones to represent differently sized animal ears. We then took our animal ears and stood 2m, 5m and 10m away from our partner who made a noise to see which ear helped us to hear most clearly. We then talked about whether our results would have been different if we had done our experiment inside, or if other classes had not been outside on the playground. 


Curriculum - Science - Data Loggers

Year 3 and year 4 investigated which sounds travel the furthest by testing high and low pitch sounds and recording it using data loggers. We recorded the data in tables and compared our results as a class.


Curriculum - Science - The Solar System

Year 5 and year 6 have had lots of fun taking on the roles of scientists this week. They have produced videos explaining how it took many scientists many years to prove that the solar system is heliocentric (sun at the centre) not geocentric (Earth at the centre) as first thought.


Curriculum - Science - The Universe

In science this week, year 6 have been looking at heliocentric and geocentric theories of the universe. They became different scientists and told us through a story how views changed overtime.


Curriculum - Science - The Body and Senses

Class 3 have been learning about the body and its senses. Today we explored the sense ‘taste’. The children loved trying some of the different foods and drinks, others they were not too sure about.


Curriculum - Science - The Solar System

Some great research today in year 5 science, looking at the history of how humans believed our solar system moved around in space and weather the earth was flat or spherical! 


Curriculum - Science - Materials

In science we are looking at materials. Today we looked at objects and discussed their materials and why that object is made from that material. 


Curriculum - Science - Sound (Loudest & Quietest)

We continued learning about sound today and conducted a sound hunt around school looking for the loudest and quietest areas. We recorded sound on our data loggers and discussed what we found in class. We also discussed if results might have been different at different times of the day.


Curriculum - Science - Sound

Class 11’s science topic this half term is sound. We thought about which areas of school would be the loudest and which would be the quietist. We made a list and went round school using the data loggers to find out the decibel reading. We found the playground was the loudest and office was the quietest area. 


Curriculum - Science - Earth and Space

This week class 13 have started their new science topic, Earth & Space. We investigated how we know the Earth is spherical. We took our learning outside the classroom to look for evidence for this. The children loved learning outside the classroom and being mini scientists. Back inside the classroom the children classified evidence for the Earth being flat and evidence to support it being spherical.  


Curriculum - Science - Pitch

Today we started our new science topic on sound by investigating how size of the instrument effects the pitch. We also experimented by feeling the different vibrations made by the instruments.


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