Year 6 (Class 15 & Class 16) - PSHE - Introduction to Primary Choices

Image of Year 6 (Class 15 & Class 16) - PSHE - Introduction to Primary Choices

We have had amazing days at Elland Road completing the following workshops in the morning:

Anti Social Behaviour & Criminal Behaviour

We discussed age of criminal responsibility and affects on someone if they have a criminal record.  We discussed anti-social behaviour and difference between…

Category: Year 6



Year 6 - PSHE - Introduction to Primary Choices

Image of Year 6 - PSHE - Introduction to Primary Choices

We have had amazing days at Elland Road completing the following workshops in the morning:

Anti Social Behaviour & Criminal Behaviour

We discussed age of criminal responsibility and affects on someone if they have a criminal record.  We discussed anti-social behaviour and difference between…

Category: Year 6



Year 6 - Computing Club - Micro:Bits - Beating Heart

Image of Year 6 - Computing Club - Micro:Bits - Beating Heart

This week in computing club we moved away from the make:code editor and started to learn how to use the Python programming language.

The first task was to create a beating heart on the Micro:Bit. Everyone successfully completed this, well done!

Category: Year 6



Year 6 (Class 16) - Science - Science Week

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Science - Science Week

This week, children got the opportunity to take part in some very exciting science workshops, this is class 16 enjoying meeting and learning about different animals.

Category: Year 6



Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - Jesus

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - Jesus

Class 16 have enjoyed learning about Jesus and his ‘I am statements’.  

Children have discussed the meaning of them and chosen one ‘I am statement’ and drawn their own artistic interpretation of it.  

Category: Year 6

Religious Education


Year 6 - Performing Arts Club

Image of Year 6 - Performing Arts Club

Rehearsals are well underway for the Performing Arts Club’s production of ‘Porridge’. 

The children have worked incredibly hard on this show. Mrs Rawlins is so pleased with how the show is turning out, and the children have shown not only incredible talent, but resilience, stamina and…

Category: Year 6


Year 6 (Class 16) - Languages - French

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Languages - French

Class 16 have been practicing their French by acting out a café scenario. They had to order food and drink and the waiter had to take their order.


Category: Year 6



Year 6 - P.E - Ten Pin Bowling

Image of Year 6 - P.E - Ten Pin Bowling

The children loved going to Hollywood Bowl.

There were some fantastic scores and we can't wait to go again next year. 

Category: Year 6

Physical Education


Year 6 - P.E - Athletics

Image of Year 6 - P.E - Athletics

What a fantastic event!

All the children enjoyed trying lots of different activities and very well behaved throughout.

We can't wait for the next one.

Category: Year 6

Physical Education


Year 6 (Class 15) - P.E - Mountain Biking

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - P.E - Mountain Biking

Class 11 were very determined to improve in their sessions at the Urban Bike Park and made really good progress. Every child listened to the coach and put his advice into practice. Well done!

What a fantastic event! All the children enjoyed trying lots of different activities and very well…

Category: Year 6

Physical Education


Year 6 (Class 15) - Music - Lets Rock!

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - Music - Lets Rock!

Class 15 recapped over the song ‘Let’s Rock’ and the meaning of the lyrical. 

Children then practised performing the song using glockenspiels and recorders.  Mr Needham was very impressed with their performance.  

Category: Year 6



Year 6 (Class 15) - English - Visualisation Activity

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - English - Visualisation Activity

Class 15 are continuing to read Holes.  

Children enjoyed discussing chapter 20 and giving their thoughts on the Warden and how she treats the children and Mr Sir.   

Children also completed a visualisation activity - visualising what the inside of the warden’s cabin looked like.…

Category: Year 6
