Year 6 (Class 16) - Commando Joe's - Team Building

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Commando Joe's - Team Building

This week, year 6 had to use their team building skills and work together to guide each other through an assault course. 

They had to use their communication and patience. 

They were very successful!

Category: Year 6

Commando Joe's


Year 6 (Class 16) - Computing - Web Developing

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Computing - Web Developing

This term in computing, class 16 have been learning about web developing. 

They have created their own popplets about different aspects of online safety.

Category: Year 6



Year 6 (Class 17) - Design Technology - Greek Food

Image of Year 6 (Class 17) - Design Technology - Greek Food

Class 17 have been tasting Greek food, we tried; grapes, pitta, pomegranate, olives, tomatoes and cucumbers. 

Some of the food was more popular than others.

Category: Year 6

Design Technology


Year 6 - ICT Club - Advanced Micro Bits

Image of Year 6 - ICT Club - Advanced Micro Bits

This week we tried some more advanced Micro bit coding. The children had 2 projects to work on. One involved programming the micro bit to give you a random direction to walk in. The other was creating a candle that you could blow out using the in built microphone.

Everyone successfully…

Category: Year 6



Year 6 (Class 16) - Science - Food Tasting

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Science - Food Tasting

Class 16 have been trying Greek food today, each table had a plate of; grapes, cucumber lemons, olives, pomegranate, tomatoes and olive oil. 

Some were more popular than others!

Category: Year 6



Year 6 (Class 15) - Cultural Education - Africa

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - Cultural Education - Africa

We have enjoyed learning about Africa as part of our cultural activities for cultural week.  

Our task was to make a ‘Zine’ or a travel poster about a chosen country in Africa. 

Category: Year 6

Cultural Education


Year 6 (Class 15) - Cultural Education - Cultural Dress Day

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - Cultural Education - Cultural Dress Day

Here are class 15 in their cultural clothes!

Category: Year 6

Cultural Education


Year 6 (Class 16) - Cultural Education - Cultural Dress Day

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Cultural Education - Cultural Dress Day

Class 16 in their cultural clothes.

Category: Year 6

Cultural Education


Year 6 (Class 16) - P.E - Team Building Games

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - P.E - Team Building Games

This week, year 6 played some team building games in PE. 

Here, we had to balance as much PE equipment on the children acting as scarecrows. 

The team with the most equipment won!

Category: Year 6

Physical Education


Year 6 - Flamingo Land Tip - Thursday 20th June 2024

Image of Year 6 - Flamingo Land Tip - Thursday 20th June 2024

Year 6 had a great day visiting Flamingo Land. The weather was amazing and children had a full day at the theme park - 10:00 until 17:00.  

Children had the opportunity to go on many rides (more than once), visit the zoo and enjoy spending time with friends.

The day was finished off with a…

Category: Year 6


Year 6 - ICT Club - Microbits

Image of Year 6 - ICT Club - Microbits

ICT club returned this week and we made use of the Micro:bits kindly donated by Farnell UK.

We used the makecode editor to create a beating heart and a thermometer.

Everyone quickly picked up the basics so we will be creating something more taxing next week!

Category: Year 6



Year 6 - R.E - Gurdwara Visit

Image of Year 6 - R.E - Gurdwara Visit

To celebrate Multi-Cultural Week, year 5 and 6 students visited the local mosque. 

The children learned more about Islam and how Eid is celebrated. The Imam explained his role within the mosque, and the children were given the opportunity to ask questions.

Category: Year 6

Cultural Education Religious Education