Service Theme in Action

Image of Service Theme in Action

Service was our theme for worship in the first half term of summer.  

These children volunteered their time to help me prepare the attendance certificates and were a big help.  

They really showed our service theme in action and reflected the ‘Together’ part of our school vision.  


Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Worship Council - Carol Service at Church

Image of Worship Council - Carol Service at Church

This years Worship Council have had the opportunity to work with Mr Leadbeater to produce a wonderful Carol Service at church today. 

They led the service in front of the whole of KS2 and some parents. Along side the Worship Council, Mr Leadbeater has been working hard with this years choir,…

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Harvest Festival

Image of Harvest Festival

A lovely Harvest Festival in church with all the KS2 children.

Thank you to everyone who donated “just one thing” for our harvest collection. The food will be generously donated to families in the local area that need extra support over the colder winter period. It was also lovely for the year…

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Year 3 / Year 4 (Class 10) - Collective Worship Song

Image of Year 3 / Year 4 (Class 10) - Collective Worship Song

Class 10 have worked hard to rework the lyrics of a popular song, and it is fast becoming our favourite song to sing!

Our song reminds us of the amazing things we do in St Bart's, and how thankful we all are to be here.

Here we are singing it - and a big thank you to Mr Wedge for playing the…

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 16) - Collective Worship Song

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Collective Worship Song

Class 16 have worked hard at creating a song based off of our St Bart’s characteristics for worship this week.

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 17) - Collective Worship Song

Image of Year 6 (Class 17) - Collective Worship Song

Well done class 17 on a wonderful thankfulness song.

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Worship Council Assembly for Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3

Image of Worship Council Assembly for Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3

The Worship Council helped lead worship in the hall for years 1-3.  They met beforehand and planned what they were going to do.  The theme was around thankfulness, our half termly focus and they explored how we should be thankful for our food and that some children in England and around the world…

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education