At St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary, PSHE is at the heart of our ethos and our curriculum enables pupils to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to become happy and healthy members of our community.
Our whole school approach to PSHE provides pupils with the early building blocks to allow them to succeed and thrive, both in the next step of their academic journey and within their future life in modern Britain. We believe that these building blocks, with a particular focus on mental health and wellbeing, provide a foundation to empower children to feel safe and happy and achieve across the curriculum and in their future lives.
Our PSHE curriculum is based on the You, Me and PSHE scheme, which covers many topics such as keeping safe and managing risk, mental health and wellbeing and physical health. This is supplemented with resources from other organisations, for example NSPCC, NHS Every Mind Matters and MindMate. We follow a spiral curriculum, with key topics revisited at an age appropriate level, which meets the statutory RSE requirements and is in line with the National Curriculum. We want our PSHE curriculum to enable children to feel safe and confident, be able to identify and manage risk and develop the knowledge and skills to lead a physically and mentally healthy life.
At St Bartholomew’s, we understand the importance of PSHE and promote it throughout school. We aim to create a safe and happy learning environment for all pupils, where they can speak openly and access further support if needed. Pupils in KS2 complete the My Health My School survey to share their views and this is used to develop our curriculum and ensure it is led by the needs of the children. We also strive to provide our diverse mix of pupils with engaging events and experiences linked to our PSHE curriculum through themed weeks, workshops and visitors from members of our community.
Curriculum - PSHE - Key Documents
Curriculum - PSHE - Useful Links
Curriculum - PSHE - Introduction to Primary Choices
We have had amazing days at Elland Road completing the following workshops in the morning:
Anti Social Behaviour & Criminal Behaviour
We discussed age of criminal responsibility and affects on someone if they have a criminal record. We discussed anti-social behaviour and difference between criminal behaviour. We watched a video of the juvenile centre in Wetherby - this was very thought provoking!
Criminal Gangs and Grooming
We learnt about what a criminal gang is and what we think a gang member looks like. We also looked at the hierarchy of gangs and what to look out for regarding grooming - where an offender builds a relationship with someone they have targeted (victim).
Peer Pressure
We learnt about the meaning of peer pressure and looked at different scenarios and whether peer pressure was applied. We discussed ways we can handle peer pressure. We watched a video on how peer pressure can lead to murder charges been brought against all involved under ‘Joint Enterprise.’
Social Media
We looked at the risks of social media, including how we cannot fully filter what we see online and sharing certain harmful content is illegal. We also looked at other negative ways social media is used, including cyberbullying. We also looked at different family tracking apps, such as Life360 and Family Link.
Stadium Tour
We then enjoyed a stadium tour in the afternoon visiting the home dressing room and the home dug out before receiving certificates for our day!
Curriculum - PSHE - Disconnect to Reconnect Week
Well done to all the pupils who took part in Disconnect to Reconnect week!
Curriculum - PSHE - Sharing Thoughts
Class 12 enjoyed sharing with peers how it is important to share thoughts and feelings and who they can speak to at home and at school.
Curriculum - PSHE - Differences Bingo
Today we played differences bingo. We spent time finding out what differences we have between us all in class. We discussed our differences and how they could be celebrated.
Curriculum - PSHE - MindMate Lesson
Children in class 16 enjoyed recognising people’s strengths - they spent time giving their classmates compliments and discussed how this made people feel. Children were then set the task of giving people compliments outside of the classroom.
Curriculum - PSHE - Healthy Minds
Class 16 completed their post topic assessment identifying how a person might receive support if the person is experiencing mental health problems. Children then compared what they had written when completing the task at the start of the topic - their pre topic assessment.
Curriculum - PSHE - Mental Health Workshop
Class 4 enjoyed watching clips from Inside Out and talking about our emotions during Mental Health Week. We thought about the things that make us special and then drew our own personality islands.
Curriculum - PSHE - Living Streets
This morning some children from ks2 went out with Roy and Jessie from Living Streets to complete an audit of the area around school. They looked at how pavements could be improved, areas of busy traffic, where the difficult places to cross the road are. They had some brilliant ideas on how the local area could be improved, which will now be passed on to Leeds City Council.
Curriculum - PSHE - Mental Health Week and Number Day
Class 12 have enjoyed participating in both Children’s Mental Health week and Number Day this week. The theme for CMH week is ’Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.’ We looked at how we can look after our mental health and the things we can do to help us grow. As a class we completed a large poster, highlighting how we all can see things differently and how we can help everyone, no matter where they come from or what they look like. The children also enjoyed a variety of activities for Number Day, including having a talk from one of our parents on how important maths has been for them in their life and their work. They also got to go on a number hunt around school and dress up in clothes with numbers on. Some children even made their own, and they looked amazing.
Curriculum - PSHE - Classroom Kitchen
Today in class 5 the children had a visit from Classroom Kitchen to learn about healthy eating. The children made their own yoghurt pots using healthy ingredients such as strawberries, pineapple, bananas, oats, yoghurt and honey. They used a range of cutting techniques like the claw and bridge to slice the fruit safely.
Curriculum - PSHE - Mental Health Week 2025
This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week. Children have watched the film Inside Out, thought about their emotions, named them and thought about when they feel these emotions. They then created their own emotions wheels. Pupils also thought about their personalities like in the film Inside Out and what were important parts of their personalities. In the film these are called personality islands. Pupils then designed their own personality islands that showed a part of them. Class 6 have really thought about themselves this week and their feelings. They should be so proud of themselves.
Curriculum - PSHE - Cultural Games
Class 4 have been thinking about the different ways that we can have fun and enjoyed playing some active games. We played some games that we already know and then played some from different cultures. We talked about how playing active games makes us feel and why it is good to stay active.
Curriculum - PSHE - Discrimination
This week in PSHE class 14 have acted out discrimination scenarios and discussed how and why they are discriminatory.
Curriculum - PSHE - Homelessness
This week, was our oracy lesson during PSHE. We discussed homelessness, and what was essential, important and not important to living. We then used a traverse to speak to our partner about what we thought, and then repeated this back to each other.
Curriculum - PSHE - Teeth Brushing
Year 1 have started brushing their teeth in school to make sure we are keeping our teeth healthy. Well done year 1!
Curriculum - PSHE - Bullying
Today we looked at the different kinds of bullying: cyber, verbal, physical and social. We made freeze Frames to show what each kind of bullion looks like and how the victim of each kind might be feeling. Can you work out which one of our freeze frames is which?
Curriculum - PSHE - Police Visit
Class 3 and 4 have been learning about the jobs that police officers do in PSHE. They had a visit from the local PCSOs who told them all about their jobs and showed them their uniform. They were then able to answer any questions that the children had about police officers.
Curriculum - PSHE - Mindmate Mental Health Workshop
The year 6 children have taken part in a Mindmate mental health workshop called Flippin your lid. The workshop looked at how to recognise, process and deal with negative emotions. They were taught numerous strategies to help calm down.
Curriculum - PSHE - Anti-Bullying Week
All of school celebrated Anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks. The meaning behind this is that it is good to be different!
Curriculum - PSHE - Anti Bullying Workshop
Class 9 really enjoyed their anti-bullying workshop with Andy. We started our workshop by showing different emotions with our bodies and facial expressions, before thinking about what bullying is, as well as what it isn’t. We found our that bullying is something negative and hurtful that happens regularly and on purpose.
Curriculum - PSHE - PCSO Visit
Our Community Police Offices came to visit Reception to talk to us about how to be safe around the time of Bonfire night and Halloween.
Curriculum - PSHE - Classroom Kitchen
Before half term break we had a Classroom Kitchen workshop. The children enjoyed chopping fruit and making their own fruit cups using fruit from a story 'Handa's surprise'. They have also mashed avocado to make their own guacamole.
Curriculum - PSHE - Anti Racism Day
The whole school have been learning about racism. Pupils wore red to show their support for the day.
Curriculum - PSHE - Responsibility
In PSHE this week, we have been learning about responsibility. We then drew a picture of ourselves being responsible.
Curriculum - PSHE - Smoking Discussion
Today we discussed reasons why people might start smoking. We talked about peer pressure and learnt behaviour. We acted out scenarios to show ways we can avoid risks.
Curriculum - PSHE - Alcohol Abuse
In PSHE, we used our oracy skills and talk tokens to discuss alcohol abuse: the risks, how it affects the person, and how others in their family might be affected too. We discussed in circle groups first, and then fed back as a whole class group.
Curriculum - PSHE - Smoking
Today we made posters to warn people about the dangers of smoking. We tried to encourage people to stop or not to start in the first place. We included health risks and physical changes that can happen to our bodies if we smoke.
Curriculum - PSHE - Alcohol & Drugs
In PSHE, we have continued our topic on alcohol and drugs. This week, the children came up with their own drug related scenario and came up with ideas on how they would lower the risk of the situation. They then acted these out to the class.
Curriculum - PSHE - Road Safety & The Green Cross Code
Year two worked hard understanding road safety. The children then went out and followed the green cross code to cross the road safely. Everyone did a great job at crossing the road safely.
Curriculum - PSHE - Road Safety
Here are some of the children of class 10 busy learning pedestrian road safety skills on the streets of Armley yesterday. Everyone scored full marks in the final road crossing assessment - Well done class 10!
Curriculum - PSHE - Different Types of Drugs
In our first PSHE lesson, class 16 looked at different drugs, they researched in groups and presented information to the rest of the class.
Curriculum - PSHE - Internet Safety Booklets
For the last couple of weeks, class 13 have been discussing online safety and the risks of being online. The children have then completed online safety booklets to remind them how to be safe in various circumstances. These booklets will be coming home with your child so they always have them to refer to.
Curriculum - PSHE - My Health My School Survey
Years 5 and 6 are completing their My Health My School Surveys. The survey provides children with an opportunity to answer questions about their health and well-being and what they think of school. We will be collating results and sharing results with children in the Autumn Term. The survey results will give us an opportunity to think about how we can make things better for everyone.
Curriculum - PSHE - Internet Safety
Class 7 have learnt about staying safe on the internet. They learnt to be SMART. Stay safe by not passing on personal information. Meet, never meet someone you have been chatting to online. Accepting, don’t accept all files, some could have viruses. Reliable, don’t believe that everything you read is true. Tell, tell a trusted adult if something upsets you or makes you worried.
Class 9 completed an activity booklet to show off everything they know about being safe online.
Curriculum - PSHE - Keeping Safe
In PSHE this half term, class 11 have been learning about how to keep safe in a variety of situations. Today we have found out what to do if we find out someone need help. We talked about who we would call and what number we would use in certain scenarios. The children discussed this in pairs and time played the situation.