The below activities are all linked to our topics we cover in the autumn term.

It would be lovely to see children completing some of these at home, either independently, or with some support.

Please bring them in to show your teacher, and you will be awarded extra Trackit points for your efforts! 

Year 3 / Year 4 - Homework Challenges

Times Table Rockstars

Children are expected to read their reading book at home every night.

Each week, children will also be given Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths homework on Emile to complete.   Children will also be expected to complete at least 30 minutes of Reading Plus at home. 

Homework is given on a Monday and needs to be completed by the following Monday.  

There is a homework club every Monday and Thursday lunchtime.  Children who do not complete their homework will be expected to attend homework club on a Monday.

Children will also have the opportunity to complete a variety of other tasks each term linked to other areas of the curriculum.

Coming soon!