Children are expected to read their reading book at home every night. There is a Home Reading Record for parents/carers to fill in with the pages that children have read and any comments they wish to make. Teachers will look at these and award ‘Track it’ points to children who have brought in a completed Home Reading Record.
Spelling (pink books)
Children will be bringing their spelling book home at least twice per week. There is guidance on how this is to be completed in the front of the books. It is really important that these books are kept safe and not lost, as they will provide a record of the key words children know how to spell.
Maths homework is given on a Monday and need returning on a Friday.
There is also an online resource called ‘Numbots’ that children can access to support with their number knowledge. You should have already received information about this. Please see your child’s teacher if you have not.
Learning Challenges
Following our recent parental survey, many parents/carers requested further homework opportunities that focused on the wider curriculum. Children will be bringing home their ‘Learning Challenge’ book. Each half term there are 4 optional activities for children to do if they wish. Once a challenge has been completed please hand in the book so the teacher can see the wonderful work children have completed.
Year 2 Learning Challenges
Yumu - Music Enrichment
This is an online learning platform that enables children to further develop their love of music and enhances the understanding and enjoyment of work covered in music lessons in school. Teachers can upload specific learning for children to complete or children can explore are compose their own pieces of music.
Logins and information about this has been sent out to families with information about how to access the program. If you have any questions about this or need any help please see your child's teacher.
The below activities are all linked to our topics we cover in the autumn term.
It would be lovely to see children completing some of these at home, either independently, or with some support.
Please bring them in to show your teacher, and you will be awarded extra Trackit points for your efforts!
Year 3 / Year 4 - Homework Challenges
Times Table Rockstars
Children are expected to read their reading book at home every night.
Each week, children will also be given Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths homework on Emile to complete. Children will also be expected to complete at least 30 minutes of Reading Plus at home.
Homework is given on a Monday and needs to be completed by the following Monday.
There is a homework club every Monday and Thursday lunchtime. Children who do not complete their homework will be expected to attend homework club on a Monday.
Children will also have the opportunity to complete a variety of other tasks each term linked to other areas of the curriculum.