Year 4 (Class 9) - History - Roman Day
Class 9 had a fantastic Roman day! We learned about why the Romans invaded Britain when it was so difficult for them.
We then dressed as Romans and used the shields we made to march around school.
We even invaded a few enemy classes!
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - History - National Coal Mining Museum Trip
On Wednesday, class 10 visited The National Coal Mining Museum near Wakefield, which included a tour of the bath house and pit site, an interactive workshop about the different types of local rocks, and a trip underground to see and learn about the pit itself and the history of coal mining.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Soil Samples
Today we investigated soil samples. We made observations about colour, sediment size and permeability.
We used keys to identify which sample we thought was which.
We also researched what soil is made from.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - P.E - Spy Dance
Today we did a spy dance in PE.
We enjoyed watching others dances, everyone working together, everyone happy and having fun.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 9) - PSHE - Anti Bullying Workshop
Class 9 really enjoyed their anti-bullying workshop with Andy.
We started our workshop by showing different emotions with our bodies and facial expressions, before thinking about what bullying is, as well as what it isn’t.
We found our that bullying is something negative and hurtful that…
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - History - Remembrance Day
The children in class 10 impressed Mrs Bent and Mr Callaghan by creating some poppy artwork in their own time, to remember those we lost in the wars.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - History - Black History Month
In class 10 we learnt a song about Martin Luther King for black history month.
"We enjoyed learning a great song." Labeeb.
"We enjoyed learning about the back story." Ethan.
"It’s makes us appreciate equality." Akila.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 9) - Science - Concept Maps
Class 9 had a great time creating concept maps for their science work on plants.
We got to use our whiteboard pens on the tables to create a map of all of our knowledge.
Luckily, it came off easily!
Category: Year 4
Year 4 - P.E - Ice Skating
The children loved going Ice-skating and grew in confidence throughout the session.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 - P.E - SEND Athletics
What a fantastic event. The children were very enthusiastic and we had an excellent time.
There were some excellent individual performance as well as the children working together.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 11) - Maths - Addition
Today, class 11 have started looking at addition.
We used the place value counters to help us work out addition questions using column method.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - History - Anglo Saxon Workshop
Class 10 and class 11 thoroughly enjoying this afternoon's Anglo-Saxon workshop, learning about a variety of aspects of the time period, including warfare and weaponry.
Take our word for it – chainmail is very, very heavy!
Category: Year 4