At St Bartholomew's we believe wearing a uniform promotes a sense of belonging and encourages the children to take pride in being a pupil at our school.

A clear policy sets clear expectations for children and parents. Our policy is simple and enables parents to provide what their children need easily and as cheaply as possible.

Please view the quick guide below for the school's expectations on uniform (School uniform is available from all large supermarkets):

  • PE – We provide all children with a red PE t-shirt that they can use on PE days.  We ask that all children come to school in suitable footwear as we hope to include more physical activity into the timetable where possible.
  • Footwear – In the interests of safety, children should not wear steel-toed boots or shoes or high-heeled boots or shoes.
  • Jewellery – Children should not wear jewellery to school unless it is for religious reasons. If children do wear earings, they must be small studs. These must be removed on P.E days (if possible) or they will be covered for the duration of the lesson. If children wear a watch, it cannot be a smart watch.

Please make sure that all items of clothing and equipment are clearly marked with your child's name.

Uniform Exchange

Below is a link to the Leeds uniform exchange.  We have not registered with this because we run our own uniform scheme but there are local community links.  

If you do need support with uniform, please ask Miss Lawson or Mrs Wainwright.