My child comes home feeling happy and enjoys lessons.

My child looks forward to coming to school.

We are reassured and happy leaving our child in your care.

School is safe and secure.

School and staff have been very helpful towards supporting my child’s needs and us as parents.

I am very happy with the progress my child is making.

Teachers are always helpful.

Parent Reponses - SEND Questionnaire

What a lovely day I had with the nursery teachers and the children. Teachers are lovely and welcoming. They let me interact with all the children, not just mine alone. The children were brilliant. They interacted well with their teachers, engaged well with what they were taught. Singing and dancing was lovely, I enjoyed it and I enjoyed playing at the outdoor too. The facilities are wonderful. The school has everything for children to learn and interact with the outside world.

Parent - Nursery Child

After three weeks of instructing the three year 5 classes, I can confidently say that all children significantly improved their riding skills, from non-riders who are now riding (yay!) to those more experienced riders, who can now control their bikes with more confidence. What stands out for me is how resilient the children were, prepared to work hard to achieve their goals and with lots of happy smiley faces!

Marie - Cycle North (Bikeability)

I have worked with the pupil’s from St Bart’s Primary School for the past 3 years. I thoroughly enjoy working with the students as they are polite, well-mannered and always make me feel so welcome.

I work with a lot of Primary School in Leeds, but I love working with St Bart’s as the communication from the staff is always great. They are very friendly and reliable which makes my job a lot easier.

Hannah Mulligan - Primary Choice Maker, Leeds United Foundation

St Bartholomew Primary is a magical School full of energy, excitement and experiences. I love seeing how happy the children are to learn and how well behaved they are. The children are a credit to the School and the fantastic teachers. As an external provider, it is pleasant coming into this environment as you feel welcomed and part of the School community.

Mick Amos - Owner, HMP NOT-4-ME Education

It’s been fantastic having St Bart's at Headingley – the children were a credit to the school. Hope to see you again next year. 

Nick Robinson - Education Manager, Yorkshire Cricket Foundation

"It has been wonderful to have so many of the St Bartholomew's pupils visit the facility, their behaviour has been exemplary and it has been a pleasure to spend time with them."

Helen Johnson - Business Support Co-ordinator, Veolia Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility

"Jack is a highly competent mentor, he has been amazingly supportive and helpful. Any question or issue I had was resolved in a timely fashion. He has given me a lot of insight into how I can improve my teaching and these are things that I will likely carry with me for years to come. I only have positive things to say regarding the school and my mentor. It has been a pleasure working with Jack and I have learnt a lot from him and appreciate everything that he has done for me."

"All staff at St Bartholomew's C of E Primary School have been extremely supportive during my stage 2 placement. My mentor Rachel helped me through the entire placement, and gave me feedback to help with my teaching - she helped me build my confidence and gave me all the resources I needed to teach to the best of my ability. She supported me both academically and personally throughout my training, and I wish her the best going forward. I have thoroughly enjoyed my stage 2 placement, and I am excited to be continuing my teaching journey in stage 3 at St Bartholomew's."

"I have really enjoyed my experience at St Bartholomew's, all the staff were very welcoming and supportive. It has been a huge learning curve during this first stage, but I couldn't have asked for a better mentor. The targets i had set were clear and made sense, I could see what I needed to do to improve my teaching skills."

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my placement and would definitely come back as I feel I still have lots to learn." 

"Megan (my mentor and class teacher) has been a wonderful host teacher. She is very supportive, providing me with helpful targets and giving me as much free rein with teaching as possible. I feel like I have come on leaps and bounds thanks to her help."

"Both my class teachers/ mentors and TA's have been greatly supportive, giving me great advice and support throughout my placement."

During this placement, I have been provided with very specific, constructive feedback and targets which have enabled me to progress in my teaching practice and improve my confidence a great deal. I felt instantly at ease in the classroom thanks to the welcoming attitude of my class teacher and the students. David is incredibly knowledgeable and patient and I cannot thank him enough for all the help and guidance he has given me during the placement.

My mentor for stage 3 was incredibly supportive and helpful. always able and willing to support me with every aspect of this placement, helping me gain confidence in teaching and planning. 

I can not thank Emily enough for everything she has done for me! The support and guidance that she has given me has helped me a lot here. Providing feedback on my teaching, my planning and lessons to ensure I am on the right track and giving me areas to improve on. I really enjoyed my first placement and feel like I have gained a great deal from this first placement.

Unfortunately my school based training was interrupted by unforeseen personal circumstances that disrupted the stage learning. Thankfully I was supported by a fantastic mentor who still pushed me to complete the stage. Without her continuous support I doubt I would have been able to complete the placement, and definitely not the standard that I did. Emma was an excellent mentor and any PGCE student would be lucky to have her.

My mentor has been very welcoming of me joining his classroom, and generous with his advice to further my ability. I'm very fortunate for the comfortable environment in which to teach in.

PGCE Trainees - Leeds Trinity University

"The whole group is fantastic and I always look forward to coming in to tutor."

"I have had a wonderful experience at St Bart’s; to begin with the team are welcoming and friendly. Not only do they care about the wellbeing and education of their students, but the staff that work there too.  I felt for anything I needed I would be supported. The children are absolutely fantastic, giving great charisma, energy, effort and resilience. They work so hard, encourage each other in their learning and are a pleasure to teach. The school has a lovely atmosphere where you’ll get a friendly hello wherever you go. Overall, a wonderful community at St Bart’s, thank you to everyone!"

Tutor - The Tutor Trust

I would just like to applaud all the teachers for everything they have done for XXXX.  She had a bumpy start to her early years & moving her into St Bart's has been undoubtedly the best thing for her, the support you have given her has enabled her to flourish into the young person she is today, we as very proud parents can't thank you enough. Very emotional today but it was outstanding. The service itself was faultless & all involved should be very proud indeed. 


A wonderful video that really captures the ethos of St Bart's!

Parent (Referring to our homepage video)

Jean, a member of the local community, called school to tell us about one of our children she met one weekend.  He was outside a local shop with a friend and when he noticed Jean did not have change for her trolley, he gave her one of his £1 coins.

When she came out of the shop and returned his £1, she was talking to him about things he had learnt at school about Guy Fawkes and the Lord's Prayer.  She could not believe how knowledgeable and polite he was and said he was a credit to our school.  It was lovely to receive a call from a member of the public.

Jean - Local Community