St Bartholomew’s is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. As a school we recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation is as important as safeguarding against any other vulnerability.
All staff are expected to uphold and promote the fundamental principles of British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, as well as our school attributes. We believe that children should be given the opportunity to explore diversity and understand Britain as a multi-cultural society; everyone should be treated with respect whatever their race, gender, sexuality, religious belief, special need, or disability.
All staff have had PREVENT training and are fully aware of the procedures in school. The Designated Safeguarding Lead also attends Prevent updates/briefings.
Pupils are taught about fundamental British Values and also about ways in which they can keep themselves safe from radicalisation and extremism, in both the real and online worlds, through the school ethos, PHSE lessons and Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) sessions.
If you are concerned that a family member, friend or member of the community is expressing extreme views, hatred or could be being exploited by extremists, we can offer support and advice. Alternatively please visit: Act Early UK
Safeguarding & Child Protection Important Documents
Act Early UK
Is someone close becoming a stranger?
If you worry that someone close is been radicalised visit Act Early UK
Support is available, more information can be found on the documents below: