
You said: You would like more homework for your children.

We did: Every year group receive at least one piece of homework per week. Children in Years 1 and 2 receive spelling books that are given out twice a week. Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are set homework on Emile and Reading Plus. All children have the opportunity to complete a range of homework tasks related to topics covered in subjects.

You said: Children and families asked for the school to have a library and to have opportunities to take books home. 

We did: We built the school library. Children are now allowed to take a book home. Each child visits the library once a week where they discuss the books they have read and choose new books to take home. We introduced the Reading Rucksacks in Reception and KS1. In the Reading rucksacks there are: books, a teddy and a torch, so the children can read the books at home. 

You said: Children said they would like to meet a real author.

We did: At least once a year, an author visits the school and delivers workshops to classes.


You said: Parents asked for help to understand what phonics is, how it is taught in school and how they can help support their children in learning phonics.

We did: We have introduced a phonics information session for families in Reception and Year 1. We have given out resources for families to use at home. We have videos and information on the website to show related to phonics. Families have been invited into school to watch the teaching of phonics.


You said: Some families were unsure what the Phonics Screening Check was and asked for more information about it.

We did: We provide a meeting for families each academic year to discuss the Phonics Screening Check. We provide parents with the ‘St Bart’s Quick Guide to Phonics Screening’.


You said: Families of children that are on the school’s Special Educational Needs register asked for more opportunities to communicate with their child’s SENCO.

We did: We have now introduced an additional termly meeting for all children on the SEND register.


You said: Families said they would like their children to get more opportunities to compete in special events that we enter as a school.

We did: We have teamed up with Leeds Well School and children with SEND now take part in the Panathlon foundation challenges. Children with SEND have visited a special Christmas Music Session.


You said: A variety of stakeholders have said they would like highly trained staff to support children with SEND.

We did: All teaching staff and support staff that work with children with high level SEND needs have had specific training. Key members of staff have been identified and have received further training to support children with SEND.


You said: Children said they would like sports clubs after school.

We did: There is now a sport club every evening after school. Every child in each year group is given the opportunity to attend the sports club for at least one term.


You said: Children said they would like to take part in more inter-school competitions.

We did: We now enter:

  • Year 5/6 boys’ and girls’ football.
  • Year 3/4 boys’ and girls’ football.
  • Dodgeball.
  • Athletics.
  • Walking football.
  • Handball.
  • Basketball.
  • Cricket.
  • Multi-skills.
  • 10 pin bowling.
  • Rounders. 
  • Rugby.
  • St Bart’ U11 Girls’ Cup


You said: Children said they would like more opportunities to experience wider sports other than those taught at school.

We did: Every child in Years 3 and 4 has the opportunity to go Ice skating twice in the academic year. Every child in Years 5 and 6 has the opportunity to go BMX/mountain biking twice in the academic year.


You said: Families and children said they would like children to go swimming for longer than one year.  

We did: Children in Years 5 and 6 go swimming for two academic years – swimming once a week for the whole academic year in Year 5 and in Year 6.


You said: Families asked for more maths homework for their children.

We did: As a school we subscribed to Times Table Rockstars, which children in KS2 can access as much as they want at home. Alongside this, we subscribed to Numbots, which children in KS1 can also access at home. Children in KS2 complete set homework on Emile. Children in Year 3 and 4 have weekly maths homework to test times table knowledge. Children in KS1 are given a piece of maths homework once a week. We also introduced the Maths Rucksacks in Reception and KS1. In the Maths rucksacks, there are books and Maths games so the children can access more maths at home. 


You said: Parents said they would like more information about Maths at St Barts and how it is taught.

We did: We held a Maths evening for all parents of children in any year group. We showed them the maths policies and calculation policies. Teachers and children from Year 6 demonstrated the ways in which we teach specific parts of the maths curriculum.


You said: Families said they would like to be more involved in Maths lessons.

We did: We invited parents that use Maths in their work/careers to visit school and talk to children about how they use Maths in their work.  This has raised the profile of Maths and how it relates to life.


You said: Children said they would like to do more field work and work outside of the classroom.

We did: Every year group will now do at least one session of field work per year. This is when the children will leave the classroom to learn and experience field work first hand.


You said: Many children expressed that they would like more practical science lessons.

We did: The science leaders in school have changed the schemes of work for each class and our science lessons are much more hands on and practical.


You said: Both families and children said that they would like school to encourage children to do more science at home.

We did: In KS2, we have introduced the science rucksacks. These are taken home weekly and are full of science activities for the children to do at home.


You said: Children said they would like to see the plants first hand that they are learning about in KS1.

We did: We invested in 10 large planters that we are using to grow vegetables and flowers.


You said: Children said they would like to have a space to do some outdoor learning.

We did: We have created a science garden!


You said: Children said they would like a science club.

We did: We started science club on a Monday after school for Years 3 and 4.

Children's Surveys

You said: The children said they would like to play a bigger part in school and would like to have a say in some of the decisions that are made.

We did: 

  • We started the Pupil Parliament.
  • We have a Worship council that leads on our worship sessions.
  • We joined the school food ambassador programme and now have school food ambassadors that support the younger children during dinner times.
  • We consulted with the children when changing our school rules – these will be fully in place for 2024/25.
  • We chose children (librarians) to help organise the school library.
  • We complete regular consultations with the children to ask their views through class parliament.
  • Children in KS2 take part in the ‘My School, My Health’ Surveys.


You said: Children said they would like to a more effective way of children going to the toilet during lessons.

We did: We introduced toilet passes so only one child per class would be in the toilet during lesson times.


You said: Families and children both thought the MUGA was too busy at break and lunchtimes.

We did: The use of the MUGA is timetabled so all Year Groups have the opportunity to use it in a more organised manner.


You said: Both families and children said they would like the residential stays to be reintroduced.

We did: Children in Year 5 are going on a residential to Lineham Farm (organised over two weekends in 2024).


You said: Children said they would like more extra-curricular clubs.

We did: There are now more opportunities for children to go to extra-curricular activities, including construction, drama, choir and cookery.


You said: Families said they would like more communication with the school.

We did: 

  • There is a member of the school’s leadership team on each of the three main entrances to the school.
  • We now email the school newsletter to ensure everyone can read it and it is easy to access.
  • At the start of every school year, we send out a ‘meet the teachers’ newsletter/quick guide that provides an insight into their child’s class/phase.
  • We offer both phone calls and face to face meetings for parental consultations.
  • On the weekly newsletter, each phase leader writes about their phase (news and important information I shared).
  • We have created many ‘St Bart’s Quick Guides’ to give families a brief overview of many aspects of our school.
  • We use the school’s website/social media more to show what is going on in school.


You said: Families said they would like to see more of the school.

We did: We started tours of the school for families.


You said: Families said they would like an easier way to pay for school dinners and trips.

We did: We have introduced Parent Pay.


You said: Families said they would like to see more performances.

We did: We invited parents to Christmas productions, Rock Steady concerts and performances by the choir and drama club.


You said: Some families said they would like to sample the school dinners to get an idea of the food their children eat at school.

We did: Offered a lunch tasting opportunity for parents on the school tour.


You said: Families said they would like their children to go on more trips and educational visits.

We did: We have a range of visits linked to our curriculum to expand cultural capital.


You said: Some families expressed their concerns about the parking around the school.

We did: We have tried to help with the parking/traffic issues and the council are now looking at making Strawberry Lane a ‘School Street’. We have continued to remind families about parking safely.


You said: Some families felt there were issues with school uniform.

We did: We provide free PE t-shirts to all children. We collect to collect and provide second hand uniform. Redistributed the Uniform Quick Guide to remind parents of the expectations.


You said: Families in Year 6 asked for there to be a regular briefing/meeting about SATs.

We did: We have a yearly meeting (February time) to provide important information to families on SATs week. 


You said: School rules

We did: Children felt that the school rules were too complicated. We worked with the children to re-write them and make them easier to understand.

R – respect (staff, children and property) 
U – uniform (wear at all times)
L – listen (to everyone)
E – excellence (do your best)
S – safe (stay staff)