Here at St Bartholomew’s, we have created a bucket list of experiences that children will complete in each year group/phase. These include visits, activities and visitors in school. The list is set out into year groups, with activities for each child to complete each year.
We make sure this list is a fun way to further enrich our curriculum and links closely to our curriculum intent. The range of experiences helps raise aspirations, develops essential curriculum skills, are inclusive for all and promote healthy lifestyles, as well as preparing pupils for their lives in and out of school, including their next step in education.
Lots of the activities are based around school or the local area and help develop cultural capital and an appreciation of our local community. We want all children to be exposed to cultural experiences, regardless of where they are from.
Please see individual year group pages to see if you can spot any of the activities on our photos!
In school, we have a focus on spirituality. Lots of the moments from our bucket list are also referred to as our ‘Golden Moments’, which are the bits of school and life that make us think… wow!