Reception - Class 1 - Special Visitors

Image of Reception - Class 1 - Special Visitors

This week in Reception we had some special visitors. 

Granny Sheila and Grandad Terry (Miss Poole’s grandparents) came to tell us all about what things were like when they were young. 

Granny Sheila showed us lots of pictures of her childhood, while Grandad Terry told us all about tin baths…

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 2) - Science - Flowers & Plants

Image of Reception (Class 2) - Science - Flowers & Plants

What can we see and how does it change? 

We have enjoyed learning about flowers and plants and have talked about how they change and grow. We have enjoyed painting sunflowers using Van Gogh's artwork as inspiration. 

We have learnt about the life cycle of a sunflower and worked in our hoop…

Category: Reception



Reception (Class 2) - Chick Arrival

Image of Reception (Class 2) - Chick Arrival

The children were very carefully when holding the chicks. 

We enjoyed talking about how the chicks look and feel and how to look after animals. 

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Chick Arrival

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Chick Arrival

We have an exciting arrival on Tuesday this week! 

We had some eggs delivered and by Friday we had 5 chicks! They have been named; Oreo, Domino, Custard, Honey and Bambi. 

The children have loved seeing the chicks change, in such a short time and have enjoyed learning all about…

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 2) - Maths - Exploring Numbers Beyond 10

Image of Reception (Class 2) - Maths - Exploring Numbers Beyond 10

We used the numicon to explore numbers beyond 10. 

We found teen numbers using a ten an the correct amount of ones.

Category: Reception



Reception (Class 2) - Science - Planting Beans

Image of Reception (Class 2) - Science - Planting Beans

We planted beans in our garden.

We talked about what beans need to grow and have been looking after them , making sure they have enough water and light. We can’t wait to see what happens in the next few weeks.

Category: Reception



Reception (Class 2) - Design Technology - Fruit Kebabs

Image of Reception (Class 2) - Design Technology - Fruit Kebabs

After talking about the different types of fruit and where they grow we made our own fruit kebabs!  

We made sure our hands were clean and we cut the fruit carefully thinking about how we hold the tools. We enjoyed tasting new fruit and describing it to our friend.

Category: Reception

Design Technology


Reception (Class 1) - Design Technology - Fruit Kebabs

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Design Technology - Fruit Kebabs

This we have loved making fruit kebabs, the children (with help) chopped the fruit and put them on the kebab sticks. 

It was a fun experience for some children to try fruit that they haven't tried before.

Category: Reception

Design Technology


Reception (Class 1) - Computing - Technology Skills

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Computing - Technology Skills

Somebody has been using Miss Poole's iPad to take their own pictures! 

Reception love showing off their technology skills when using the iPad! 

Category: Reception



Reception (Class 1) - Computing / Maths - iPads & Numbots

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Computing / Maths - iPads & Numbots

Reception loved using the iPads at school for the first time! 

They enjoyed playing on the Numbots game and using their maths skills to build and customise their own robots! 

Category: Reception

Computing Maths


Reception (Class 1) - P.E - Developing Ball Skills

Image of Reception (Class 1) - P.E - Developing Ball Skills

In PE this half term, reception are developing their ball skills, trying to keep the ball under their control. 

So far we have practiced with a tennis ball, rolling it with our hands and stopping it safely. 

Category: Reception

Physical Education


Reception (Class 1) - Maths - Teen Numbers

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Maths - Teen Numbers

Here are class 1 making teen numbers!

Category: Reception
