In recent years, the school has invested money in computing, including a full time technician and class sets of laptops and iPads. The school follows the Rising Stars: Switched on Computing scheme for a timetabled slot each week.

Children in years 2-6 also have a timetabled slot for iPads to complete a session on Times Table Rockstars within school.

Computing learning is also embedded in other curricular areas.  

Curriculum - Computing - Key Documents

Curriculum - Computing - Useful Links

Crickweb: Games to support EFYS development of ICT and computing skills. 

ICT in Schools: A bank of various digital sites used to support your childs learning across a range of subjects.

Kahoot: A website that uses ICT quizzes to further learning and test knowledge across different subjects. 

Scratch: Fully free to use Scratch online programming application. Students can create projects at home and actually access them at school to work on them at both locations. 

Curriculum - Computing - Micro:bits

In computing club we are now experimenting with Micro:Bits. We are using #makecode to program them. This week everyone progressed really well and made either a dice or rock, paper, scissors game.

Curriculum - Computing - Internet Safety

Class 6 learnt about safer internet safety day this week. They learnt how to be SMART on the internet. They learnt to Stay safe by never giving out there personal information. Meet, they learnt to never meet up with someone they have met online. Accepting, don’t accept photos or files, it could be a virus. Reliable, not everything on the internet is reliable. Tell, tell a trusted adult if something online upsets you. Pupils then made posters sharing their knowledge about what they had learnt.


Curriculum - Computing - Online Comments

This was the last week in the club before the half term break. We finished our Wikipedia pages then read everyone else's page and left comments about them. We had a discussion about how important it is to be kind to others when communicating online. This makes others feel good and leads by example.


Curriculum - Computing - Online Safety Posters

Class 4 listened to a story about how to stay safe online and talked about the things we can do to keep ourselves safe. We then made our own internet safety posters.


Curriculum - Computing - E-Safety & Photos

Class 6 have been learning how to take photos, ensuring they are following e-safety rules. They then selected their favourite photo, edited it and improved in an artist way. They then learnt how to save their work on the IPad using Google Drive. I am so proud of how independent they are becoming in their computing work.


Curriculum - Computing - Special Effects

Class 9 were very lucky to have a special visitor linked to our green screen topic in Computing. Ashleigh, who is Mrs Morris’ daughter and who used to come to our school, came in to discuss her job. Ashleigh works in prosthetics and special effects makeup, working to produce some of the visuals we see on TV! She even brought in some samples for us to look at! 


Curriculum - Computing - Wikipedia Images and External Links

This week in computing club we continued work on our Wikipedia page. Everyone was tasked with inserting and image and external website link onto their page. All pupils were given a 5 page handout which contained instructions for them to follow to successfully complete the task.


Curriculum - Computing - Creating our own Wikipedia Page

The first computing club of 2025 went really well. The pupils are learning all about Wikipedia and will be creating their own wiki page on the schools server. We discussed what Wikipedia is and how it can easily be edited by anyone. As a result we can't always rely on everything been accurate when looking for information on Wikipedia.


Curriculum - Computing - Scratch (KS1)

Class 6 have worked hard in computing, learning how to use scratch, creating backgrounds and sprites. Class 6 have created algorithms to make sprites move, debugged their algorithms if they go wrong, even challenging themselves by adding sounds and text. The aim was to get a sprite to follow a path to a castle. In cool time some pupils chose to create their own versions applying their skills.  


Curriculum - Computing - Scratch Programming

Class 16 have been working using Scratch to create a program to carry out an algorithm involving money and change. Children looked at creating different variables and Mr Needham was very impressed with the dedication displayed.


Curriculum - Computing - Mastering Algorithms

Year 6 have started their new topic on mastering algorithms, we started by looking how Google maps uses them to create maps for journeys and how they can differ depending on whether you are on foot, in car or on a bike.


Curriculum - Computing - PowerPoint

Children planned, designed and presented their own PowerPoint presentation to the class, show casing all they have learnt about the symbols used in Sikhism. They all had excellent knowledge of the 5k’s and most showed other symbols (the Khanda, Nishan Sahib and the Guru Granth Sahib).


Curriculum - Computing - Logging On / Off & Saving

Class 4 have enjoyed using the laptops in their Computing lessons. We have practised logging on and logging off our laptops independently and making pictures using Paint. We then practised saving our pictures and shutting down our laptops.


Curriculum - Computing - Learning to Type & Saving / Opening Documents

Class 6 have been working hard on their computing skills. They have been trying to type with 2 hands, save and retrieve their work and format their writing. Some children have become very independent in their information technology.


Curriculum - Computing - Lego Mindstorm Laptop Programs

This week in computing club most groups began to program their robots using a laptop. The Lego NXT software allows you to adjust your robots speed, direction and even talk. Everyone is learning how to program really quickly, well done!


Curriculum - Computing - Online Safety PowerPoint

This term, class 15 have been learning all about how the internet works and about how children can keep themselves safe, here are some examples of their finished work.


Curriculum - Computing - Micro bits (Rock, Paper, Scissors Game)

In class 9 we have coded a rock, paper, scissors game on the make code website and downloaded to our game to a micro bit. We had lots of fun playing the game in class.


Curriculum - Computing - Internet Safety

Class 7 have learnt about staying safe on the internet. They learnt to be SMART. Stay safe by not passing on personal information. Meet, never meet someone you have been chatting to online. Accepting, don’t accept all files, some could have viruses. Reliable, don’t believe that everything you read is true. Tell, tell a trusted adult if something upsets you or makes you worried.


Curriculum - Computing - Researchers

In computing, class 6 have started our new topic, all about being researchers. Today we found out how search engines work and how to search on the internet safely before beginning our research about sea creatures. 


Curriculum - Computing - Garage Band Songs

Year 3 and year 4 have really enjoyed composing our own music using garage band.


Curriculum - Computing - Stop Motion

Year 2 have been working to create their own animations. They have used stop motion animation, drawn a story board, created their own props and moved them millimetre by millimetre taking pictures each time to create their story. They then added audio and reviewed other films. They have worked really hard and we hope you like them.


Curriculum - Computing - iPads & Numbots

Reception loved using the iPads at school for the first time! They enjoyed playing on the Numbots game and using their maths skills to build and customise their own robots! 


Curriculum - Computing - The School Network

Class 13 have been learning the components of our school network system to aid their understanding of how the internet works.


Curriculum - Computing - WordPress Blogging

Years 3 and 4 have created their own blog, explaining what they have learnt in our geography sessions. They have written a page about an area of our topic, include some rainforest and dessert animals and what a rainforest or desert is. They were able to add pictures and some even managed links to other websites for more information.


Curriculum - Computing - Microsoft PowerPoint (Class 7)

Class 7 have created their own powerpoints about London. They had to choose a slide, type the heading about a London landmark and format it, changing its size and colour. Then they had to type with 2 hands, sentences about their landmark, which they created themselves. They then had to format this sentence. After deleting the text box they drew their landmarks using the scribble tool and the shapes provided. If they made a mistake they had to undo it with the undo button. Most of class 7 were able to complete these independently by the end of the term. Here are some examples.


Curriculum - Computing - Word Processing (MS Word)

In computing we have been practising our word processing skills. We have practised changing the font size and font style of our writing.


Computing - ICT Club - Micro:bit Activities

It was our final week of ICT club and children were given a choice of what to program the micro:bit to do. There were 3 different worksheets that children worked independently from:

  • Night Light
  • Beating Heart
  • Activity Picker

Everyone at the club successfully programmed their microbit to work. Well done!

Curriculum - Computing - Photo Editing

In computing, class 6 have loved taking photos and editing them! We have learned different techniques to edit, such as cropping, adding filters and adjusting brightness. 


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