At St Bartholomew’s, we have designed our own art curriculum. We have done this to allow for lots of organic links with other areas of the curriculum.

Each phase in school looks at a range of artistic topics over a two year cycle. Every year group covers key skills in drawing and painting and then cover a selection of the following: Sculpture, printing, collage and textiles. Year groups then have a range of key skills and understanding to teach the children to ensure they cover all of the objectives from the national curriculum.

Our children each have their own art sketchbook which follows them up through school, tracking their progress as they go through each year group. Children also have an art assessment file, where they produce a self portrait each year to show how much they are improving as they get older.  

Curriculum - Art - Key Documents

Curriculum - Art - Useful Links

Art for Kids Hub - Art lessons (How to draw for kids)

Tate Kids - Play free art games and fun quizzes, find art activities, read about artists and share your art.

Curriculum - Art - God's Covenants

Some great art work by class 13 showing God's Covenants he made to his followers. Tamara drew a beautiful picture to symbolize the story of Noah's Ark and the promise God made. Brilliant work Tamara, well done. 


Curriculum - Art - Seal Sculptures

Class 4 have been practising different techniques they can use to make sculptures this half term. We then made our own seals out of clay and painted them carefully.


Curriculum - Art - Pattern Planning

Class 13 have been busy planning their patterns to print for their wallpaper. They all used the same shape but have come up with some lovely individual designs. 


Curriculum - Art - Tessellated Patterns

Class 16 have spent their art lesson trying out different patterns using on type of tessellated pattern piece. It’s amazing the different patterns that can be made using the same pattern piece.


Curriculum - Art - Islamic Art

Class 16 have completed their title page for their Islamic art topic. They have learnt about the ancient art of calligraphy and made their own title page ready to add to in the coming weeks. The children have been encouraged to send in any examples of Islamic art or repeated pattern designs they can see in the world around them. They can send any photos they have to or bring in any pictures they have drawn. 


Curriculum - Art - Art at Home

Children in years 5 and 6 continue to enjoy having the opportunity to take art folders home over the weekend to complete art work of their choice.  Well done!


Curriculum - Art - Remembrance Day Work

Class 14 have celebrated Remembrance Day by producing some amazing art work. Take a look at their work.


Curriculum - Art - St Bart's Art Gallery

Year 3 showed off their fantastic artworks (on canvas and in sketchbooks) inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh at our St Bart’s art gallery. Parents were astounded by our children’s incredible artistic talent! 


Curriculum - Art - Remembrance Day Displays

Our final remembrance art pieces are complete and look wonderful displayed as a group. The children have worked hard and used the artist Jaqueline Hurley (remembrance artist) as their inspiration. We will remember them - Lest we forget. 


Curriculum - Art - WW2

Class 14 have created amazing perspective art work with a WWII focus. Take a look at their artistic journeys.


Curriculum - Art - Starry Night

Year 3 enjoyed using watercolours to paint their version of Starry Night.


Curriculum - Art - Picasso

Year 1 have been learning about Picasso and cubism in Art. We looked at some of Picasso’s art work and talked about our favourite pieces and why we like them.


Curriculum - Art - Wartime Landscapes

Class 15 have started to sketch their war time landscapes today. They have made a great start and worked really hard. We are all really excited to see how their work progresses. 


Curriculum - Art - Jaqueline Hurley

Year 5 and year 6 have been looking at the work of our artist of the term Jaqueline Hurley. Her art focuses on war time landscapes with lots of texture and depth. The children loved her work and now feel inspired to create their own piece of art in her style. 


Curriculum - Art - Perspective in Landscapes

Today class 16 have learnt about perspective in landscapes and how to achieve them. They enjoyed working together first then independently to create their own landscape ready for our war time landscape in the coming weeks.


Curriculum - Art - Sunset Backgrounds

Today we created our sunset backgrounds to add our painted elephants on to. 


Curriculum - Art - Underwater Scenes

Class 7 created art work for environment day based on the theme clean our oceans. Pupils drew a underwater scene and used recycled materials to collage their art work. 


Curriculum - Art - Re-Using String

As part of World Environment Day class 13 have re-used string and magazines to make jewellery. Take a look!


Curriculum - Art - Dyeing Material (C7)

In art class 7 have been dying material, the pupils then used this material and others in their weaving. Pupils have worked hard to make sure they weave over and under, changing the pattern after each piece of material. This is our work so far. 


Curriculum - Art - Dyeing Material

In art, class 6 have prepared and dyed some material, ready for weaving with!


Curriculum - Art - Mono Prints

Class 13 have enjoyed learning how to make a mono print today. They traced and transferred their image onto styro foam and them printed in the style of Andy Warhol. Well done class 13! 


Curriculum - Art - Weaving

Year 2 have been practicing their weaving skills in art. Learning to go over under, alternating the layers. Some pupils have even managed a repeating pattern. They are also learning all about Lucy Poskitt this half term. We are going to be dying material and using it to weave a seaside scene. 


Curriculum - Art - Andy Warhol Style Selfies

This half term we will be focusing on pop art and print. The artist we will be using for our inspiration is Andy Warhol with a Greek twist. The children completed their Warhol style selfies this week. 


Curriculum - Art - The 3 Primary Colours

In art, we have been learning about the 3 primary colours. We talked about how we cannot make these colours by mixing other colours together. We then experimented mixing the primary colours to make secondary colours.


Curriculum - Art - Dreamcatchers

Class 10 worked really hard to create their dreamcatchers. We first researched the origin of dreamcatchers, and enjoyed learning about Amazonian tribes. We then practiced our weaving skills in preparation for making them. We showed resilience when attaching beads and feathers.


Curriculum - Art - Sculptures

Class 4 learned about the sculpture Francois Pompon. We looked at the different sculptures that he created. The children enjoyed recreating his polar bear sculpture.


Curriculum - Art - Ocean Pollution

Year 5 and 6 have completed their ocean pollution topic and made their sea creatures from single use plastics. We took inspiration from the brilliant sculptor Angela Haseltine Pozzi and our Fabulous trip to The Deep in Hull. I think you can agree they look turtally awsome. The children have had  making their sculptures, while learning the importance of reducing single use plastic in their lives. Great job year 5 and 6!


Curriculum - Art - Sea Sculptures

Class 14 have started their amazing sea creature sculptures using plastics that could potentially end up in the oceans killing and hurting sea life. Great work class 14.


Curriculum - Art - Francois Pompon

We have been learning about sculpture and the French artist Francois Pompon. We practised the different clay modelling skills.


Curriculum - Art - Experimenting with Clay

Class 5 had a wonderful time experimenting with clay today. We learned how to make a ball, roll it in to a snake and many more ways to mould the clay. 


Curriculum - Art - Jesse Treece

Class 7 have been learning about the artist Jesse Treece in art. They have learnt about collage and how to layer different media. The pupils then discovered how best to collage, should they cut or tear their media and what shape should they use and in what order? They will then apply what they have learnt when they create their final piece. 


Curriculum - Art - Activism Art Displays

Our Bartsy activism art is now proudly on display. Arianna was very happy that Bartsy took time out to sign hers for her. She took it home for safe keeping and said she would treasure it. Our Bartsy activism art has also been placed around school to spread a positive message. From Mrs Wainwright’s office to the Boys and Girls toilets, the dinner hall, our water coolers and recycle bins. Even Mr Worsnop has one in his office warning of the dangers of AI.


Curriculum - Art - Bartsy Banksy

Bartsy met with Mr Dawson over the holidays! He was very impressed with all the children’s work! He’s signed a piece especially for Ariana and stamped the rest of your art. Look out for yours popping up around school! Well done year 5 and 6 we are all proud of you!


Curriculum - Art - Banksy Activism

Class 15 have finished their Banksy inspired piece of activism art this week. They have risen to the challenge that Bartsy set them and produced some fabulous work. Their art will be popping up in various areas of school over the coming weeks once Bartsy has judged their work.


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