Nursery - World Book Day 2025
World Book Day 2025!
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Number Day 2025
Number Day 2025!
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Snow Day 2024
We all really enjoyed the recent snow day!
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Christmas Jumper Day 2024
Christmas Jumper Day 2024!
Category: Nursery
Nursery Nativity 2024
Here are the Nursery Nativity plays:
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Autumn Celebrations
Diwali, Remembrance Day, learning about the charity Children in Need, Odd sock Day and Kindness day.
The children enjoyed learning about the special celebrations and engaged well in all the fun activities.
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Pumpkins
In our last week of term we have been exploring harvest vegetable: pumpkin. The children loved looking at them, describing and painting them.
We have been ordering them according to their size and checking which ones are heavy and light. We opened them up and saw what was inside.
In phonics…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Classroom Kitchen
Before half term break we had a Classroom Kitchen workshop.
The children enjoyed chopping fruit and making their own fruit cups using fruit from a story 'Handa's surprise'.
They have also mashed avocado to make their own guacamole.
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Little City Visit
Last Wednesday we had a visit from Little City.
The children spent some time in the hall exploring and playing with the toys provided by Little City.
Our children loved dressing up, acting as builders, postmen, doctors or hairdressers.
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Settling In
The children have settled in really well. They have learnt all the routines quickly and start to follow them well.
The children are happy to explore all the areas of provision and they have started to make new friends.
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Learning about Autumn
During the last two weeks we have learnt all about Autumn.
We have read ‘Owl babies’ book, learnt ‘Autumn leaves are falling down song’ and learnt to describe Autumn objects by looking at and feeling them.
The children had fun doing the activities set up for them from leaf printing, leaf…
Category: Nursery
Art English Music Phonics and Reading
Nursery - Cultural Week
This week we have been celebrating multicultural week. Today we dressed in our most beautiful traditional clothes.
The children came in and showed us their outfits. On the carpet children stood at the front of the class and explained to their friends what they were wearing and were it had come…
Category: Nursery