Nursery - Animal Club
What an exciting morning we have had in Nursery today, we had a visit from Animal Club!
Amy brought lots of animals for the children to look at, touch and even hold. The animals/reptiles that she brought were lizards, beaded dragon, rabbits, guinea pigs, African snails, meal worms and a corn…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Christmas Summary
What wonderful treats we had at the end of term, parties where we played lots of games, did lots of dancing, ate lots of treats and had a visit from Father Christmas who gave us all a present. Father Christmas said that all the children were on the 'good list'.
Some of the children got to see…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Christmas Fun
Christmas has arrived in nursery. The tree has been decorated and we have our own Polar Express.
The children have listened to the story of The First Christmas and have used the small world nativity set to retell the story.
They have loved retelling the Polar Express story using the…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Slopes and Heights/Angles
We have been experimenting with slopes at different heights/angles to see which one helps the cars move faster and go further.
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Rocks and Hedgehogs
A wonderful start to the week, we have been pairing socks, sorting natural resources into groups, painting hedgehogs using a folk to make the spikes and using leaves, pasta, pipe cleaners and matchsticks to make collage hedgehogs.
We are using some great words to describe the hedgehogs, such…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Night Monkey Day Monkey
The children have loved discussing our story - 'Night Monkey, Day Monkey'.
Some decided that they would like to stay up all night to see the fireflies and here the chorus of frogs and others thought it was funny that beautifies were called decorated moths. They were all pleased that the monkeys…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Weekly Summary (07.11.2022)
A busy week in nursery, we took a lot of our maths learning outside - making shapes with sticks, playing hide and seek the numbers and shapes, finding shapes in our environment and discovering that you can't make a circle shape with sticks and planks - "they won't bend and go round" the children…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Exploring / Speech & Language Session
We have loved exploring the outdoor area, using the vehicles, painting the area with water and paintbrushes and looking at books having climbed up the hill.
We are developing our building skills, following health and safety policy regarding wearing hard hats!
We had a session with Rebecca,…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Weekly Summary (14.09.2022)
We have had a wonderful week in Nursery!
The children have quickly settled in and are already following our routines and working within the boundaries that we have. We are all sharing, taking turns and developing our friendship groups.
The cooperative play has been very noticeable in the…
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Colours, Painting & Outdoor Play
We are exploring marks that we made with the paint and paint brushes.
Two of our children were able to thread the beads on to the string, excellent fine motor
One of our pupils was able to sort the compare bears by colour and size. She could name all the primary colours- red, blue,…
Category: Nursery