Geography at St Bartholomew’s inspires our children to see beyond their current locality. We create global citizens who have a hunger and desire to one day travel the world.

Lots of our children haven’t ever visited other places. This means that first hand experiences have been limited, so we endeavour to provide them for them. From a young age, our children see the issues of how climate change is destroying our beautiful planet and we are motivated and driven to make a real change in the world that we live in. we also celebrate our local area and everything that Armley and Leeds have to offer.  

Our high-quality geography education inspires pupils and creates a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching equips pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. At St Bartholomew’s, we value our diverse community that we serve and embrace and celebrate where children come from.

As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world helps them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.  

Curriculum - Geography - Key Documents

Curriculum - Geography - Useful Links

Royal Geological Society - Royal Geological Society – News and resources and articles

Travel Guide - A travel guide for many many destinations in the world

World Atlas - An immersive free online atlas resource which can be used to supplement any learning of topics in class.

World Topics Blog- An online blog regarding maps and up to date world topics.

Curriculum - Geography - Comparing Leeds & London

In geography class 6 have been comparing London and Leeds. While learning about the human features of London and Leeds they used Ipads to watch flyovers of both places using the maps app. They were able to spot several human features, (landmarks) in Leeds and London and tick them off on their I Spy work sheet. The class have discovered lots of new places in Leeds they didn’t know about. 


Curriculum - Geography - Mountains

This week, class 16 researched different mountains. Each group had a mountain, that they researched and presented to the class. They used their oracy skills to present this on presentation cards, and then feedback to each group. 


Curriculum - Geography - Mega Cities

This week we started our topic of mega cities. We enjoyed finding out about the top 10 Mega cities and used maps to find out which countries the cities are in. 


Curriculum - Geography - Trip to Vancouver

Class 9 loved their virtual trip to Vancouver. We learned that there are lots to places around the world that speak French as their main language. When we got off of the plane, we enjoyed a French breakfast!


Curriculum - Geography - England's National Parks

Class 13 have researched and presented information on England’s National parks. 


Curriculum - Geography - The United States of America

Years 3 and 4 have been learning about states in the USA. We worked in pairs to research about a chosen state. 

Curriculum - Geography - Coastal, Rural & Urban Areas

Class 6 have started their new topic in geography. We started today by sorting pictures into different categories, and learning all about rural, urban and coastal areas, and the features that are found there.


Curriculum - Geography - World Environment Day

Class 13 kicked off World Environment Day completing a carbon footprint questionnaire. They then assessed their carbon footprint and came up with a plan to reduce it!


Curriculum - Geography - National Parks

Class 13 have had fun identifying England’s National Parks from their geological features using maps.


Curriculum - Geography - The Great Fire of London

In geography, class 6 enjoyed designing the rebuild of London following The Great Fire of London. 


Curriculum - Geography - 3D Map of London

Our geography lesson had an oracy focus in class 6 this week. We were working on the social and emotional strand as we worked in pairs to navigate around a map of London, using directional language, including compass points.


Curriculum - Geography - London Landmarks

Class 6 enjoyed making posters about London landmarks in geography. 


Curriculum - Geography - Tropical World Trip (Class 9)

Class 9 visited Tropical World to see what it is like in tropical climates and what animals live there. We all enjoyed seeing the butterflies emerging from their pupae as well as flying around or landing on our heads! We also enjoyed all of the fish, reptiles, monkeys and insects. We then found a spot in the woods to make maps of the school and build structures out of sticks. We had such a good day!


Curriculum - Geography - Tropical World Trip (Class 11)

Class 11 had a great day at Tropical World and Roundhay Park. We explored what different climates are like in the rainforest and desert and saw animals you would find there. We read about how these animals have adapted to their environment and evolved over time. We then took a walk around the lake looking at the natural wildlife of the area including swans, Mormons and tufted ducks. The children were given the opportunity to explored the forest floor and and used what they found to make a birdseye vote map of the school there were some fantastic naps and explanations. A great day was had been all the children. 


Curriculum - Geography - Greenland

This week in Geography, class 16 have learnt all about Greenland and how climate change is having an impact on the land and the people there. We looked at 2 case studies: one person who was happy about the effects that climate change was having and 1 person who was not happy. Children had to decide who they agreed with. We then had a debate using our oracy strands and sentence stems.


Curriculum - Geography - Tropical World Trip

What a fantastic day we have had. We have been to Tropical World and learnt lots of new facts about the animals we could see. We then went into Roundhay Park and built maps of the school using what we could find in the woods. We also played at the park as a treat at the end of the trip. The children's behaviour was excellent and it was a pleasure taking them on the trip.


Curriculum - Geography - London

This week we have been learning all about London as apart of our 'Where can I go and How can I get there?' topic. We begun by looking at where Leeds and London on the UK map. We had a discussion about how we could get there - we don't need a plane or boat as we don't go over the water, walking or driving will take too long so we agreed that the train would be the best way. The children enjoying drawing and painting trains to get us to long, making train tracks and train tickets and also drawing maps. At the end of the week, we started to look at the Landmarks we can see in London and asked questions about what we want to find out.


Curriculum - Geography - Our Local Area

In geography we have been looking at how our local area has changed over time. Last week we thought about the things we would like to have in our local area and worked together to plan our perfect street.


Curriculum - Geography - Climates

This week we looked at the world map and discuss the climates of different countries we discussed polar, temperate and tropical countries. When we looked closely we realised the countries near the equator had a tropical climate and countries furthest away had a polar climate. 


Curriculum - Geography - Water Pollution

Class 13 have researched water pollution in rivers and presented their findings.


Curriculum - Geography - The 3 Gorges Dam

Well done class 17 for a lovely debate about the building of the 3 Gorges Dam in China 


Curriculum - Geography - River Pollution

Class 14 have been researching river pollution and have found what causes it, the dangers and how we stop it. Great work class 14 and now you know all about it, I hope you all take your rubbish home with you! 


Curriculum - Geography - The Perfect Street

Today class 12 have been designing their own perfect street. We discussed as a class what makes some areas more attractive than others and discussed the pros and cons of these.


Curriculum - Geography - The Four Seasons

Class 6 have continued our weather topic in geography. Today we have explored the four seasons, thinking about the weather in each season and what happens to nature as the seasons change. We have created paintings to show this.


Curriculum - Geography - Armley Visit

Class 12 visited Armley to look at how the area had changed over time.


Curriculum - Geography - Three Gorges Dam

Class 15 enjoyed researching the Three Gorges Dam and then debating the negative and positive effects it has on Earth.


Curriculum - Geography - Types of Weather

In class 6, we have continued with our weather topic in Geography. We studied various weather paintings and identified the types of weather we could see, before becoming artists and painting our own.


Curriculum - Geography - London & The Olympic Games

In Geography we have been looking at how London changed due to the Olympic Games. Waste land was developed for the Olympic park. Today we worked in groups to design and build our own Olympic stadiums using art straws and clay. 


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