At St Bartholomew’s, our primary aim of teaching languages is to add to the already diverse experience of other cultures in our school whilst supporting children to build everyday conversational skills in French. We are very lucky to have pupils and staff from many different cultures, and we embrace this by building opportunities to celebrate culture across the curriculum.  

At our school, we teach languages to every pupil in every KS2 class, taking into account individual needs. Where appropriate, activities are appropriately tailored to individual children to promote progress, ensuring the languages curriculum is inclusive and forms part of a broad and balanced curriculum. 

We have carefully planned our French curriculum to ensure continuity and progress throughout each year group. Each half term, children cover topics that develop skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. In addition to this, children learn about different festivals and cultures across French-speaking countries and have opportunities to share their own cultural heritage. 

Curriculum - Languages - Key Documents

Curriculum - Languages - Pupil Quotes

"I enjoy using Duolingo to help us learn even more French. I like to use what I know to express my opinion." - Year 5 pupil

"I have loved using puppets in French to help me understand what is happening in a story. We read lots of stories to help us learn new vocabulary." - Year 3 pupil

"I love French because it challenges us to learn a different language. It can help us speak to people from a different country. It’s really interesting that we have cognates which are a bit like English." - Year 4 pupil

"We loved finding out about why Eurovision was being held in the UK and learning a whole song in a different language." - Year 2 pupil

Curriculum - Languages - Useful Links

BBC Bitesize

Primary Games Arena

Voyage of Discovery

Curriculum - Languages - Fruits and Vegetables

Year 3 have enjoyed learning how to say if they like or dislike fruits and vegetables in French.


Curriculum - Languages - Pronunciation

Class 15 enjoyed recapping over the pronunciation of the “th” sound and then practised pronouncing a variety of words with the “th” sound. Children then enjoyed completing a translation task using their vocabulary books and French dictionaries. Well done class 15!


Curriculum - Languages - The Olympic Games

In our French lesson this week, we enjoyed learning about the Olympic Games, which are taking place in Paris this year. We learned the French words for different sports and enjoyed a game of bingo!


Curriculum - Languages - Likes & Dislikes

Year 3 enjoyed talking about things we like and dislike in our French lesson this week. 


Curriculum - Languages - Bonne Nuit Petit Monstre Vert

Class 9 have really enjoyed reading Bonne Nuit Petit Monstre Vert in our French lesson. We have built up so much vocabulary this year that we could translate loads of the story. 


Curriculum - Languages - French Poems

Members of class 10 visited class 1 this week to perform their French poems. To prepare, we studied the original poem about two birds and learned all of the vocabulary needed. We then wrote our own version using our own animals and made our own puppets to help the audience understand what was going on. We all enjoyed performing to the reception class, and teaching them a few words in French!


Curriculum - Languages - Writing Paragraphs

Class 16 have worked hard to write a paragraph in French about their family. Tres bien!


Curriculum - Languages - Year 5 / Year 6 French Conversations

We have been practicing our conversational French this week by asking each other for items from our pencil cases. Some of our class were brave enough to be filmed! Well done class 15.


Curriculum - Languages - French Conversations

Class 13 have been learning the french words for items in their pencil cases. 

We practised our conversational french and a few children were brave enough to show the class how well they had done. 


Curriculum - Languages - French Basics

Year 3 have started learning French for the first time. We learned how to say “Hello” and how to say “My name is”. We also got our login details for our Duolingo accounts so that we can practise at home. 


Curriculum - Languages - Language Skills

Today we showed off our language skills by translating a passage in French about hobbies and preferences into English. We surprised ourselves with how much French we can actually understand now!


Curriculum - Languages - Virtual France Trip

Year 3 and year 4 have been on a virtual trip to France this week. After passing through 'security', getting our boarding passes and watching an in-flight safety video, we arrived in Paris! We went on a cruise down the River Seine, stopping at some of the most famous sights Paris has to offer. We were amazed to find out how tall the Eiffel Tower was and learned all about the Louvre, which houses some of the famous art work we've studied in Art. We even stopped to take some selfies along the way.


Curriculum - Languages - Eurovision 2023

Here are our Eurovision 2023 music videos:


Curriculum - Languages - French Food

Class 13 have started a new topic on french food this term. They worked hard to translate french words into English and have drawn some lovely illustrations to compliment their work. 


Curriculum - Languages - Reception 2022 Starter Videos

Here are some videos containing useful information for parents/carers of children starting reception in September 2022.

Pupils have done commentary in English, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Urdu.


Curriculum - Languages - French Role Play

Class 9 did some role play in school in their French lesson. Children took their chance to take on the role of teacher and practiced classroom commands such as ‘ecoutez’ and ‘taisez-vous’. 


Curriculum - Languages - Learning about Diwali

Mrs Sagoo visited classes in KS1 to talk about how she celebrates Diwali with her family and friends. Children really enjoyed learning about why Diwali is celebrated around the world. They asked questions and found out about special artefacts and objects associated with this celebration.


Curriculum - Languages - French Nursery Rhyme

Class 10 have enjoyed learning how to sing a familiar nursery rhyme in French. We have used our knowledge of the song to write about our eye and hair colour in French. Some of us have even been able to describe what our friends and siblings look like!


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