Nursery - Eurovision and Hatching Chicks!

Image of Nursery - Eurovision and Hatching Chicks!

Oh what a busy week we have had!

Practicing and recording our song for the Eurovision song contest. We are singing the song Frère Jacques and it will be available to watch on the website soon.

We have also had the excitement of watching our chicks hatch in their incubator.

We are really…

Category: Nursery



Nursery - Coronation Activities

Image of Nursery - Coronation Activities

We have had a wonderful time celebrating the coronation of King Charles lll. 

We made crowns, attached jewels to crowns, painted and collaged with red, white and blue, listened to stories about the coronation and watched short sections from the late Queen Elizabeth ll coronation.

We had a…

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Little Lumpty

Image of Nursery - Little Lumpty

We have loved listening to are retelling the story of Little Lumpty who lived in a town called Dumpty and was cousin of Humpty Dumpty.

It is a wonderful story. 

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Gross/Fine Motor & Listening Skills

Image of Nursery - Gross/Fine Motor & Listening Skills

We have enjoyed developing our gross and fine motor skills and our listening skills when we have our scarf dancing and moving to music sessions. 

We have used our creative skills to decorate eggs and we have had egg hunts both inside and outside.

We have made chocolate shredded wheat nests…

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Summary 03.03.2023

Image of Nursery - Summary 03.03.2023

We have had a busy couple of weeks, we have been dong lots of work and learning about dinosaurs and pirates.

We love the story Pirate Pete and his Smelly Feet and we have retold the story lots of time outside using our homemade pirate ship.

We have all 'walked the plank' like Pirate Pete…

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Paint Pens

Image of Nursery - Paint Pens

We have discovered paint pens and the children have created some amazing pictures.

We have also added gold coins to treasure chests and counted how many there were - some of the children counted beyond 20, they were very rich pirates.

Category: Nursery



Nursery - Summary - 17.01.2023

Image of Nursery - Summary - 17.01.2023

Judy and Nevaeh are nursing their babies. “We are trying to get them to sleep”.

Khadija is preparing the food for the baby, whilst Angel is putting the baby into the high chair ready for dinner.

Jack makes a cup of tea and Hussnain is reading a Peppa Pig book on the sofa.

Haniya, Deem and…

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Snow

Image of Nursery - Snow

We were very excited today because we managed to see, touch and watch the snow falling today.

We started of just seeing very fine little snow flakes but eventually we saw big snow flakes. We caught the flakes, the laughed at each other as our hair turned white when the snow landed on it and all…

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Animal Club

Image of Nursery - Animal Club

What an exciting morning we have had in Nursery today, we had a visit from Animal Club! 

Amy brought lots of animals for the children to look at, touch and even hold. The animals/reptiles that she brought were lizards, beaded dragon, rabbits, guinea pigs, African snails, meal worms and a corn…

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Christmas Summary

Image of Nursery - Christmas Summary

What wonderful treats we had at the end of term, parties where we played lots of games, did lots of dancing, ate lots of treats and had a visit from Father Christmas who gave us all a present. Father Christmas said that all the children were on the 'good list'.

Some of the children got to see…

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Christmas Fun

Image of Nursery - Christmas Fun

Christmas has arrived in nursery. The tree has been decorated and we have our own Polar Express.

The children have listened to the story of The First Christmas and have used the small world nativity set to retell the story.

They have loved retelling the Polar Express story using the…

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Slopes and Heights/Angles

Image of Nursery - Slopes and Heights/Angles

We have been experimenting with slopes at different heights/angles to see which one helps the cars move faster and go further.

Category: Nursery