Reception (Class 2) - Design Technology - Fruit Kebabs
After talking about the different types of fruit and where they grow we made our own fruit kebabs!
We made sure our hands were clean and we cut the fruit carefully thinking about how we hold the tools. We enjoyed tasting new fruit and describing it to our friend.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Design Technology - Fruit Kebabs
This we have loved making fruit kebabs, the children (with help) chopped the fruit and put them on the kebab sticks.
It was a fun experience for some children to try fruit that they haven't tried before.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Computing - Technology Skills
Somebody has been using Miss Poole's iPad to take their own pictures!
Reception love showing off their technology skills when using the iPad!
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Computing / Maths - iPads & Numbots
Reception loved using the iPads at school for the first time!
They enjoyed playing on the Numbots game and using their maths skills to build and customise their own robots!
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - P.E - Developing Ball Skills
In PE this half term, reception are developing their ball skills, trying to keep the ball under their control.
So far we have practiced with a tennis ball, rolling it with our hands and stopping it safely.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Maths - Teen Numbers
Here are class 1 making teen numbers!
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Phonics Knowledge
Reception are working so hard on their phonics.
They loved working with their phonics friend to read a book together using their phonological knowledge.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Where does our food come from?
Reception have been loving learning about fruit and vegetables.
We have been sorting them into categories, learning new names and even using them to paint!
Category: Reception
Reception - Teddy Bear Hospital Visit
This week we had an exciting visit from the Teddy Bear Hospital.
We got to learn all about the role of doctors and look at their equipment.
We also looked at food that is healthy and unhealthy for us, and how to properly brush our teeth. Check out our pictures.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 2) - Science - Ice
After learning about cold places around the world and the animals that live there we spent science week exploring Ice.
We had a fantastic week describing the ice , making predictions and carrying out experiments. We talked about what happens to the ice when it melts and what happens when it…
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - World Book Day 2024
World Book Day 2024!
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Lunar New Year
Last week we have enjoyed learning all about Lunar New Year.
We discussed the traditions and celebrations that people carry out when celebrating Lunar new year, such as cleaning the home, decorating, family meals, dragon dances and fireworks.
The children enjoyed making their own lanterns,…
Category: Reception