Reception (Class 1) - Remembrance Day
On Friday, we had a day dedicated to Remembrance Day.
We discussed what it is and why we celebrate it and the importance of it too.
The children enjoyed taking part in Poppy related activities, including making their own poppy biscuits.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Different Celebrations
A lovely start to the new half term. We have began our new topic of learning about the different celebrations and this week saw us learning about Bonfire Night.
We had discussions of why we celebrate it and the children shared their own experiences of how they have celebrate. The children…
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Little City Visit
We loved our visit from Little City!
The children really enjoyed playing in the range of different environments and taking on the role of doctors, police, hair dressers and many more!
Check out our video!
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Scarecrows
This week to finish off our learning about Autumn we have been finding out about Scarecrows!
We had enjoyed reading stories about Scarecrows and finding out why farmers have them, and how to make them!
So we decided to make our own.
We worked together as a class to create our very own…
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Phonics & Letter Formation
The Reception children loved showing their phonics learning outside in the outdoor area and practicing their letter formation.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Gross Motor Skills
Reception loved using their gross motor skills to make their way across the obstacle course.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - School Library Visit
Class 1 loved their first visit to the Library!
There were so many lovely books to look at, we could have stayed there all day!
The children are looking forward to take a book home soon in the near future.
Category: Reception
Reception - Art - Colour Mixing
Reception has been experimenting with colour mixing!
Using the powder paint to combine the colours and see which new colour they had then made!
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Phonics
Week 3 in reception saw the start of phonics!
The children have worked so hard to learn our first new sounds, spotting them in their reading books and practicing writing them.
Some children even had a go at painting the sounds. Well done reception!
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - What's Inside our Bodies?
Today we continued our learning about our bodies and discussed what is inside!
We had a look at pictures of our skeleton, our bones and some x-ray pictures too! The children then, using the drawing of Hannah from the previous lesson, label the body using the x-ray pictures of the bones! Class 1…
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Our Bodies
This week to carry on our learning of 'Who am I? Where do I belong?' we have been focusing on our bodies.
Today we draw around Hannah's body and then the children worked together to add the name labels for the different parts of the body, including elbow, toenail and ear!
The children then…
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - P.E
This week have all enjoyed our first PE session.
We were focusing on our balance this week.
We used beanbags to balance on our heads while we stood on one leg, walk around the hall and go through hoops and over hurdles.
Category: Reception