Reception - Christmas Jumper Day

Image of Reception - Christmas Jumper Day

Reception had a great time on Christmas jumper day!

Category: Reception


Reception - Class 1 - Week 4

Image of Reception - Class 1 - Week 4

Week 4 saw the beginning of the World Cup and all of us in class 1 wanted to show our support for England. We decorated the classroom with flags, bunting and even had a little mini football pitch to play with. 

Mrs Wainwright allowed us to have the England game on our boards while we were…

Category: Reception


Reception - Class 1 - Week 3

Image of Reception - Class 1 - Week 3

Even though it's been a short week, it's also been a busy one! We began week 3 by celebrating Arkanshu's birthday as he turned 5 over the weekend. Monday was also Odd Socks Day - the children enjoyed designing their own pair of odd socks, making sure the socks were different to each…

Category: Reception


Reception Parents - Phonics Open Morning

Image of Reception Parents - Phonics Open Morning

We were delighted to welcome reception parents and our chair of governors into school this week for our phonics information morning. 

Our English and phonics leaders delivered a presentation to parents outlining our approach to teaching phonics using the 'Essential Letters and Sounds' programme…

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Maths

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Maths

In maths this week we have been learning all about numbers 1 2 3 and all the different ways to represent them.

As a class we made a huge poster and everyone added something on to it; 2 circles, number block 3, 1 robot, 2 apples etc.

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Firefighters

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Firefighters

This week in class 1 we have been discussing firefighters, their roles and how they help us.

We talked about whether we had seen any firefighters over the bonfire weekend and how they help to keep us safe.

The children enjoyed painting fire engines and taking on the firefighter role when…

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Teddy Bear Hospital

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Teddy Bear Hospital

Today we had a very exciting afternoon!

We had visitors from the teddy bear hospital and they showed us lots of different things and taught us all about what doctors do and how to keep our body healthy. 

  • Healthy Eating - We looked at different types of foods and sorted them into healthy…

Category: Reception


Reception - Bonfire Night

Image of Reception - Bonfire Night

This week we have also enjoyed learning about Bonfire night, why and how we celebrate it and how to keep safe. The children loved creating their own splatter painting inspired by the artist Jackson Pollock, to represent the fireworks in the sky. 

To celebrate Bonfire Night, Miss Lavery and…

Category: Reception


Reception - Weekly Summary

Image of Reception - Weekly Summary

This week we have all become a part of drawing club. In drawing club we read a story and draw pictures about it. This week we have been focusing on the story; The 3 little pigs. We have loved it! Some of the class 1 boys showed their interest in the story by building a house in the outdoor area…

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Pumpkin Fun

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Pumpkin Fun

We decided to take a closer look at the Pumpkin in our class. After reading the story "How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?" we cut open the top of the pumpkin and took a look inside. 

We past the pumpkin around the circle and the children made an estimate about how many seeds were inside. They also…

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Commando Joe's - 21.10.2022

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Commando Joe's - 21.10.2022

This week in Commando Joe’s we had to make stars using our bodies!

We worked in teams to create the shape of a star and make sure it had 5 points. We then had a go with cones, making a star shape.

Category: Reception


Reception - Maths - Patterns

Image of Reception - Maths - Patterns

We have loved learning about patterns this week in reception.

We have really enjoyed making fruit kebab patterns. Pushing pieces of fruit onto the kebab stick to make a pattern such as apple, banana, apple, banana.

Then the best bit, we got to eat them!

Also, after reading 'Oliver’s…

Category: Reception