Reception (Class 1) - Teddy Bear Hospital

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Teddy Bear Hospital

Today we had a very exciting afternoon!

We had visitors from the teddy bear hospital and they showed us lots of different things and taught us all about what doctors do and how to keep our body healthy. 

  • Healthy Eating - We looked at different types of foods and sorted them into healthy…

Category: Reception


Reception - Bonfire Night

Image of Reception - Bonfire Night

This week we have also enjoyed learning about Bonfire night, why and how we celebrate it and how to keep safe. The children loved creating their own splatter painting inspired by the artist Jackson Pollock, to represent the fireworks in the sky. 

To celebrate Bonfire Night, Miss Lavery and…

Category: Reception


Reception - Weekly Summary

Image of Reception - Weekly Summary

This week we have all become a part of drawing club. In drawing club we read a story and draw pictures about it. This week we have been focusing on the story; The 3 little pigs. We have loved it! Some of the class 1 boys showed their interest in the story by building a house in the outdoor area…

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Pumpkin Fun

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Pumpkin Fun

We decided to take a closer look at the Pumpkin in our class. After reading the story "How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?" we cut open the top of the pumpkin and took a look inside. 

We past the pumpkin around the circle and the children made an estimate about how many seeds were inside. They also…

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Commando Joe's - 21.10.2022

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Commando Joe's - 21.10.2022

This week in Commando Joe’s we had to make stars using our bodies!

We worked in teams to create the shape of a star and make sure it had 5 points. We then had a go with cones, making a star shape.

Category: Reception


Reception - Maths - Patterns

Image of Reception - Maths - Patterns

We have loved learning about patterns this week in reception.

We have really enjoyed making fruit kebab patterns. Pushing pieces of fruit onto the kebab stick to make a pattern such as apple, banana, apple, banana.

Then the best bit, we got to eat them!

Also, after reading 'Oliver’s…

Category: Reception


Reception - Commando Joe's

Image of Reception - Commando Joe's

Our mission today was based upon the Nursery Rhyme - Jack and Jill. 

The children had to work in teams and in pairs to go over the obstacle course to collect some water (blue balls). The team with the most water in their bucket at the end was the winner. 

The children had to use their team…

Category: Reception


Reception - Waterfall

Image of Reception - Waterfall

We have loved exploring our new water wall. Using different jugs and bowls to pour water down the pipes to see where it would come out. 

We tried so hard to be very careful when pouring the water to try not to spill any. 

Thank you Mr Ingleson for making our water wall, we love…

Category: Reception


Reception - Phonics

Image of Reception - Phonics

In Reception we have been working hard in our Phonics. 

Learning a new sound everyday can be tricky, but we can do it! We have been practicing forming our letter sounds, it was lots of fun to use paint. 

We have also been working hard in our apply books and at working in pairs or teams to…

Category: Reception


Reception - Jet Pack

Image of Reception - Jet Pack

WOW! Check out Jackson’s jet pack. 

He worked very hard with Miss Le Brocq to create it, making sure it had all the elements he needed. 

I wonder where he will fly?

Category: Reception


Reception - Self Portraits

Image of Reception - Self Portraits

This week in Reception we have been drawing self portraits using the Crayola skin coloured pens and pencils.

We made sure to have a good look at ourselves in the mirror to make sure we have used the right colour.

Check them out!

Category: Reception


Reception (Class 1) - Commando Joe's - 06.10.2022

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Commando Joe's - 06.10.2022

This week in Commando Joe’s our mission was to keep CJ the bear calm. We had to talk to him and give him words of reassurance to ensured he stayed clam.

We were split into 2 teams, 1 team completed the obstacle course, while the other team calmed CJ bear. CJ then joined us on a turn around the…

Category: Reception