25 October 2023

We started our journey (with Mr Needham) on the school minibus (kindly driven by Miss Lawson) before getting dropped off at Leeds Civic Hall.
We had the opportunity to look at the civic hall building before we ventured inside to sign in. We enjoyed refreshments and meeting other children from other schools. We also talked to some local councillors, including Armley’s Councillor Andy Parnham.
It was very interesting to hear what the councillors do for Leeds and to hear them talk about democracy.
We completed a number of workshops in the morning, including Human Bingo and Youth Consultation (we posted our ideas in the ballot box) before we then went into the council chamber to ask questions to the Lord Mayor, Councillor Al Garthwaite. We all asked the Lord Mayor a question and we then opportunity of having our picture taken with the Lord Mayor and our local councillor.
The day ended by eating at the Rose Bowl. It was a really good experience.