7 May 2024

Image of FAO Families - Use of Antibiotics

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) happens when germs develop the ability to defeat the medication that has been designed to kill them, often these are called ‘superbugs.’ These infections are harder to treat, and illness may therefore be more severe and last for longer. 
It is important to follow these simple steps to help combat antimicrobial resistance. 

  1. Only use antibiotics when prescribed by a certified health professional.
  2. Always take the full prescription, even if you feel better.
  3. Never use left over antibiotics.
  4. Never share antibiotics with others.
  5. Prevent infections by regularly washing your hands, avoiding contact with sick people and keeping your vaccinations up to date.

You can become Antibiotic Guardian – Pledge to be an Antibiotic Guardian. This campaign encourages healthcare organisations, GP practices, hospitals, pharmacies, farmers, patients and the public to pledge towards responsible use of antibiotics.

For more information about antimicrobial resistance see the below video and resources:

Antibiotic resistance - why it's important to take action - YouTube
Seriously Resistant | Help Us Keep Antibiotics Working
Antibiotic resistance (who.int)