23 July 2024

Image of Climate Change - Playing our Part - Summer 2024

As a school we make a conscious effort to play our part in climate change and we are proud to announce that during summer 2024 we offset 2262 kgs of CO2e.

We use a local paper supplier (Fusion Paper, based in Bradford) who are a completely carbon neutral business. 

Once they know what their Green House Gas (GHG) emissions are they offset these by 125%. 

This is achieved by buying carbon credits from an ethical carbon credit scheme and they have teamed up with Taking Root in Central America, www.takingroot.org for their tree planting to achieve the 125%.

Taking Root in Central America are pioneers in leveraging the forest carbon offset industry to promote economic development amongst smallholder farmers. As a not for profit, their mission is to use reforestation as a tool to mitigate climate change, restore ecosystems and improve livelihoods.

More information can be found on the document below:

Fusion Paper - Beyond Neutral