This year our pupil parliament has had a change of format.  As a school we have start to use a system called Smart School Council.  This allows every child in school to have a voice and effect any changes to the school. Two or three times a half term every class will hold a meeting, run by two of the pupils in the class, asking children questions about the school and allowing all children to join in a discussion and express their opinions.  These ideas will then be collated and analysis by the Pupil Parliament Team (PPT) and any actions will be acted upon. The PPT will then decide on another question for the following meeting.

The first class meeting was held to decide how the PPT will be decided. It was voted upon by the children, put into groups in each class, and the results were collated.  The results are seen here:

Unfortunately, classes 4 and 7 were not able to take part in this due to unforeseen circumstances, but will take part in future discussions.

Each class, from class 8 to class 17, have now voted for their class representative and meetings after school will start on Wednesday 11th October.


6th February 2024

Pupil Parliament have started up a new relationship with Leeds Older People’s Forum.  

They had a visit from Tony, who works for Leeds City Council, and one of his Older People contacts Bronwyn.  We discussed what impression young people have of the older generation and how we can change the opinions of younger people towards them.  

They talked about how helpful older people can be to the wider society and how the majority of volunteers across the country are of retirement age.  

We are hoping that we will continue to bridge the gap between the ages by competing in a walking football match sometime in the future.

17th January 2024

The class meeting question was ‘Do school help if you don’t understand things in lessons?

All of the school has voted that teachers help you if you don’t understand things in lessons.

Some of the things that they said the teachers do are up date displays and working walls.  They use talk partners in class and start the day with Fluent in 5. Teachers give out weekly homework and there are 'Ask It baskets' in every classroom.

Some classes said that they have extra tuition in school and after. Teachers also help by break the problems down and showing the best way to solve them.

One class said that the interactive slides and the videos in lessons help a lot too, as do Emile for homework, TTRockstars and Reading Plus.

Children stated that they are given lots of resources for example place value charts, counters, base ten, as well as dictionaries and thesaurus’.

30th November 2023

The children were asked ‘How do teachers help you remember thigs you have learnt?’

Lots of classes said ‘Use It Or Lose It’, ‘Flashback 4’, ‘Practice it over and over again’ and ‘We have questions, new vocabulary, and other information on displays.’

Others said they would revisit topics, have helpful word mats or something similar and working walls on display. Some classes mentioned vocabulary books and doing homework each week.

Editing work was also suggested as a way of remembering what we have been taught in previous lessons, and using whiteboards for recapping.
Classes also mentioned that concrete apparatus, like counters and base ten, help recap lessons and aid understand during the lessons.

Teachers also explain different methods about how to get to the answer in the easiest way for me. 


Year 3 (Class 9) - Pupil Parliament Meeting 09.2023

We held our first class online pupil parliament meeting today. Each week a different child will chair the meeting and all children get a chance to share their views about the topic. The children vote and then the chair casts the votes once counted.