Year 6 (Class 16) - Design Technology - Bridges

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Design Technology - Bridges

Class 16 have started their DT topic on bridges this week, we drew and categorised bridges, looked at 4 different bridge types then tested the different forces that bridges use (tension and compression).

Category: Year 6

Design Technology


Nursery - A New Year & New Opportunities

Image of Nursery - A New Year & New Opportunities

This week we took part in cooking workshop based on a famous story 'Handa's Surprise'.

The children were able to touch, feel, smell the fruits from the story and then learn new skills of peeling, chopping and cutting .

They loved the entire experience and most of them (not all) enjoyed…

Category: Nursery

Design Technology PSHE


Year 2 (Class 6) - DT / PSHE - Classroom Kitchen

Image of Year 2 (Class 6) - DT / PSHE - Classroom Kitchen

Class 6 loved our 'Classroom Kitchen' workshop! It linked perfectly with our new PSHE topic, 'Keeping Healthy'.

We made delicious yoghurt pots by layering fruit, yoghurt, oats and biscuit.  

We learnt new skills, such as the bridge cut, which we used to cut the fruit…

Category: Year 2

Design Technology PSHE


Year 2 (Class 7) - DT / PSHE - Cooking in the Classroom

Image of Year 2 (Class 7) - DT / PSHE - Cooking in the Classroom

Class 7 and year 2 took part in cooking in the classroom.

They learnt how to cut using the bridge and claw method. They made yoghurt pots with grapes, banana, strawberries, blueberries, oats, yoghurt, honey and crushed ginger biscuits.

They all tried them and most finished them off.


Category: Year 2

Design Technology PSHE


Year 2 (Class 5) - DT / PSHE - Healthy Eating

Image of Year 2 (Class 5) - DT / PSHE - Healthy Eating

Children in class 5 really enjoyed a visit from the 'Classroom Kitchen'. 

They learned about the different food groups and the importance of healthy eating. 

The children used the claw and bridge strategies for cutting different fruits to make a healthy yoghurt. 

Category: Year 2

Design Technology PSHE


Year 4 (Class 12) - Design Technology - Finished Light Boxes

Image of Year 4 (Class 12) - Design Technology - Finished Light Boxes

Class 12 have worked hard over the past few weeks designing and making their light boxes.

Well done.

Category: Year 4

Design Technology


Year 2 (Class 7) - Design Technology - Castles

Image of Year 2 (Class 7) - Design Technology - Castles

Class 7 build castles in design technology. They designed them, practised the skills they required before hand, like cutting and joining, before making their castles.

They loved building them with the materials provided and all let their imaginations run wild. Pupils overcame challenges when…

Category: Year 2

Design Technology


Year 2 (Class 6) - Design Technology - Castles

Image of Year 2 (Class 6) - Design Technology - Castles

Class 6 have been making castles in DT.

We begun the term by carrying out some product research of toy castles, before designing and making our own.

We worked very hard and had lots of fun!

Category: Year 2

Design Technology


Year 1 (Class 4) - Design Technology - Moving Pictures

Image of Year 1 (Class 4) - Design Technology - Moving Pictures

The children used the skills they learned in their design and technology lessons to make their own moving picture in order to retell part of a story.

Category: Year 1

Design Technology


Year 5 (Class 14) - Design Technology - Moving Toys

Image of Year 5 (Class 14) - Design Technology - Moving Toys

Class 14 have finished their moving toys.

They work really well and the children have enjoyed making them.

Category: Year 5

Design Technology


Year 6 (Class 17) - Design Technology - Moving Toys

Image of Year 6 (Class 17) - Design Technology - Moving Toys

Class 17 have worked really hard on their moving toys this half term.

They have learnt how different shaped cams can change the movement of their toy.

They planned and made their toys independently and showed great resilience and problem solving skills to iron out any small problems they…

Category: Year 6

Design Technology


Year 6 (Class 16) - Design Technology - Cams, Cogs & Levers

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Design Technology - Cams, Cogs & Levers

Class 16 have been looking at cams, cogs and levers.

With this knowledge, we built small rotating toys that showed the principles of them.

When they were finished, year 2, class 5, came to play with them give a review.

Category: Year 6

Design Technology