Year 6 - P.E - Athletics
Well done to the athletes who took part in a local athletics competition.
They won lots of races but narrowly missed out on first place.
The children gave it their all throughout the events.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 - P.E - Athletics
Well done to the athletes who took part in a local athletics competition.
They won lots of races but narrowly missed out on first place.
The children gave it their all throughout the events.
Category: Year 5
Year 6 - P.E - Mixed Football
Well done to all those who took part.
They showed great teamwork and put in some excellent performances.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 - P.E - Mixed Football
Well done to all those who took part.
They showed great teamwork and put in some excellent performances.
Category: Year 5
Year 2 - P.E - Dance
Year 2 had a fabulous time at their Cheer Dance session.
They learnt part of a cheer routine, played some games and shared their best dance moves.
I was very impressed by some of their dance moves.
Category: Year 2
Year 1 (Class 4) - P.E - Relay Races
Class 4 have been taking part in some extra games sessions led by a coach from Leeds Rhinos this half term.
We have learnt some new games and have taken part in relay races in teams.
Category: Year 1
Year 5 (Class 12) - P.E - Dance Routines
Class 12 have been working hard in groups to choreograph a dance routines.
We gave discussed rhythm and beats to keep in time with the music. They have also looked at making sure we include a variety of actions and dynamics.
The children have all come up with some lovely routines which…
Category: Year 5
Year 4 (Class 10) - P.E - Spy Dance
Today we did a spy dance in PE.
We enjoyed watching others dances, everyone working together, everyone happy and having fun.
Category: Year 4
Year 1 (Class 4) - P.E - Football Skills
Class 4 have been lucky enough to take part in a workshop run by coaches from Catalan Soccer.
They enjoyed practising their football skills and playing games.
Category: Year 1
Year 6 (Class 16) - P.E - Dance
This week, in PE we began our dance topic.
We learnt a stamp, clap routine and then the children got into groups and created their own stamp, clap dance routine.
Category: Year 6
Year 3 (Class 8) - P.E - Tennis Skills
We have been enjoying having a specialist tennis coach over the last few weeks.
We always start with a warm up to develop our skills.
Category: Year 3
Year 1 (Class 4) - P.E - Hopping & Skipping
Class 4 have been practising jumping, skipping and hopping in their PE lessons this half term.
Today we worked hard to practise skipping using our skipping ropes.
Category: Year 1