At St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary, PSHE is at the heart of our ethos and our curriculum enables pupils to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to become happy and healthy members of our community. Our whole school approach to PSHE provides pupils with the early building blocks to allow them to succeed and thrive, both in the next step of their academic journey and within their future life in modern Britain. We believe that these building blocks, with a particular focus on mental health and wellbeing, provide a foundation to empower children to feel safe and happy and achieve across the curriculum and in their future lives.

Our PSHE curriculum is based on the You, Me and PSHE scheme, which covers many topics such as keeping safe and managing risk, mental health and wellbeing and physical health. This is supplemented with resources from other organisations, for example NSPCC, NHS Every Mind Matters and MindMate. We follow a spiral curriculum, with key topics revisited at an age appropriate level, which meets the statutory RSE requirements and is in line with the National Curriculum. We want our PSHE curriculum to enable children to feel safe and confident, be able to identify and manage risk and develop the knowledge and skills to lead a physically and mentally healthy life. 

At St Bartholomew’s, we understand the importance of PSHE and promote it throughout school. We aim to create a safe and happy learning environment for all pupils, where they can speak openly and access further support if needed. Pupils in KS2 complete the My Health My School survey to share their views and this is used to develop our curriculum and ensure it is led by the needs of the children. We also strive to provide our diverse mix of pupils with engaging events and experiences linked to our PSHE curriculum through themed weeks, workshops and visitors from members of our community.

Curriculum - PSHE - Key Documents

Curriculum - PSHE - Useful Links

BBC Bitesize Bullying Clips

BBC Own It



Childline - Calm Zone


Health for Kids

Safety Net Kids


Young Minds

Curriculum - PSHE - Smoking Discussion

Today we discussed reasons why people might start smoking. We talked about peer pressure and learnt behaviour. We acted out scenarios to show ways we can avoid risks. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Alcohol Abuse

In PSHE, we used our oracy skills and talk tokens to discuss alcohol abuse: the risks, how it affects the person, and how others in their family might be affected too. We discussed in circle groups first, and then fed back as a whole class group.


Curriculum - PSHE - Smoking

Today we made posters to warn people about the dangers of smoking. We tried to encourage people to stop or not to start in the first place. We included health risks and physical changes that can happen to our bodies if we smoke. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Alcohol & Drugs

In PSHE, we have continued our topic on alcohol and drugs. This week, the children came up with their own drug related scenario and came up with ideas on how they would lower the risk of the situation. They then acted these out to the class.


Curriculum - PSHE - Road Safety & The Green Cross Code

Year two worked hard understanding road safety. The children then went out and followed the green cross code to cross the road safely. Everyone did a great job at crossing the road safely. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Road Safety

Here are some of the children of class 10 busy learning pedestrian road safety skills on the streets of Armley yesterday.

Everyone scored full marks in the final road crossing assessment - Well done class 10!


Curriculum - PSHE - Different Types of Drugs

In our first PSHE lesson, class 16 looked at different drugs, they researched in groups and presented information to the rest of the class. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Internet Safety Booklets

For the last couple of weeks, class 13 have been discussing online safety and the risks of being online. The children have then completed online safety booklets to remind them how to be safe in various circumstances. These booklets will be coming home with your child so they always have them to refer to. 


Curriculum - PSHE - My Health My School Survey

Years 5 and 6 are completing their My Health My School Surveys. The survey provides children with an opportunity to answer questions about their health and well-being and what they think of school. We will be collating results and sharing results with children in the Autumn Term. The survey results will give us an opportunity to think about how we can make things better for everyone. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Rail & Road Safety

Class 13 have been looking at rail safety, they looked at different scenarios regarding rail safety and gave their opinion on what to do to stay safe as possible. They have also been looking at road safety and exploring the safest route to school.


Curriculum - PSHE - Internet Safety

Class 7 have learnt about staying safe on the internet. They learnt to be SMART. Stay safe by not passing on personal information. Meet, never meet someone you have been chatting to online. Accepting, don’t accept all files, some could have viruses. Reliable, don’t believe that everything you read is true. Tell, tell a trusted adult if something upsets you or makes you worried.

Class 9 completed an activity booklet to show off everything they know about being safe online.


Curriculum - PSHE - Water Safety

Class 13 have started safety week by looking at the dangers in water. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Occupations

Today we drew pictures of what we thought people in certain jobs would look like. We looked at scientists, nurses, footballers and beauticians. We discussed that anyone with the correct skills and ambition can do each of these roles. We also discussed things that separate us from our stereotypes. 


Curriculum - PSHE - First Aid (The Recovery Position)

Today in class 12 we continued to look at first aid and took it in turns to put each other in the recovery position.


Curriculum - PSHE - Keeping Safe

In PSHE this half term, class 11 have been learning about how to keep safe in a variety of situations. Today we have found out what to do if we find out someone need help. We talked about who we would call and what number we would use in certain scenarios. The children discussed this in pairs and time played the situation. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Delivering CPR

Classes 16 and 17 continued learning about first aid in PSHE. Children watched a video on how first aid is administered by lifeguards on Bondi Beach. They then discussed how defibrillators are used in an emergency. Children then discussed with Mr Middleton what they would have to do if they had to deliver CPR to someone.  Children then practised on a dummy. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Calling 999

Today we looked dialling 999. - how to do it from various devices, what counts as an emergency situation and what we might say on a call. We simulated calls between each other to practice what we would say. 


Curriculum - PSHE - First Aid (Choking)

Class 17 really enjoyed their first aid session. They learnt what to do if they come across someone choking and practiced on 'Annie'.


Curriculum - PSHE - Emergency Situations

Well done class 17 on another successful PSHE lesson in which we looked at emergency situations and how we would respond as first aiders.


Curriculum - PSHE - First Aid Training

In PSHE, class 10 have been learning about first aid this week. We have learned the difference between burns and scalds and have memorised the steps to take if somebody suffers one. We then practiced bandaging each other using cling film.


Curriculum - PSHE - First Aid & Emergencies

Classes 16 and 17 enjoyed learning about how to cope in an emergency. Children watched a video created by the St John’s Ambulance identifying key points on how to cope in an emergency. Children were then given different scenarios to think about what actions they would take.  Each group then discussed their actions.


Curriculum - PSHE - First Aid

Year 6 enjoyed an introductory lesson to first aid.  Children discussed their understanding of first aid and created their own definitions. Year 6 then went onto identifying risks in different settings and how to reduce risk.   


Curriculum - PSHE - Teddy Bear Hospital

This week we had an exciting visit from the Teddy Bear Hospital. We got to learn all about the role of doctors and look at their equipment. We also looked at food that is healthy and unhealthy for us, and how to properly brush our teeth.


Curriculum - PSHE - Medicine

In class 6, we had an oracy session in PSHE. We were learning all about who should give us medicine, and worked in groups to discuss different scenarios. We focused on the Linguistic strand, giving reasons why we had different ideas. We used talk tokens to make sure everyone had the chance to share their ideas. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Medicines

In class 6, we have been learning about medicines in PSHE. We have learnt all about vaccinations and how Edward Jenner created the vaccination for smallpox!


Curriculum - PSHE - Build, Challenge, Clarify

Year 6 children in class 15 spent time developing their oracy skills - using build, challenge and clarify. Children had to discuss different scenarios and how people would feel.


Curriculum - PSHE - Mindfulness

This morning, class 16 took part in a mindfulness work shop, where they learnt some techniques on how to meditate and relieve stress. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Leeds United Visit

Class 17 enjoyed having a discussion with a visitor from Leeds United on gangs, grooming and knife crime.


Curriculum - PSHE - Anti-Racism Award

This week, we introduced the children to an exciting award St Bart’s is going for: the anti-racism award. We had lots of discussion, watched videos and discussed scenarios. The children then made their own posters and pledges.


Curriculum - PSHE - Classroom Kitchen

Children in year 2 really enjoyed a visit from the 'Classroom Kitchen'. They learned about the different food groups and the importance of healthy eating. The children used the claw and bridge strategies for cutting different fruits to make a healthy yoghurt. They made yoghurt pots with grapes, banana, strawberries, blueberries, oats, yoghurt, honey and crushed ginger biscuits. They all tried them and most finished them off. They really enjoyed themselves and can now start helping at home. 


Curriculum - PSHE - HMP Not for Me (Class 15)

Class 15 really enjoyed taking part in the HMP not for me day. They learnt a lot about making the right choices and about not being influenced by their peers.


Curriculum - PSHE - The Big Ambition

Today we had our say on how the country is run. We joined in with ‘The big ambition’ which is a government initiative to gather the thoughts and ideas of children across the country on how it should be run. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Government Survey

Today we had our say by filling in the national survey produced by the government in order to find out what we really want. 


Curriculum - PSHE - HMP Not for Me (Class 13)

This week class 13 had a fantastic day with Mick completing HMP Not For Me! Watch the videos to find out more!


Curriculum - PSHE - HMP Not for Me (Class 17)

Well done class 17 for a wonderful, exciting day full of very good questions with HMP Not For Me. We learnt about illegal drugs, alcohol, laws and even got a chance to see what a prison cell looks like. We acted very mature and were very polite to our visitor.


Curriculum - PSHE - HMP Not for Me (Class 14)

Today we have had a great day with HMP Not For Me! The children have learned lots about crime, making the right choices and the consequences of actions, not only for themselves, but the people around them. They got a chance to see what a real prison cell looked like as well as solving a serious crime in the classroom. I really hope that all the children can take lots away from the day and stay safe. Well done everyone for your hard work.


Curriculum - PSHE - Children In Need 2023

Today class 13 have been celebrating Children In Need, they have brought a £1 donation in for wearing non-school uniform. We have discussed who their donations will help and designed Children In Need posters. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Railway Safety

Leeds United Foundation visited the school (in partnership with Network Rail) to deliver a ‘Railway Safety’ assembly to year 6. The assembly covered areas such as the dangers of tracks and how the railways can be used safely.


Curriculum - PSHE - Odd Socks Day

Class 15 fully embraced Anti-Bullying week by joining in the odd sock day to celebrate our differences.


Curriculum - PSHE - Bullying

This week is anti bullying week and today we filled in our socks with poems or statements to encourage people to stand up and speak out against bullying. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Discrimination

The children in class 13 have been investigating stereotypes and discrimination in PSHE lessons. This week we discussed some of the discriminations in todays society, such as homophobia, sexism and racism. The children then recreated scenes where discrimination took place and at the end explained why it was wrong and the effects it has on people.


Curriculum - PSHE - Inner West Youth Summit

We started our journey (with Mr Needham) on the school minibus (kindly driven by Miss Lawson) before getting dropped off at Leeds Civic Hall. We had the opportunity to look at the civic hall building before we ventured inside to sign in. We enjoyed refreshments and meeting other children from other schools. We also talked to some local councillors, including Armley’s Councillor Andy Parnham. We completed a number of workshops in the morning, including Human Bingo and Youth Consultation (we posted our ideas in the ballot box) before we then went into the council chamber to ask questions to the Lord Mayor, Councillor Al Garthwaite.  We all asked the Lord Mayor a question and we then had the opportunity of having our picture taken with the Lord Mayor and our local councillor. The day ended by eating at the Rose Bowl. It was a really good experience.


Curriculum - PSHE - Passing Laws

Today we made our own campaign for passing laws about things that matter to us. We made posters explaining why these laws are important and how they will help people. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Moods and Worries

This week in PSHE we discussed what it is like to worry and how it can effect our mood. We discussed different things we can do if we worry, one of those was to meditate. The children enjoyed the time to reflect and think. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Friendships

In class 6 we have been thinking about friendship in our PSHE lessons. We have discussed what makes a good friend, what we like about our friends, and today we have thought about what we would do if our friends were upset. 


Curriculum - PSHE - Laws

Class 10 have been working in groups to make their own law! We talked about what a good law would be and then presented our ideas to the class. We were then asked questions about why they had chosen this law and how they would enforce it.


Curriculum - PSHE - Influencers

Class 16 have been looking at what influences us and the effect they have on us. We have been ordering influencers from greatest to least.