Year 1 (Class 3) - Reading - Funnybones
In class 3 we have been reading ‘Funnybones’.
Lilah has enjoyed the book so much that her mummy has bought her two more books in the series.
Lilah has been so kind and let the class listen to both stories!
Category: Year 1
Year 4 (Class 11) - English - Library Visit
Class 11 have been back to the library to choose a new book.
Some of the children gave us a book review about the book they have read. We discussed how the library was set out and how they could use this to find a book they may like.
They then took the time to read quietly.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 11) - R.E - Older Religions
Class 11 have started looking at some older religions and how they all had a sun god to worship.
They have looked at Ra, from Ancient Egypt, Huitzilopochtli and Quetzalcoatl from Aztecs and Apollo from Ancient Greeks.
They used iPads to research more information about them and will write up…
Category: Year 4
Year 3 (Class 9) - Music - Ukulele 'F' Cord
Class 9 are really enjoying learning how to play the ukulele.
This week we learnt how to play the F cord.
Category: Year 3
Reception (Class 1) - Phonics & Letter Formation
The Reception children loved showing their phonics learning outside in the outdoor area and practicing their letter formation.
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Gross Motor Skills
Reception loved using their gross motor skills to make their way across the obstacle course.
Category: Reception
Year 3 (Class 9) - Art - LS Lowry
Year 3 have been painting our drawings of Leeds Town Hall, in the style of L.S Lowry.
Category: Year 3
Year 2 (Class 6) - Art - Castles
In class 6, we followed a drawing tutorial in our art lesson to create our own castle picture.
Year 3 (Class 9) - French - Writing a Script
Year 3 enjoyed writing a French play script using all of the words we have learned over the last few weeks!
Category: Year 3
Nursery - Learning about Owls
In nursery this week we continued to learn about autumn. We have made story maps and retold the story of 'Owl Babies' using puppets and owl soft toys. We have made nests for owls and fed the owls with some worms (counted to 5).
On our creative table we have been rolling conkers, making collage…
Category: Nursery
Science Design Technology English Maths
Year 5 (Class 13) - French - Conversations
Class 13 have been learning the french words for items in their pencil cases.
We practised our conversational french and a few children were brave enough to show the class how well they had done.
Category: Year 5
Year 3 (Class 9) - R.E - Singing Hymns
We enjoyed singing our hymns in our collective worship at the end of the day.
Category: Year 3