Year 5 (Class 15) - Music - Glockenspiels

Image of Year 5 (Class 15) - Music - Glockenspiels

Class 15 have enjoyed singing the song Ghost Parade and playing along using the glockenspiels we will add more instruments over the coming weeks.

Well done class 15.

Category: Year 5



Year 3 - Class 10 - Music (Ukuleles)

Image of Year 3 - Class 10 - Music (Ukuleles)

Year 3 have had a fabulous time learning the ukuleles for the first time!

We learned how to hold the ukulele and copied some patterns back. We had a great time and we can’t wait for next week!


Category: Year 3



Year 1 (Class 3) - Music - Into the Sea

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Music - Into the Sea

Year 1 enjoyed learning the words to the song 'Into the Sea'.

They then played the glockenspiel along to the song and performed it.

Category: Year 1



Year 2 (Class 7) - Pirate Poems

Image of Year 2 (Class 7) - Pirate Poems

Class 7 performed their own pirate poems. 

They learnt about riddles, practiced and wrote their own before getting into the pirate spirit and performing them on pirate day. 

We hope you like them and can guess what we were describing. 

Category: Year 2

English Music


Year 2 (Class 7) - Story Performances with Lala

Image of Year 2 (Class 7) - Story Performances with Lala

Class 7 have enjoyed having Lala in our class this half term. 

Class 7 worked as a class to write a story a word at a time as a class. 

They then practiced this story so they knew it off by heart, before working in groups to perform it. Everything the children have done with Lala is their…

Category: Year 2

English Music


Year 1 (Class 3) - African Animals

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - African Animals

Class 3 had lots of fun learning a poem called African Animals.

They made up some actions to it and practised as a class.

They then performed the poem in small groups in front of the rest of the class.

Well done Class 3!

Category: Year 1



Year 2 - Music - Piano Concert

Image of Year 2 - Music - Piano Concert

What an amazing morning KS1 had in school.

They were treated to an brilliant concert, where Joanna the Piano was brought to life and helped us to understand shat we need to do to help save the planet: switch off lights; walk more instead of using busses and cars; wear a jumper to keep warm…

Category: Year 2



Year 1 - Music - Piano Concert

Image of Year 1 - Music - Piano Concert

What an amazing morning KS1 had in school.

They were treated to an brilliant concert, where Joanna the Piano was brought to life and helped us to understand shat we need to do to help save the planet: switch off lights; walk more instead of using busses and cars; wear a jumper to keep warm…

Category: Year 1



Year 1 - Class 4 - Performance Poetry

Image of Year 1 - Class 4 - Performance Poetry

Class 4 have been learning about performance poetry. We have been learning the poem 'African Animals'.

The children thought of actions to help them remember the poem and worked in groups to practice it before performing the poem to the rest of the class.

Category: Year 1



Eurovision 2023 - Year 1 & Year 2

Image of Eurovision 2023 - Year 1 & Year 2

Category: Year 2

Languages Music


Eurovision 2023 - Year 1 & Year 2

Image of Eurovision 2023 - Year 1 & Year 2

Category: Year 1

Languages Music


Year 5 - Class 14 - Eurovision 2023

Image of Year 5 - Class 14 - Eurovision 2023

Category: Year 5

Languages Music