Year 5 (Class 12) - Trackit Winners
Congratulations to Marcel and Ola who received the most Trackit points last term for class 12.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 13) - Trackit Winners
Class 13’s Track it point winners last term were Carlysta and Isaac - well done!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - Trackit Winners
Class 14’s Track it point winners last term were Isabella and Raquel - well done girls!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - Christmas Classroom Winners!
Mrs Dixon and class 14 won the most Christmasy classroom competition!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 - Music - Rocksteady Performances
Well done on your amazing performances!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 12) - Music - 12 Days of Christmas
Class 12 have been practicing the 12 Days of Christmas over the past couple of weeks and created a video for everyone to enjoy.
Merry Christmas from class 12.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 13) - Art - Art at Home
A member of class 13 enjoyed taking home class 13’s Art at Home folder to complete different art activities over the weekend!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 12) - Christmas Jumper Day
Class 12 had a great day celebrating Christmas Jumper Day to raise money for Save The Children.
We had plenty of children wearing some lovey jumpers and getting dressed up.
Here is a selection.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 - Music Enrichment - Rocksteady Practice
Rock Steady children have been practising their performances.
Mr Needham dropped into rehearsal with a special visitor and both were very impressed with the performance!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - R.E - Jewish Sukkah
This week in RE class 14 have made a representation of a Jewish Sukkah. This represents the house that Moses stayed in for 40 years in the dessert.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - PSHE - Discrimination
This week in PSHE class 14 have acted out discrimination scenarios and discussed how and why they are discriminatory.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - PSHE - Homelessness
This week in PSHE class 14 have being learning about homelessness. They then reflected on essential, important and unimportant things they have in their homes.
They then used these points to orally tell their peers using the traverse Oracy strategy.
Category: Year 5