Year 5 (Class 12) - P.E - Dance Routines
Class 12 have been working hard in groups to choreograph a dance routines.
We gave discussed rhythm and beats to keep in time with the music. They have also looked at making sure we include a variety of actions and dynamics.
The children have all come up with some lovely routines which…
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 13) - Art - Remembrance Day
Class 13 made a beautiful piece of artwork as we thought about Remembrance Day and what it means to people all over the world.
Well done class 13.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - Design Technology - Running Stitch
Class 14 first practised their running stitch and then sewed bookmarks using 2 pieces of fabric.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 - Computing Club - Lego NXT Top Spinner
Everyone is loving the Lego NXT sets we have in school.
One group has successfully made a top spinner!
Well done!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 12) - Religious Education - PowerPoint Presentations
Children planned, designed and presented their own PowerPoint presentation to the class, show casing all they have learnt about the symbols used in Sikhism.
They all had excellent knowledge of the 5k’s and most showed other symbols (the Khanda, Nishan Sahib and the Guru Granth…
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - Oracy & Science - Classification of Living Things
Class 14 have started their new science topic of classification of living things.
Today they used their Oracy skills to decide as a group how to classify animals into 2 groups then 2 subgroups.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 - Art - Remembrance Day
Our final remembrance art pieces are complete and look wonderful displayed as a group. The children have worked hard and used the artist Jaqueline Hurley (remembrance artist) as their inspiration.
We will remember them - Lest we forget.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - English - WW2 Non-Chronological Reports
Class 14 have been writing non-chronological reports on WWII take a look at some of our final pieces.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 - Computing Club - Door Alarm
Antoni and Jamie successfully programmed a robot door alarm with the Lego Mindstorm Kits we have in school.
Well done!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - Art - WW2
Class 14 have created amazing perspective art work with a WWII focus. Take a look at their artistic journeys…
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - Anti Racism Day
Class 14 took part in anti-racism day.
We discussed different scenarios and why they were racist actions.
The children then made posters on how to deal with racism. Check them out!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 12) - Wear Red Day
Class 12 worked hard thinking about how to ‘Step up to racism’.
We thought about how multicultural our class is and how we would want to be treated and how to treat others. We also thought about what we would do if we saw Anton be being raciest towards others.
Lots of children embraced the…
Category: Year 5