Nursery - Colour Exploration

Image of Nursery - Colour Exploration

This week in Nursery we have been exploring shaving foam and observing what was happening with it when we added food colouring.

The children commented: ''it's like soap'', ''It smells like bubble gum''.

We have also made colour experiments using skittles and water. The children were excited…

Category: Nursery

Science Art


Year 6 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Around School

Image of Year 6 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Around School

Our Bartsy activism art has been placed around school to spread a positive message. From Mrs Wainwright’s office to the Boys and Girls toilets, the dinner hall, our water coolers and recycle bins.

Even Mr Worsnop has one in his office warning of the dangers of AI.

Category: Year 6



Year 5 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Around School

Image of Year 5 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Around School

Our Bartsy activism art has been placed around school to spread a positive message. From Mrs Wainwright’s office to the Boys and Girls toilets, the dinner hall, our water coolers and recycle bins.

Even Mr Worsnop has one in his office warning of the dangers of AI.

Category: Year 5



Year 6 - Art - Banksy Activism Art

Image of Year 6 - Art - Banksy Activism Art

Our Bartsy activism art is now proudly on display.

Arianna was very happy that Bartsy took time out to sign hers for her.

She took it home for safe keeping and said she would treasure it.

Category: Year 6



Year 5 - Art - Banksy Activism Art

Image of Year 5 - Art - Banksy Activism Art

Our Bartsy activism art is now proudly on display.

Arianna was very happy that Bartsy took time out to sign hers for her.

She took it home for safe keeping and said she would treasure it.

Category: Year 5



Year 2 (Class 7) - History - Remembrance Day

Image of Year 2 (Class 7) - History - Remembrance Day

Class 7 have been thinking about Remembrance Day, we have discussed what it means to us, what it means to our families and other families.

We have watched videos and created poems and art work to support this.  

Category: Year 2

Art History Religious Education


Year 2 (Class 6) - History - Remembrance

Image of Year 2 (Class 6) - History - Remembrance

We have been thinking about Remembrance in class 6.

We talked about peace and what we do to feel peaceful.

We created a poppy collage to go alongside our writing.

Category: Year 2

Art History


Year 5 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Video 2

Image of Year 5 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Video 2

Bartsy met with Mr Dawson over the holidays!

He was very impressed with all the children’s work! He’s signed a piece especially for Ariana and stamped the rest of your art.  

Look out for yours popping up around school!

Well done year 5 and 6 we are all proud of…

Category: Year 5



Year 6 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Video 2

Image of Year 6 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Video 2

Bartsy met with Mr Dawson over the holidays!

He was very impressed with all the children’s work! He’s signed a piece especially for Ariana and stamped the rest of your art.  

Look out for yours popping up around school!

Well done year 5 and 6 we are all proud of…

Category: Year 6



Reception (Class 1) - Scarecrows

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Scarecrows

This week to finish off our learning about Autumn we have been finding out about Scarecrows!

We had enjoyed reading stories about Scarecrows and finding out why farmers have them, and how to make them!

So we decided to make our own.

We worked together as a class to create our very own…

Category: Reception

Science Art Design Technology


Nursery - Halloween Fun

Image of Nursery - Halloween Fun

In nursery this week we have been exploring pumpkins. The children loved looking at them, describing and painting them.

We have been ordering them according to their size and checking which ones are heavy and light.  We opened them up and saw what was inside.

The children learnt pumpkin song…

Category: Nursery

Science Art Music PSHE


Year 5 (Class 15) - Art - Activism

Image of Year 5 (Class 15) - Art - Activism

Class 15 have finished their Banksy inspired piece of activism art this week.

They have risen to the challenge that Bartsy set them and produced some fabulous work.

Their art will be popping up in various areas of school over the coming weeks once Bartsy has judged their work.

Category: Year 5
