Year 2 (Class 6) - Science - Experiments

Image of Year 2 (Class 6) - Science - Experiments

In class 6, we carried out an experiment to find out which material would make the best pair of curtains.

We made our predictions, carried out a fair test then ordered the materials from the one that blocked out the most light to the least light.

We found the card would be the best choice of…

Category: Year 2



Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Hearing

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Hearing

Today we investigated how animals’ ear shapes and sizes affect their hearing. 

We discussed the different animals we knew with good hearing and then looked at pictures of animals that live in the wild. We shared our ideas about how and why their ears move. 

We then tested different ear sizes…

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Wildlife Club

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Wildlife Club

Wildlife garden club has begun! We are so lucky to finally have some space to develop in order to grow our own flowers, fruits and vegetables.

We have a lot of work to do before we can start growing. We have made a start by filling some of the beds made by our teachers over the Summer.


Category: Year 3



Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - The Human Ear

Image of Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - The Human Ear

This week in science we have been looking at the human ear and investigating whether the size and shape of ears effect what we can hear.

We also looked at BSL and practiced signing our names and some useful phrases.

Here we signed we love science at St Bart’s.

Category: Year 4



Year 4 (Class 10) - Science - Animal Ears

Image of Year 4 (Class 10) - Science - Animal Ears

Class 10 have been testing out animal ears on the playground. Firstly, we made cones to represent differently sized animal ears.

We then took our animal ears and stood 2m, 5m and 10m away from our partner who made a noise to see which ear helped us to hear most clearly.

We then talked about…

Category: Year 4



Year 3 (Class 10) - Science - Animal Ears

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - Science - Animal Ears

Class 10 have been testing out animal ears on the playground. Firstly, we made cones to represent differently sized animal ears.

We then took our animal ears and stood 2m, 5m and 10m away from our partner who made a noise to see which ear helped us to hear most clearly.

We then talked about…

Category: Year 3



Year 6 (Class 17) - Science - The Solar System

Image of Year 6 (Class 17) - Science - The Solar System

Well done to class 17 for a wonderful presentation on geocentric and heliocentric theories about our solar system.

Category: Year 6



Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Data Loggers

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Data Loggers

We investigated which sounds travel the furthest by testing high and low pitch sounds and recording it using data loggers.

We recorded the data in tables and compared our results as a class.

Category: Year 3



Year 5 (Class 13) - Science - The Solar System

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - Science - The Solar System

Class 13 have had lots of fun taking on the roles of scientists this week.

They have produced this video explaining how it took many scientists many years to prove that the solar system is heliocentric (sun at the centre) not geocentric (Earth at the centre) as first thought.

Take a…

Category: Year 5



Year 5 (Class 14) - Science - The Shape of the World

Image of Year 5 (Class 14) - Science - The Shape of the World

Class 14 have been learning all about the history of how scientists have developed the idea of the world being flat, to what we know now, that the world is a sphere. 


Category: Year 5



Reception (Class 1) - What's Inside our Bodies?

Image of Reception (Class 1) - What's Inside our Bodies?

Today we continued our learning about our bodies and discussed what is inside!

We had a look at pictures of our skeleton, our bones and some x-ray pictures too! The children then, using the drawing of Hannah from the previous lesson, label the body using the x-ray pictures of the bones! Class 1…

Category: Reception



Reception (Class 1) - Our Bodies

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Our Bodies

This week to carry on our learning of 'Who am I? Where do I belong?' we have been focusing on our bodies.

Today we draw around Hannah's body and then the children worked together to add the name labels for the different parts of the body, including elbow, toenail and ear!

The children then…

Category: Reception
