1 February 2024

Class 11 have used their oracy skills to explore different real life Stone Age artefacts.
They thought about what they were, what it was used for and what it was made from. We discovered there was a spindle Whorl to help when twisting fibres together to make cloth, a flint hand axe from over a million years ago, a Stone Age axe that would have been attached to a wooden handle from around 5000 years ago, a bronze axe head from around 2700-4500 years ago and a small piece of flint probably used for cleaning animal skin to make leather from between 10,500 and 4000 years ago.
It was fascinating to be touching and looking at pieces of Stone Age history.
Year 4 (Class 11) - Oracy - Stone Age Artefacts
Posted by Paul Worsnop
Category: Year 4