Nursery - Slopes and Heights/Angles

Image of Nursery - Slopes and Heights/Angles

We have been experimenting with slopes at different heights/angles to see which one helps the cars move faster and go further.

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Rocks and Hedgehogs

Image of Nursery - Rocks and Hedgehogs

A wonderful start to the week, we have been pairing socks, sorting natural resources into groups, painting hedgehogs using a folk to make the spikes and using leaves, pasta, pipe cleaners and matchsticks to make collage hedgehogs. 

We are using some great words to describe the hedgehogs, such…

Category: Nursery


Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - Fossils

Image of Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - Fossils

In science we have been looking at how fossils are formed.

We also made our own dinosaur fossils and explained how we made them.

Category: Year 4


Year 2 (Class 5) - P.E - Matball

Image of Year 2 (Class 5) - P.E - Matball

Class 5 have been learning a new game called matball with the PE coach Leon.

It’s a bit like dodgeball!

We have really enjoyed playing it and can’t wait to play it again. 

Category: Year 2


Year 1 (Class 5) - P.E - Matball

Image of Year 1 (Class 5) - P.E - Matball

Class 5 have been learning a new game called mat ball with the PE coach Leon.

It’s a bit like dodgeball!

We have really enjoyed playing it and can’t wait to play it again. 

Category: Year 1


Year 4 (Class 11) - P.E - Ice Skating

Image of Year 4 (Class 11) - P.E - Ice Skating

Class 11 had improved massively over the 2 weeks and were skating around with confidence. 

Category: Year 4


Year 4 (Class 10) - Geography - Brazil

Image of Year 4 (Class 10) - Geography - Brazil

Class 10 had a lot of fun in Geography today. We learned about Brazil and how, in 1960, it’s capital city changed from Rio de Janeiro to Brazilia.

We looked at all of the reasons that they decided to move the capital and concluded that the most important reason was that they needed more space.…

Category: Year 4


Year 3 (Class 10) - Geography - Brazil

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - Geography - Brazil

Class 10 had a lot of fun in Geography today. We learned about Brazil and how, in 1960, it’s capital city changed from Rio de Janeiro to Brazilia.

We looked at all of the reasons that they decided to move the capital and concluded that the most important reason was that they needed more space.…

Category: Year 3


Year 3 (Class 9) - French

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - French

Today we did some role play in school in our French lesson.

Children took their chance to take on the role of teacher and practiced classroom commands such as ‘ecoutez’ and ‘taisez-vous’. 

Category: Year 3


Reception Parents - Phonics Open Morning

Image of Reception Parents - Phonics Open Morning

We were delighted to welcome reception parents and our chair of governors into school this week for our phonics information morning. 

Our English and phonics leaders delivered a presentation to parents outlining our approach to teaching phonics using the 'Essential Letters and Sounds' programme…

Category: Reception


Year 5 (Class 14) - Rugby

Image of Year 5 (Class 14) - Rugby

Class 14 made the most of the wet weather by practicing their rugby skills in the hall.  

Children recapped over their passing skills, running with the ball and finished with a number of ‘bench rugby ball’ games. 

Category: Year 5


Reception (Class 1) - Maths

Image of Reception (Class 1) - Maths

In maths this week we have been learning all about numbers 1 2 3 and all the different ways to represent them.

As a class we made a huge poster and everyone added something on to it; 2 circles, number block 3, 1 robot, 2 apples etc.

Category: Reception