Year 2 (Class 6) - Computing - Researchers
In computing, class 6 have started our new topic, all about being researchers.
Today we found out how search engines work and how to search on the internet safely before beginning our research about sea creatures.
Category: Year 2
Year 4 (Class 12) - Computing - Garage Band
Class 12 have enjoyed using garage band this term and have created some fantastic songs.
Category: Year 4
Year 3 (Class 9) - Computing / Music - Garage Band Videos
Today in class 9 we really enjoyed composing our own music using garage band.
Category: Year 3
Year 2 (Class 7) - Computing - Stop Motion Videos
Year 2 have been working to create their own animations. They have used stop motion animation, drawn a story board, created their own props and moved them millimetre by millimetre taking pictures each time to create their story.
They then added audio and reviewed other films.
They have…
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 6) - Computing - Stop Motion (Under the Sea Animation)
Class 6 have worked really hard in Computing to create an under-the-sea animation in Stop Motion.
Category: Year 2
Year 6 - ICT Club - Wikipedia Page Comments
This week in ICT club we learnt how to enable comments on our Wikipedia page.
Everyone then left a comment on each others wiki page.
We also discussed the importance of been kind and respectful to others when been online.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 - ICT Club - Wikipedia Page Comments
This week in ICT club we learnt how to enable comments on our Wikipedia page.
Everyone then left a comment on each others wiki page.
We also discussed the importance of been kind and respectful to others when been online.
Category: Year 5
Year 2 (Class 6) - Computing - Stop Motion Studio
In class 6, we have been busy creating a story board as we are going to make our own video on Stop Motion Studio!
Category: Year 2
Year 3 (Class 9) - Computing - Garage Band
In out computing lessons we have been using the garage band app.
Today we used sheet music and the smart piano to play the tune for Mary had a little lamb.
Category: Year 3
Year 6 - ICT Club - Developing Wikipedia Pages
We have been improving our Wikipedia pages this week in ICT club.
Everyone has successfully created an external website link and also chosen a 'featured' image for their page.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 - ICT Club - Developing Wikipedia Pages
We have been improving our Wikipedia pages this week in ICT club.
Everyone has successfully created an external website link and also chosen a 'featured' image for their page.
Category: Year 5
Reception (Class 1) - Computing - Technology Skills
Somebody has been using Miss Poole's iPad to take their own pictures!
Reception love showing off their technology skills when using the iPad!
Category: Reception