Year 5 - Computing Club - Lego Mindstorms Laptop Programs

Image of Year 5 - Computing Club - Lego Mindstorms Laptop Programs

This week in computing club most groups began to program their robots using a laptop.

The Lego NXT software allows you to adjust your robots speed, direction and even talk.

Everyone is learning how to program really quickly, well done!

Category: Year 5



Year 6 - Computing Club - Lego Mindstorm Robots

Image of Year 6 - Computing Club - Lego Mindstorm Robots

It was our first week in computing club, we are using the Lego Mindstorm kits to build a robot.

Once they have been built, we can use Lego software to make them move and speak!

Category: Year 6



Year 5 - Computing Club - Lego Mindstorm Robots

Image of Year 5 - Computing Club - Lego Mindstorm Robots

It was our first week in computing club, we are using the Lego Mindstorm kits to build a robot.

Once they have been built, we can use Lego software to make them move and speak!

Category: Year 5



Year 6 (Class 15) - Computing - Internet Safety

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - Computing - Internet Safety

This term, class 15 have been learning all about how the internet works and about how children can keep themselves safe, here are some examples of their finished work.

Category: Year 6



Year 5 (Class 15) - Computing - Internet Safety

Image of Year 5 (Class 15) - Computing - Internet Safety

This term, class 15 have been learning all about how the internet works and about how children can keep themselves safe, here are some examples of their finished work.

Category: Year 5



Year 3 (Class 9) - Computing - Micro bits (Rock, Paper, Scissors Game)

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Computing - Micro bits (Rock, Paper, Scissors Game)

In class 9 we have coded a rock, paper, scissors game on the make code website and downloaded to our game to a micro bit. 

We had lots of fun playing the game in class.

Category: Year 3



Year 6 - ICT Club - Micro bit Digital Pets

Image of Year 6 - ICT Club - Micro bit Digital Pets

In ICT club this week we learnt how to make our own digital pet.

If the timer reached 20, our pet showed a sad face on the LED display and made a sad sound on the built-in speaker outputs.

If it reached 30, our pet fell asleep.

Well done everyone!

Category: Year 6



Year 5 - ICT Club - Micro bit Digital Pets

Image of Year 5 - ICT Club - Micro bit Digital Pets

In ICT club this week we learnt how to make our own digital pet.

If the timer reached 20, our pet showed a sad face on the LED display and made a sad sound on the built-in speaker outputs.

If it reached 30, our pet fell asleep.

Well done everyone!

Category: Year 5



Year 5 (Class 13) - Computing - Online Safety

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - Computing - Online Safety

For the last couple of weeks, class 13 have been discussing online safety and the risks of being online. 

The children have then completed online safety booklets to remind them how to be safe in various circumstances. 

These booklets will be coming home with your child so they always have…

Category: Year 5



Year 2 (Class 7) - Computing - Internet Safety & Powerpoint

Image of Year 2 (Class 7) - Computing - Internet Safety & Powerpoint

Class 7 have been working hard in their computing lessons learning how to use the internet safely, making sure they are SMART in what they do. 

They have researched a topic, created a mind map and created a PowerPoint with this information, including pictures. 

The pupils have worked hard…

Category: Year 2



Year 3 (Class 9) - PSHE - Internet Safety

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - PSHE - Internet Safety

Today we reinforced how to use the internet safely. 

We completed an activity booklet to show off everything we know about being safe online.

Category: Year 3

Computing PSHE


Year 6 - ICT Club - Snap the Dot Game

Image of Year 6 - ICT Club - Snap the Dot Game

This week we worked together to create a game called 'Snap the dot'.

'Snap the dot' is a game of skill where the player has to press 'A' exactly when the dot reaches the center of the screen.

The code included 'forever' and 'if' loops. We talked through why these are used in coding.


Category: Year 6
