Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Fluency Skills

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Fluency Skills

Today we practiced developing our fluency skills. 

We focused on expression and we marked each other using our fluency scale.

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - Computing / Music - Garage Band Videos

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Computing / Music - Garage Band Videos

Today in class 9 we really enjoyed composing our own music using garage band.

Category: Year 3

Computing Music


Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Reading to Each Other

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Reading to Each Other

Today we shared our books with friends. 

We shared our favourite bits and read to each other. 

We really enjoyed it!

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 11) - Design Technology - Mummification

Image of Year 3 (Class 11) - Design Technology - Mummification

Class 11 have been looking at the Ancient Egyptians this half term. After our visit to the Leeds Museum, and seeing a primary source of information with the mummy, we have decided to try and make our own (using tomatoes). 

We scooped out the insides, but  decided not to put them in canopic…

Category: Year 3

Design Technology


Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Crops & Wild Flowers

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Crops & Wild Flowers

Today we checked on our onions and garlic. Then we prepared beds for sowing. 

We scattered wildflowers and poppy seeds onto our ‘bed of flowers’ in which we found a full ant colony busying away! Hopefully we didn’t disturb them too much. We also planted some carrots, lettuces and runner beans…

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - Music - Strumming Chords

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Music - Strumming Chords

Today we worked on understanding finger numbers and position when strumming chords. 

We practiced changing positions between chords we have learnt. 

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - Maths - 12 Times Table

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Maths - 12 Times Table

Class 9 have been learning their 12 times tables this term. 

We had fun playing connect 4 whilst practising our new number facts. 

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - Languages - Bonne Nuit Petit Monstre Vert

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Languages - Bonne Nuit Petit Monstre Vert

Class 9 have really enjoyed reading Bonne Nuit Petit Monstre Vert in our French lesson. 

We have built up so much vocabulary this year that we could translate loads of the story. 


Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - Commando Joe's - Building a Tall Structure

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Commando Joe's - Building a Tall Structure

Today in Commando Joe's our challenge was to build the tallest structure we could that would stay standing independently. 

We worked in teams and developed our communication skills as well as building our resilience when things did not go to plan!

Category: Year 3

Commando Joe's


Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Book Discussions

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Book Discussions

Today we enjoyed or regular library slot. 

We take time to choose books we want to read and then sit and enjoy. 

We share what we have enjoyed about books we have borrowed and make recommendations. 

Category: Year 3

English Phonics and Reading


Year 3 (Class 9) - PSHE - Calling 999

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - PSHE - Calling 999

Today we looked dialling 999. - how to do it from various devices, what counts as an emergency situation and what we might say on a call. 

We simulated calls between each other to practice what we would say. 

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - Commando Joe's - Memory & Observation Skills

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Commando Joe's - Memory & Observation Skills

Today we tested our memories and observation skills. 

We had to remember as many items from our base camp as we could and then we had to try and identify what item had been removed. 

It was harder than it looked!

Category: Year 3

Commando Joe's