Year 6 (Class 17) - PSHE - HMP Not for Me
Well done class 17 for a wonderful, exciting day full of very good questions with HMP Not For Me.
We learnt about illegal drugs, alcohol, laws and even got a chance to see what a prison cell looks like.
We acted very mature and were very polite to our visitor.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 16) - Music - Dreaming of Mars
Class 16 have enjoyed creating their own musical composition to the song, ‘Dreaming of Mars.’
Category: Year 6
Year 6 - Homework Challenges
Year 5 and 6 have been working hard on their homework challenges.
We have had some excellent work brought in that we are very proud of, so proud in fact that we now have a new display in our shared area to display the children's hard work.
Any work displayed will receive extra trackit…
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 17) - Design Technology - Cams
Class 17 have been working hard at understanding how cams work.
We built a basic toy together to test out our different cams and how they make the toy move.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 - Leeds United Foundation - Railway Safety
Leeds United Foundation visited the school (in partnership with Network Rail) to deliver a ‘Railway Safety’ assembly to year 6.
The assembly covered areas such as the dangers of tracks and how the railways can be used safely.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 17) - P.E - Rugby
Class 17 have started working with sports coaches from Leeds Beckett university.
We had a fun first session with them introducing the class to rugby.
Well done class 17!
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 15) - Science - Mass and Weight
Class 15 enjoyed measuring and comparing the mass and weight of different items in class for science.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 15) - Science - Three Gorges Dam
Class 15 enjoyed researching the Three Gorges Dam and then debating the negative and positive effects it has on Earth.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 15) - Odd Socks Day
Class 15 fully embraced Anti-Bullying week by joining in the odd sock day to celebrate our differences.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 17) - English - Author Visit
Thank you to Daniel Ingram-Brown who came to school and did a spooky, scary workshop with our year 5 and 6 children in preparation for their scary stories.
We had so much fun making up our creatures with you and hearing all about your new books.
Many of us got them signed!
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 16) - English - Author Visit
This week, year 5 and 6 had a great time when the author Daniel Ingram-Brown came and visited.
He spoke to class 16 about scary stories and we began writing our own character and scary story as a class.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Around School
Our Bartsy activism art has been placed around school to spread a positive message. From Mrs Wainwright’s office to the Boys and Girls toilets, the dinner hall, our water coolers and recycle bins.
Even Mr Worsnop has one in his office warning of the dangers of AI.
Category: Year 6