Year 6 - Inner West Youth Summit

Image of Year 6 - Inner West Youth Summit

We started our journey (with Mr Needham) on the school minibus (kindly driven by Miss Lawson) before getting dropped off at Leeds Civic Hall.

We had the opportunity to look at the civic hall building before we ventured inside to sign in.  We enjoyed refreshments and meeting other children from…

Category: Year 6



Year 2 (Class 7) - History - Kings and Queens

Image of Year 2 (Class 7) - History - Kings and Queens

Year 2 and class 7 took part in a Kings and Queens day. The children dressed up as kings, queens, knights, lords and princesses.

They made and decorated crowns, designed and decorated shields and some children even made swords and fans to finish off their outfits.

They built castles in…

Category: Year 2



Year 2 (Class 6) - Kings and Queens Day

Image of Year 2 (Class 6) - Kings and Queens Day

Class 6 have had an amazing Kings and Queens Day! 

We came to school in our royal clothes, then made crowns and shields to add to our outfits. We had a fashion show to show off our beautiful costumes! 

We used different construction materials to make castles, watched the coronations of Queen…

Category: Year 2


Year 3 (Class 8) - P.E - Dodgeball Tournament

Image of Year 3 (Class 8) - P.E - Dodgeball Tournament

Poland won the end of half term class 8 dodgeball tournament, beating the traditional powerhouses of England and Portugal and narrowly overcoming dark horses Slovakia.

More importantly, all the teams demonstrated great teamwork, communication and co-operation.

The tournament was played with…

Category: Year 3

Physical Education


Year 3 / Year 4 (Class 10) - Collective Worship Song

Image of Year 3 / Year 4 (Class 10) - Collective Worship Song

Class 10 have worked hard to rework the lyrics of a popular song, and it is fast becoming our favourite song to sing!

Our song reminds us of the amazing things we do in St Bart's, and how thankful we all are to be here.

Here we are singing it - and a big thank you to Mr Wedge for playing the…

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Year 4 (Class 10) - RE - Collective Worship Song

Image of Year 4 (Class 10) - RE - Collective Worship Song

Class 10 have worked hard to rework the lyrics of a popular song, and it is fast becoming our favourite song to sing!

Our song reminds us of the amazing things we do in St Bart's, and how thankful we all are to be here.

Here we are singing it - and a big thank you to Mr Wedge for playing the…

Category: Year 4

Religious Education


Year 3 (Class 10) - R.E - Collective Worship Song

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - R.E - Collective Worship Song

Class 10 have worked hard to rework the lyrics of a popular song, and it is fast becoming our favourite song to sing!

Our song reminds us of the amazing things we do in St Bart's, and how thankful we all are to be here.

Here we are singing it - and a big thank you to Mr Wedge for playing the…

Category: Year 3

Religious Education


Year 4 (Class 10) - Cultural Education - Black History Month

Image of Year 4 (Class 10) - Cultural Education - Black History Month

Class 10 had a great time working collaboratively to create fact files about Maggie Alderin-Pocock for Black History month.

Maggie is a doctor of mechanical engineering and a space scientist.

We talked about how she is a fantastic role model and how she has shown that you can do anything you…

Category: Year 4

Cultural Education


Year 3 (Class 10) - Cultural Education - Black History Month

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - Cultural Education - Black History Month

Class 10 had a great time working collaboratively to create fact files about Maggie Alderin-Pocock for Black History month.

Maggie is a doctor of mechanical engineering and a space scientist.

We talked about how she is a fantastic role model and how she has shown that you can do anything you…

Category: Year 3

Cultural Education


Year 6 (Class 16) - Collective Worship Song

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - Collective Worship Song

Class 16 have worked hard at creating a song based off of our St Bart’s characteristics for worship this week.

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - Worship Song

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - Worship Song

Class 16 have worked hard at creating a song based off of our St Bart’s characteristics for worship this week.

Category: Year 6

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 17) - English - Newspaper Story

Image of Year 6 (Class 17) - English - Newspaper Story

Class 17 enjoyed working in groups in English to create a newspaper story from a given headline.  

Children worked really well discussing different ideas and they then presented their newspaper stories! 

Category: Year 6
