Year 3 (Class 9) - French - Writing a Script
Year 3 enjoyed writing a French play script using all of the words we have learned over the last few weeks!
Category: Year 3
Nursery - Learning about Owls
In nursery this week we continued to learn about autumn. We have made story maps and retold the story of 'Owl Babies' using puppets and owl soft toys. We have made nests for owls and fed the owls with some worms (counted to 5).
On our creative table we have been rolling conkers, making collage…
Category: Nursery
Science Design Technology English Maths
Year 5 (Class 13) - French - Conversations
Class 13 have been learning the french words for items in their pencil cases.
We practised our conversational french and a few children were brave enough to show the class how well they had done.
Category: Year 5
Year 3 (Class 9) - R.E - Singing Hymns
We enjoyed singing our hymns in our collective worship at the end of the day.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 9) - PSHE - Passing Laws
Today we made our own campaign for passing laws about things that matter to us.
We made posters explaining why these laws are important and how they will help people.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 9) - Commando Joe's - Obstacles
Today we developed our teamwork skills by overcoming obstacles in the Amazon.
Category: Year 3
Year 2 (Class 6) - Word Processing Skills
In class 6, we have been learning word processing skills in our computing sessions.
We have learnt how to login to the laptops and have been using Microsoft Word to produce a word document all about ourselves.
We have learnt how to use the keyboard, how to correct spelling mistakes, how to…
Category: Year 2
Year 6 - Homework Club Attendance
Homework Club in years 5 and 6 is proving extremely popular - children can attend every Monday and Thursday lunchtime.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 - Homework Club Attendance
Homework Club in years 5 and 6 is proving extremely popular - children can attend every Monday and Thursday lunchtime.
Category: Year 5
Year 2 (Class 5) - PSHE - Moods and Worries
This week in PSHCE we discussed what it is like to worry and how it can effect our mood.
We discussed different things we can do if we worry, one of those was to meditate.
The children enjoyed the time to reflect and think.
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 5) - Maths - 2D Shapes
This week we have looked at 2d shapes today we looked at making 2d shapes using different materials.
We had to really look at the shape to work out how to create it. It’s really helped us recognise the names of a variety of shapes.
Category: Year 2
Year 3 (Class 9) - Computing - Word Processing Skills
Class 9 have been practicing their word processing skills.
Category: Year 3