Year 4 (Class 12) - Maths - Multiplying
Today we practiced multiplying by 1 and 0.
We consolidated our multiplication knowledge by tackling some ‘fast finishers’ challenge cards and then we practiced our times tables on TT Rockstars.
Category: Year 4
Year 3 (Class 9) - PSHE - Government Survey
Today we had our say by filling in the national survey produced by the government in order to find out what we really want.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Garden Wildlife Club
Today we continued to build our compost heap for next year and we got rid of all the new weeds growing in our school memorial garden.
Category: Year 3
Year 2 (Class 6) - Geography - The Four Seasons
Class 6 have continued our weather topic in geography.
Today we have explored the four seasons, thinking about the weather in each season and what happens to nature as the seasons change.
We have created paintings to show this.
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 6) - Maths - Base 10 and Subtraction
Class 6 are carrying on with our addition and subtraction work in Maths.
Today, we have used the Base 10 to practically explore subtraction.
Category: Year 2
Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - The Water Cycle
To day we learnt about the water cycle. We explored the condensation and evaporation that took place in our own classroom.
We drew the water cycle on the bag and watched the rain inside.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Book Recommendation
Here is a book recommendation from a pupil in class 9.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Editing
Today we worked on our editing and redrafting skills.
First we worked in pairs to edit a piece of work.
Then we used the skill we had learnt to improve our own writing.
Category: Year 3
Nursery - Colour Exploration
This week in Nursery we have been exploring shaving foam and observing what was happening with it when we added food colouring.
The children commented: ''it's like soap'', ''It smells like bubble gum''.
We have also made colour experiments using skittles and water. The children were excited…
Category: Nursery
Year 5 (Class 13) - Amazing Homework!
Hamah in class 13 has built a mechanical toy at home!
Take a look, its awesome!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 14) - RE - Values
Class 14 have been learning about the values we have and how they shape us as people.
We have also looked at rules and how they are different depending on where we are at the time.
Category: Year 5
Year 6 (Class 17) - Science - Mechanisms
Class 17 have been learning about mechanisms and how pulleys and levers can help make tricky jobs easier.
Tino and Brian had fun demonstrating how the sack wheels work.
Category: Year 6