Year 4 - Football Team (21.02.2023)
Well done to the Year 3/4 football team.
They did fantastically well progressing out of their group and narrowly missed out on penalties to qualifying to the next round.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - History - Gladiator Schools
Class 10 have been advertising their own gladiator schools! We learned about what ianistas (the owners of gladiators) did to make sure they got all of the sponsorship money.
We then worked in groups to come up with a sales pitch, ready to present to the Emperor. We talked about how we would…
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Magnets
Today we learned how to make magnets out of metal nails.
We tested how long they stay magnetised for in our own way and compared our results.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - R.E - Bhangra Dancing
Class 10 have been learning about how people express their faith in different forms.
We learned about how Vaisakhi is celebrated, which is a festival observed in Punjab similar to a harvest festival.
We learned how people express themselves through Bhangra dancing and had a go at it…
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Magnetic Fields
Class 11 have looked at the magnetic field of the earth and how we can use this to find where we are going.
We used compass’s to find the direction of different landmarks in the area located around the playground.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - Magnetic Poles
Today we learnt about magnetic poles. We tested different magnets and tried to put like poles together.
We recorded what we found and then learned how a compass works.
We used this to do a treasure hunt of famous Leeds landmarks and familiar local places.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - PSHE - Put Downs
Class 10 have been learning about how to respond to put downs.
We learned that a put down is something that makes you feel bad and said to deliberately make you feel like you can’t do something.
We then talked about characters in stories who faced put downs and discussed strategies they…
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 12) - Computing - Green Screen Filming
Today we began our filming using our green screen app.
We found photos on the internet for our backgrounds and prepared the props we will need.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - Reading - Contrasting Characters
In reading, class 10 have been comparing and contrasting characters from the same story.
We worked in groups of 3 or 4 to explain what was similar and different about characters.
Miss Matley and Mr Wedge were very impressed with some of the debates that were happening, including how one of…
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - PSHE - Opinions of Others
Class 10 have been learning about respecting the opinions of others in PSHE.
We listened to two different versions of the same story and decided whether we thought the villain was really a villain or not. We had the opportunity to ask the characters some questions to help us make our minds…
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 12) - Computing - Roman News Scripts
Today in computing we worked on our scripts for our Roman news programmes.
We finalised what we will be saying and what props and costumes we will need ready for filming against our green screen next week.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - Commando Joes - Roman Battle
Class 10 had a fantastic time doing Commando Joes!
We pretended to be a Roman legion marching into battle! We were led by Miss Matley (who turned out to be a tough general!) and practiced marching in sync with each other by copying the person in front.
We then split into smaller teams where…
Category: Year 4