Year 5 (Class 13) - The Twits

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - The Twits

Class 13 enjoying listening Mr Needham reading ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl.

Category: Year 5

English Phonics and Reading


Year 5 (Class 13) - Computing - The School Network

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - Computing - The School Network

Class 13 have been learning the components of our school network system to aid their understanding of how the internet works.

Category: Year 5



Year 5 (Class 13) - Art - Mono Prints

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - Art - Mono Prints

Class 13 have enjoyed learning how to make a mono print today. 

They traced and transferred their image onto styro foam and them printed in the style of Andy Warhol.

Well done class 13! 

Category: Year 5



Year 5 - Lunchtime Activities

Image of Year 5 - Lunchtime Activities

Years 5 and 6 are enjoying their lunchtimes.  

Children have a range of activities to take part in, or they can just enjoy socialising!

Category: Year 5

Physical Education


Year 5 - ICT Club - Wikipedia Pages

Image of Year 5 - ICT Club - Wikipedia Pages

In our first week of ICT club we were using WordPress again but this time we are designing our own Wikipedia page.

Everyone made great progress and quickly understood the basics of the WordPress GUI.

Category: Year 5



Year 5 (Class 15) - Art - Pop Art & Print

Image of Year 5 (Class 15) - Art - Pop Art & Print

Class 15 have started their new art topic. 

This half term we will be focusing on pop art and print. The artist we will be using for our inspiration is Andy Warhol with a Greek twist. The children completed their Warhol style selfies this week. 

They did a great job well done class…

Category: Year 5



Year 5 (Class 13) - R.E - Forgiveness

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - R.E - Forgiveness

Class 13 received talk tokens and they were given a real life scenario about the fight between Eubank and Watson and they had to decided whether they forgive or not. 


Category: Year 5

Religious Education


KS2 - Music - Back Chat Brass Performance

Image of KS2 - Music - Back Chat Brass Performance

The key stage 2 children had a brilliant day today listening to a brass band. 

Back Chat Brass came into teach the children all about brass instruments and play their favourite songs. It was brilliant to hear such talented musicians playing live in school. 

Thank you to the band for sharing…

Category: Year 5



Year 5 (Class 14) - P.E - Basketball

Image of Year 5 (Class 14) - P.E - Basketball

Class 14 completed their basketball topic by recapping over all the skills covered in the topic before playing in a three team tournament.  

Category: Year 5

Physical Education


Choir & Performing Arts Club - Parent Performances

Image of Choir & Performing Arts Club - Parent Performances

An amazing term of practicing in the choir and the performing arts club ended in a brilliant performance to parents. 

Every one of the children worked really hard to learn their songs and lines. Amazing solos show how talented the children of St Bart's are. 

I cannot wait to see what they…

Category: Year 5



Year 5 - ICT Club - Lego Mindstorms - Steering / Stopping

Image of Year 5 - ICT Club - Lego Mindstorms - Steering / Stopping

We have been developing the programs that we download to our robots.

Some children have worked out how to make the robot steer and stop when it heads towards a static object.

Category: Year 5



Year 5 (Class 13) - Design Technology - Making Bridges

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - Design Technology - Making Bridges

Class 13 have been set the challenge to make the longest bridge, using straws and card. 

Category: Year 5

Design Technology